The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 91: Inari And Dazna Will Also Go Online? (First Update!)

The title of the post is: There has never been any heroism in this world, and I don’t believe in heroes. I heard that Uchiha Qing has been very popular recently, and he is everywhere. Unfortunately, he is just a very ordinary player. It's impossible to change the whole world, it's just a wave under a big wave

Yes, it's a mocking post, and the title of the post is full of the atmosphere of the Second Secondary School.

Soon, this post mocking Uchiha Qing was quickly maxed out by swarms of "green fans", leaving millions of clicks and hundreds of thousands of comments in just a few minutes.

Rabbits fall in love with big bad wolves: this post will be popular, the front row sells melon seeds and peanuts, and besides, swearing at people will spread money.

Ai Lafang loves life: Oh, there are still people who dare to mock Uchiha Qing, and a large wave of Qing fans is coming.

Interesting: Landlord, be careful, be careful of being fleshed out......

Fan expert: The technical guy is very powerful, and has already helped out the information of the host. Hey, he looks like an ordinary child in Nami, his father is Guy Sha, 5 years old this year, and his family lives in the east of Nami, North Blue Island, Grandpa is an expert bridge builder.

Eating grapes without spitting out the grape skins: Is it really good to have such a human flesh and other people upstairs...... Visually, the host will be hacked to death by a large wave of green fans.

Originally, Li Qing was going to close the post. After all, he was not used to such things of stepping on others and then raising himself up. However, after seeing the human flesh message, he was stunned, and almost drank the coffee on his lips. To spray out.

The Land of Waves, Bridge Builder, Grandson

Nima, isn't this the plot of "Zen Bu Zhan" and "White" at the very beginning of the original Hokage?

In the original book, Dazna wants to build a bridge to open up a prosperous and powerful country for the future of the country of Waves, but because he has no money, he can only hire Genin, and finally meets Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, and at this time , Momochi Zabuzhan, one of the seven Mist Shinobi hired by Kado, received the task of killing Datsuna...

The host, Yi Na, is the grandson of the key bridge-builder Dazner. Because his father, Guy Sha, was killed by Cardo, he doesn’t believe in heroism or miracles at all...

What made him feel unbelievable was that this Yila could actually surf the Internet?

But this time when he surfed the Internet, he mocked himself, and could only say that he was lying innocently.

With a faint smile, in order to prevent excessive players from killing this guy, Li Qing left a message below in the form of [Uchiha Qing]: "I will prove that this world will be changed by heroes. In addition, those fans who like me, please don't embarrass the host , he is just a child`

As soon as this comment came out, countless players immediately upvoted the comment.

Recently, players who like Uchiha Qing have spontaneously formed a fan group called [Qing Fan Group], all of whom are fans of Uchiha Qing.

Some replied "very hot-blooded and strong enough", some replied "very good, this is very Uchiha green", and some replied "close-distance tiger touch god-tier"......

There are also good people who directly intercepted his comment and reposted the post, gaining a lot of popularity and fans in just a few minutes.

Recently, the Hokage Forum has developed a follower function. As soon as Li Qing started to bubble up, the number of fans in the upper right corner has skyrocketed, from dozens to millions in just a few minutes!

Seeing his number of fans in the millions and still rising rapidly, Li Qing shook his head helplessly. In his previous life, he would at least be a well-known big V, right? The kind who earned tens of thousands of dollars in minutes.

There were also quite a few private chatters about what he wanted to be friends with, and there were even fanatical fans who wanted to gift him the ancestral treasure... For these, he ignored them all the way.

Of course, because of [Uchiha Qing], players [Lin Jiachen], [Cheng Mengmeng] and even [Kakashi] have gained a lot of fans. The innocent and lovely Cheng Mengmeng even has 100,000 followers, and Kakashi has 70,000 to 80,000 fans However, compared to Qicheng Mengmeng and Kakashi, the dull Lin Jiachen suffered a lot. The fans pulled down the latter two by an order of magnitude, only more than 10,000.

After closing the Hokage forum, Li Qing simply fell asleep, and he got up early the next morning, put on the online game helmet and re-boarded the game.

Sha Mei played for another night, fighting monsters and upgrading until after six o'clock the next day. As soon as Li Qing went online, she couldn't bear it anymore and fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Just entered the game, when Li Qing was thinking about what to do today, he found that his team system icon had been successfully lit up, and he could see a lot of task lists and team battle dungeons, but there were level restrictions and task restrictions. And there are only a few tasks that can be done in the task list: catching rabbits, catching tigers, catching cats...


Seeing this, Qing couldn't help complaining.

When he dragged the list to look down, many gray tasks all required a condition: ".々Lead the Chūnin, lead the Jōnin."

Shutting down the quest system as if discouraged, Li Qing now fully understands that since the version update, the receiving quests, such as C and B-level tasks, will be strictly carried out according to the original settings... If you don't meet the conditions, you can't open a mission at all.

"Wow, isn't this Qing's (De Li's) brother? Could it be that what Mr. Kakashi said is true?"

Suddenly, a nervous voice came, and the blond Uzumaki Naruto patted him on the shoulder carelessly.

"Hmph, do you still want to perform tasks with your brother?" A somewhat cold voice came, and Uchiha Sasuke slowly appeared.

"Wow, wow, now there are two handsome guys in the team. Uchiha Qing and Uchiha Sasuke are both handsome. Which one should I choose? I'm so confused...Wow, it seems that Lin Jiachen is also good."

Haruno Sakura stared at it from a distance, with two fingers crossed, with a tangled expression.

Following the appearance of the three, Cheng Mengmeng and Lin Jiachen also rushed over, and the eleventh class was assembled.

Seeing Sasuke, little Sakura and Naruto, Cheng Mengmeng and Lin Jiachen were full of curiosity. .

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