"What?" Uchiha Qing turned to look at the daimyo.

The Daimyo of Yu no Kuni said: "Become the capital to compete with the five major villages."

Uchiha Ao looked surprised. As long as Uchiha Ao knew this kind of thing, he couldn't talk nonsense in front of outsiders. If it spread, it would definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

"I have never thought about it this way, and neither have the people in Huaxia Hidden World Village. Daimyo, I think you have found the wrong person. I will leave first." Uchiha Ao heard Yuno Kuni's famous words and quickly stood up to leave. .

The Yunokuni daimyo was shocked and quickly chased after Uchiha Ao.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, did I just say something wrong? How about we continue to sit down and talk? | Peizhiwei Daimyo kept saying behind Uchiha.

Uchiha Qing shook his head and said: "I think there is nothing to talk about between us. If this kind of thing spreads, it will definitely be questioned by the other five villages. So what do you want to do to our Huaxia Hidden World Village?" The situation?"

"It's my fault." Yuno Kuni Daimyo stepped forward and said, "I'm really confused. How could I have thought of this? Huaxia Hidden World Village is now in alliance with Konoha Village and is in full swing. There is no need to do this. I was confused for a moment."

Uchiha Ao stopped, the Yunokuni Daimyo was quite smart and knew how to restrain the topic at the end.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, please." Yunokuni Daimyo asked Uchiha Ao to sit down first.

Uchiha Ao reluctantly sat on the chair and said: "Although we were entrusted by Konoha to come to help you in the Country of Yu, the situation is now a foregone conclusion. Iwagakure's people have already entered your capital. Now once you retreat, then The Kingdom of Yu will all fall. We only have two hundred elite ninjas, how can we compete with the ninjas of Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village?"

The Daimyo of Yunokuni said with a flattering look: "Although I say so, with your Uchiha green god-tier strength, one person is enough to withstand one of the five major villages. Didn't you defeat Raikage in the same way back then? Even the people from the two villages of Yunwu What if I don’t dare to do anything to you?”

Uchiha Qing smiled slightly and said: "At this moment, I led the people from the Chinese Hidden World Village out in full force. If we fail, we will always be suppressed by the people from the Cloud Shinobi Village."

"That's why my warriors are so brave, but it's different now. We are here to fight with you. In addition, the strength is too different from what we can deal with. If I come here rashly with the ninjas of the Hidden World Village in China, I am doomed to fail. "Uchiha Qing said.

The Daimyo of Yuno Country said: "As long as you are willing to lend a helping hand, no matter what conditions you put forward, we, Yuno Country, will agree, and I will also deliver the troops of Yuno Country to the hands of Uchiha Ao god-tier, and you will lead our army People deal with the enemies of Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village."

Name. "At this time, following the words of Yu Zhiguo Daimyo, his subordinates began to become uneasy.

The Daimyo of Tang Country said: "Go down."

Uchiha Qing shook his head and said: "According to what we know, your remaining troops are less than a thousand. It was only by relying on the solid defense measures of the capital of Yuno Country that you could barely compete with Iwagakure's people. Now Iwagakure's people have come in." , you are completely powerless to resist."

The daimyo of Yu no country was already sweating. No matter what he said, Uchiha Ao would not easily agree to come to support Yu no country.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, what do you want me to do before you are willing to help us? Once our Yuno Country falls, it will not be a good thing for your Chinese Hidden World Village and the Konoha Village Alliance." The Daimyo of Yuno Country said helplessly Next, tell me the pros and cons.

Uchiha Qing frowned and said: "You are right. It was exactly this that made me rush over, but now it is too late."

The Daimyo of Yu no Kuni slumped down on his chair, looking desperate.

Uchiha Ao was about to change the topic. If he didn't give Yu no Kuni a strong medicine, if Huaxia Hidden World Village helped Yu No Kuni, would they remember it in their hearts?

"But." When Uchiha Ao was about to say something, suddenly there was a loud noise at the door, and Yuno Kuni guards flew out one after another.

"Daimyo, go quickly, Tsuchikage is bringing people to kill him." The guards of the country of Yu came forward and came to the daimyo of the country of Yu.

The Daimyo of Yu no Kuni stood up and said: "What? So fast? Why didn't the people outside stop me?"

"No one can stop Tsuchikage and the others." Yuno Kuni said with an innocent look.

Tsuchikage's figure slowly flew over and said: "Daimyo of Yuno Country, your capital has been captured by us. Surrender obediently to avoid unnecessary damage.

The moment Tsuchikage comes, he sees the figure of Uchiha Ao.

"Uchiha Ao, why are you here?" Tsuchikage was shocked. His men found no trace of the ninjas of the Hidden Village of China in the city, but Uchiha Ao appeared next to the Daimyo of Yunokuni.

Uchiha Ao smiled and said, "I'm just having a cup of tea with the Yuno Kuni Daimyo."

Obviously at this time, even Uchiha Qing himself knew very well that Tsuchikage was very smart. In order to prevent a large number of his men from dying, he took the initiative to look for the Yunokuni daimyo.

If the Yuno Kuni Daimyo cannot withstand the pressure and surrenders, then Iwagakure will successfully take over here.

If the daimyo of Yu no Kuni is unwilling, then Tsuchikage will kill the daimyo and things will soon calm down.

No matter what happens now, it is definitely good for Tsuchikage.

"Tsuchikage?" Uchiha973 Qing narrowed his eyes.

Tsuchikage and others began to be on guard. They did not expect that Uchiha Qinghui would arrive in front of the Yuno Kuni daimyo early.

"Uchiha Ao, do you really want to meddle in other people's business?" Tsuchikage suddenly asked Uchiha Ao in front of him.

Uchiha Ao didn't respond, he just gently picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea.

The Daimyo of Yu no Kuni became anxious and said: "Uchiha Ao god-tier, as long as you can help us in Yu No Kuni, I will definitely repay you.

"No matter what conditions you propose, I will agree to you." The Yunokuni Daimyo almost prayed to Uchiha Ao himself.

Tsuchikage smiled and said, "It seems Uchiha doesn't appreciate your kindness."

At this time, Tsuchikage could no longer bear it and said to the people around him: "Catch him."

The ninjas of Iwagakure stepped forward and began to gather in front of the Yuno Kuni daimyo. At this time, even the Yuno Kuni daimyo looked extremely frightened.

"Uchiha Ao." Yuno Kuni's name shouted.

Uchiha Ao didn't respond, just sat quietly on the chair.

Under the protection of the guards behind him, the figure of Yu Zhiguo Daimyo continued to retreat.

But now in the Daiming Mansion, Iwagakure's ninjas have surrounded the place, and the Daimyo of Yuno Country has no possibility of escaping. .

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