The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 68: Instant Kill, Instant Kill! Killed 100,000 People!

Seeing that the Water Dragon Bomb Technique, Lightning Style ninjutsu, and Earth Style ninjutsu were about to hit Li Qing, Li Qing's scarlet [Ergouyu Sharingan] flashed, instantly capturing all the ninjutsu they performed Chu, almost at the next moment, he avoided the spot.


The violent Chakra exploded, and the unimaginable shock wave immediately devastated his position.

"Uchiha Flow: Sword Flame Leap!"

After dodging, Li Qing instantly appeared behind several robots, and Shinigami breathed out. The quickness of the action and the smoothness of the movement can be described as flowing clouds and flowing water

In fact, no matter how fast the robot responds and how much data it stores, it can only be described in terms of what it knows about the secret art, blood succession limit, etc. in this Hokage world, and Uchiha's [Sharingan] is even more It is an existence unknown to robots.

So when the two sides fought, the robot suffered a big loss!

The hot flame caused the temperature to rise rapidly, and the unimaginable hot light almost instantly covered the robot's forehead.

Have robots ever seen such ninjutsu? The data they recorded are just ordinary ninjutsu...


The heads of the five robots were cut off in an instant, and 103 fell to the ground. He couldn't die anymore, and he suffered more than 20,000 points of damage all at once! This is not because Li Qing's combat power has weakened, but because of the robot's blood volume. That's just over 20,000.

Li Qing landed easily, and all the robots were sent back to Xinshou Village.

From the start to the end of the battle, back and forth, he only took a few seconds.

"Heh, that's all." Li Qing didn't even look at the shocked and horrified [Ninja League] players, he held his [Shinigami breath] tightly, and continued to kill the numerous players who were rushing towards him. .

Explosion Style: Fireball Technique!

Fire Style: Chicken Feet Hanabi Red!

Fuma Shuriken.......

A range of ninjutsu was launched one by one, and all the players rushing towards Li Qing were smashed into gold coins and equipment. There was no decent player who could stop him

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Qing] is killing on the battlefield, like a god-like existence, has killed 102,122 players, breaking through the 100,000 mark! Coordinates (432,445) (bdfe), please be able Go and stop him quickly! Players who kill him will get huge bonus points!

[World Channel] System Announcement: Through the joint efforts of [Guard Uchiha] players, tens of thousands of players who pretended to be Uchiha people and destroyed Konoha Village have been completely wiped out, leaving only 1345 people left! Konoha Village’s resentment towards Uchiha has dropped! Will take a peaceful coexistence attitude towards Uchiha!

[World Channel] System Announcement: Through the joint efforts of [Guard Uchiha] players, the number of rebellious Uchiha people has decreased rapidly!

[World Channel] System Announcement: [Expel Uchiha] player's morale drops, [Guard Uchiha] player's morale rises, Jōnin BOSS will be dispatched! [Guard Uchiha] player is on the way to victory!

With the release of several system announcements, players all over the world are excited!

Compared with the number of players in other missions, the number of players in [Guarding Uchiha] can only be described as pitiful, but now they have achieved such a big advantage? This made them feel ashamed, but also realized the strength of the player Uchiha Qing!

Seeing the announcement, Li Qing breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect that [Huaxia Shenlong Alliance] would move so fast, completely helping him solve his worries!

At this moment, violently clean the player headquarters!

[Super God Alliance], [Western Vatican] and other guild players have already assembled. Seeing Li Qing and the four Uchiha BOSS rushing in, they rushed out quickly!

While tens of thousands of players successfully surrounded the four Uchiha BOSS, more than a thousand world-class top players with excellent equipment surrounded Li Qing.

"Uchiha Qing, we meet again!" Tianba, the captain of the Super God Alliance, looked cold and didn't look polite to Li Qing at all. With a wave of his hand, the players quickly killed him!

"Ah, yes, we meet again!"

Li Qing chuckled and rushed towards these elite players. Under the terrifying ability of 【Sharingan】, the attacks and actions of more than a thousand players are so clear!

Explosion Style: Fireball Technique!

Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!

Uchiha Flow: Sword Flame Leap!

Uchiha Flow: Blast Sword!

In just a few meetings, the number of more than a thousand players has dropped by 80%! They were all sent back to Xinshou Village by Li Qing! Their number just exceeded 10,000. For Li Qing, Song Neng can describe it on his own.

"It's so can't beat it at all!"

All the members of the Super God Alliance were out of breath, and their eyes showed incomprehensible expressions.

The remnants of the [Western Holy See] on the side, the white-skinned players, were also pale, and couldn't believe everything in front of them.

Think about them and more than a thousand elite players, which one is not the top level in the world? Now they can't even beat a single player?

"It's like a god-like existence... Could it be that we are going to lose here?" Several white-skinned players thought sadly.

"No matter how strong Uchiha Qing is, he is only one person now. The reason why he is stronger than us is because of his higher level and higher damage, but we may not be their opponents!" At this time, Tianba suddenly said, "I After observing for a long time, if he guessed correctly, his eyes seem to be able to use pupil magic, and he can see through our actions at the first sight and capture our movements. But his body may not be able to keep up with his eyes.

Hearing Tianba's words, the players all thought it made sense and nodded heavily.

"I suddenly thought of a way to deal with Li Qing!" Tian Ba's eyes flashed, and he walked to several union players and quickly discussed it.

"I see!"

"You can think of such a way! You are indeed the world's number one Captain Tianba!"

"Now there's a good show to watch!"

The union players all agreed with Tianba's idea, and all showed cruel smiles. The confidence that was lost due to the defeat layer by layer returned instantly!.

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