Just at this time, Captain Tianba smiled coldly, and the [Shinigami Breathing] in his hand stabbed out instantly!

Before the elite players could react, they were pierced through the chest by the unstoppable sharpness of [Shinigami Breathing], and turned into equipment and gold coins everywhere!

"what happened?"

"what's the situation!?"

The sudden change caused the remaining players to show surprised expressions, and it was hard to believe the scene in front of them. Even the players of Tianba's teammates, the Super God Alliance, were puzzled!

What the hell happened here?

"Look, am I still Captain Tianba?"

Suddenly, a cold and faint laugh echoed slowly, and Captain Tianba turned into a bubble explosion, and then a young man appeared.

This boy looks handsome, wearing Uchiha costumes, with shining eyes, not a player Uchiha Qing, who is he~?

"Ah, it's Uchiha Ao!"

"When, when did this kid sneak in?"

"Transformation Technique, it is Transformation Technique!"

When they saw Uchiha Qing's name, these players who were planning how to defeat Uchiha Qing and become famous in the first battle lost all their confidence in an instant, turned around and started running!

It is unimaginable that there are at least several hundred players present, all of whom are quite top players in the world, and they are scared out of their wits by one player!

"Explosion Style, Fireball Technique..."

The strong flames combined with the terrifying power of Chakra burst out unimaginable power instantly... Players who ran slowly were instantly blown into gold coins, and players who ran fast were also blown away. The murder case was blacked out.

In just a few minutes, all the players around him were slaughtered by him. The points obtained are even more outrageous!

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Qing] is [violently cleansing the player's headquarters] here, killing 124,341 players! Please [expel Uchiha] task players to stop him!

[World Channel] System Announcement: [Guard Uchiha] The morale of players has risen again, and they have received the blessing of [Guardian Will], all of them have increased attack speed by 50%, movement speed by 50% and double critical strike chance by 50%! [Uchiha Mansion] 】We will send four Jōnin BOSS with【Sharingan】to join the battle!

With the issuance of the two announcements, the players of the [Expel Uchiha] mission are very clear at this moment, they, lost, lost this large-scale confrontation mission!

Nearly 100,000 players chose the option of surrender, only a small number of players chose not to surrender, gritted their teeth unwillingly and persisted.

At this time, Li Qing has brought the NPC Uchiha tribe, the players of the guardian mission, and the Zhong and Jōnin BOSS into the [Violent Cleansing of the Player Headquarters]. The opponent of Jōnin BOSS, not to mention the player Uchiha Ao...  

A few minutes later, the [Violent Cleansing Player Headquarters] blood bar turned black and was shattered into crystal fragments flying all over the sky.

After the smoke passed, the debris dissipated, and the place became a residential building again.

The NPCs of the Uchiha tribe and the Jōnin BOSS who won the victory waved their hands and danced at this moment! Their faces were full of happy smiles! Players who chose the task of "Guarding Uchiha" were also very happy at this moment, grinning stand up!

The reason they laughed was not only because they won the final victory, but also because they got the points reward for winning!

This time they got at least 1,000 points according to the degree of completion!

Thinking back to the beginning, they were under the enemy's back and back, and were restrained by players from all sides. The number of them was several times smaller than the opponent's. It can be described as despair. If it weren't for the player Uchiha Qing, they would never have won the final victory!

At this time, Li Qing also heard the system news.

Congratulations, you led the [Guardian Uchiha] players to finally win the [Large Confrontation Mission] [Dawn Night]. A total of 12,353 enemies were killed, 4 Chūnin BOSS were killed, 13,451 players were found pretending to be Uchiha, and the [Violent Cleansing] was destroyed. Player Headquarters】4 buildings, get the MVP of this 【Large Confrontation Mission】

The highest in the game! A total of 567813 points have been obtained! You can exchange these points for experience and rewards!

...asking for flowers...

[World Channel] System Announcement: This time the player [Uchiha Qing] led the player to win the final victory of the confrontation mission and won a total of 567,813 rewards. Please congratulate him! In addition, the game reward changer has been refreshed this time, the coordinates (314,134), players can go to redeem rewards!

At the same time, the players on the side of [Destroy Uchiha] looked at the hundreds of points in the inventory, and their faces could not help but feel a little bitter.

Especially the elite players of [Super God Alliance], [Ninja League] and other alliance unions smashed the trees in the distance with an angry punch!

At this time, the 【World Channel】has become more frequent than ever before, with thousands of messages in a few seconds!

Oh my god: I can only say 66.6656 million points... It seems that it can be exchanged for rare blood.

My land: I only got more than 100 points and changed to an MP potion. I really regret not choosing 【Guard Uchiha】.

My mother: To tell you the truth, this time the [Guardian Uchiha] player can win because of Uchiha Qing, who kills more than 100,000 enemies alone........

I'm your daddy: The name upstairs is 666, and another word, Uchiha Qing god-tier, do you accept apprentices?

Upstairs is my son: A god-tier like Uchiha Qing, how can he accept apprentices... um, 1 million gold coins a night, my mobile phone number is ****, lonely here...

Ignoring these comments, Li Qing, who has obtained a total of more than 600,000 points, has come to the [point changer] at this time and has a dialogue with the changer.

It has to be said that the items that can be exchanged by the money changer here are very rich, including equipment, gold coins and even rare blood.

"Hyuga bloodline?"

Li Qing saw the brightest item among the vast number of items at a glance, and it just needed 600,000 points to redeem it!

[Hyuga Bloodline (Fragment)]: Let the player have 1000 yards of farsightedness, and a small amount of perspective ability, melee physical attack damage +120%, and comes with passive skills


[Acupoints]: Physical attack has a 20% chance to close the enemy's meridians, making the enemy unable to use Chakra Ninjutsu 4 within 3 seconds!.

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