Uchiha Ao didn't seem to move. Tsuchikage kept a close eye on Uchiha Ao himself. If Uchiha Ao made any move, Tsuchikage would take action in time.

"Do you really want to see Iwagakure's people capture me?" Yunokuni Daimyo asked Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Ao has been sitting on the chair, motionless, and ignored the behavior of Iwagakure ninja.

Iwagakure's ninja glanced at Uchiha Ao from the corner of his eye, snorted coldly, and stepped forward to capture the Yuno Kuni Daimyo.

The guards around the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Yu were knocked to the ground, and now only the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Yu remained.

"Uchiha Qing, as long as you help me, our country of Yu is willing to become a vassal state of your Chinese Hidden Village." Yu Zhiguo closed his eyes. Uchiha Qing has never made a request. Now the daimyo of Yu Zhi can only make his request. idea.

This is the most extreme thing that the Daimyo of Yuno Country can do.

Uchiha's eyes lit up and he smiled slightly. He didn't expect that the Daimyo of Yuno Country would even put forward such a condition.

In the Ninja Alliance, only the five major villages are eligible to have vassal states, and other small villages rely on them. Although the Chinese Hidden World Village has risen, it is not strong enough to be on an equal footing with the five major villages.

With a "boom", Uchiha Aoichi teleported to the daimyo of Yu no Kuni.

Iwagakure's ninjas were shocked and quickly stepped forward to attack Uchiha.

Uchiha Qing snorted and kicked the Iwagakure ninja hard, causing the Iwagakure ninja to fly out immediately.

With a "boom", at this time, as the Iwagakure ninja was kicked out, Tsuchikage quickly stepped forward.

"Uchiha Ao, you actually protect Yunokuni?" Tsuchikage showed an angry look.

Uchiha Qing raised his head, restrained his feet, and said: "Didn't you hear just now that the Kingdom of Tang has become our vassal state, which means that if the Kingdom of Tang is in trouble, we, the people of Huaxia Hidden Village, must lend a helping hand."

The Daimyo of Yunokuni stood behind Uchiha Ao, nodding his head.

"Yes, Uchiha Ao god-tier is right." Under the panic-stricken eyes of the Yu no Kuni daimyo, he calmed down a little.

Tsuchikage stepped forward and said: "Are you deliberately going against me?"

Uchiha Ao stretched out his hands and said: "No, but I want to thank you. If you hadn't appeared, I don't know how long I would have negotiated with the Daimyo of Yunokuni. Now that you want to kill the Daimyo of Yunokuni, he I am very happy to become a vassal state of Huaxia Hidden Village."

This is what Uchiha Ao has dreamed of. Of course, Uchiha Ao did not expect that the Daimyo of Yuno Country would be so happy.

After all, at this time, the strength of Huaxia Hidden World Village is still relatively weak, and there is a big gap compared to the five major villages.

"Uchiha Ao." The secret technique in Tsuchikage's hand was used.

Uchiha Ao was shocked. Tsuchikage's secret technique may not be able to come out even after Uchiha Ao hits it.

"Earth Style." Tsuchikage roared.

Uchiha Ao grabbed the Yunokuni Daimyo's shoulder, and a figure flew through the roof.

When Uchiha Ao's feet fell to the ground, the surrounding Iwagakure ninjas surrounded him.

"It's useless. Now that the capital of Tsuchikage has been captured by us, it is surrounded by our Iwagakure ninjas. You can't escape from here. Tsuchikage slowly flew out, came to Uchiha Ao, and said: "As long as you send Tsuchikage Leave your country's name to me, and I won't make it difficult for you. "

Uchiha Ao laughed, now Tsuchikage is alarmist.

If Iwagakure's ninjas really captured the capital of Yuno Country, then how could Tsuchikage come to find the Daimyo of Yuno Country in person.

Besides, it's not that Uchiha Ao didn't send his men to grasp the situation here. At this time, there must be a certain degree of confidence that Uchiha Ao can come to the daimyo of Yuno Country.

"Tsuchikage, if you Iwagakure really captured the capital of Yuno Country so quickly, you wouldn't show up here." Uchiha said rudely: "I think you should leave here obediently now."

Tsuchikage stepped forward and said: "What did you say? I am also one of the five shadows of the village, why do you teach me a lesson?"

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes, Sharingan's Chakra continued to condense.

"As long as it is the person I, Uchiha Ao, want to protect, no one in the Ninja League can move a hair. Didn't you hear just now that the country of Yu is in our hands? As long as you leave obediently, our Huaxia Hidden World Village will not Will Iwagakure turn against me?" Uchiha Qing said extremely seriously.

Tsuchikage took a step forward and said, "What if we don't leave?"

"If you don't leave, then you will blame me for being rude to you." Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes and said, "What happened to Raikage in the past is what you are facing now.

Raikage initially provoked Uchiha Ao, but Uchiha Ao himself kept beating him back to the village and never dared to come out.

Now if Tsuchikage really wants to be so stubborn, then Uchiha Ao will use the same method.

`w Uchiha Ao, do you think that with just two hundred ninjas, you can stop our Iwagakure army of tens of thousands? Don't you know that behind us, the people of Rain Shinobi Village are still watching covetously. "Tsuchikage stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Qing smiled and said: "I know everything about the situation here. Now that I can stand in front of you and say such things, I have full confidence in dealing with you."

"What an arrogant tone. Today I will learn your ninjutsu." Tsuchikage threw away his cloak.

Although Tsuchikage is old, his ninjutsu is extremely terrifying. Once separated from this world, Uchiha Ao himself may not be able to guarantee his safe return.

"Uchiha Ao." Tsuchikage roared and used the secret technique of his hands.

Uchiha Ao Sharingan opened. The moment Tsuchikage used his secret technique, Uchiha Ao's figure jumped onto the eaves, and Sharingan's black flames kept flashing in his eyes.

"What?" Tsuchikage raised his head.

Uchiha Qing did not use the power of Sharingan against Iwagakure's people. Instead, he turned around and released the Chakra condensed in Sharingan.

"Are you sending a signal to the ninjas of the Chinese Hidden World Village behind you?" Tsuchikage was shocked.

Uchiha's green signal had been released and he turned to look at Tsuchikage.

"Tsuchikage, since you want to choose the battlefield, then we, the people of Huaxia Hidden World Village, will accompany you to the end." Uchiha Ao looked down at Tsuchikage below and said extremely seriously.

Suddenly, Tsuchikage's brows started to beat.

Outside the capital of Tang Country, the people of Huaxia Hidden World Village began to take action after receiving the signal.

"Quickly gather at the Daming Mansion of Tang Country." Lin Jiachen commanded.

Jujiro and Kimimaro came first, and the army from Huaxia Hidden World Village came slowly. Tsuchikage had already guessed that Uchiha Ao had just released a signal. ,

"Uchiha Ao, you will regret it." Tsuchikage stepped forward and said. .

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