The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 92: More Than A Hundred Followers Who Will Not Be Killed Again! (Second Update!)

Can you not be curious?

Not any player has the opportunity to contact NPC tasks.

Little Sakura's sullen nympho, Uzumaki Naruto's nervousness and Sasuke's aloofness all formed a deep impression in their hearts.

"Brother, why don't you introduce your teammates to us? Yesterday, Mr. Kakashi said that he brought another team. I didn't expect it to be you..." Sasuke smiled.

"Huh? Unexpectedly, Sasuke, who has always been cold, talks so much today? So that Uchiha Qing is Sasuke's brother..." The little Sakura in the distance was infatuated again, with her hands crossed, her small face Also red.

Uzumaki Naruto on the side also widened his eyes in surprise, unexpectedly Uchiha Qing is Sasuke's older brother!

"Well, you are this guy's older brother!" Uzumaki Naruto was full of regret, "Sasuke, a guy like an ice cube, has a good older brother, I'm really envious...

"Naruto, don't you deserve a beating?" How could Sasuke fail to hear Naruto's ridicule? His eyes stared at him instantly.

Naruto stared back fearlessly, and the two looked at each other, bursting out endless anger in an instant. 807

"Let's play a game!"

"Fight once and fight once, whoever is afraid of whom!"

The two were about to fight, when the angry little Sakura went up and gave Naruto a punch.... Naruto was sent flying a few meters away: "Stop it!!"

Poor Naruto covered his mouth, looked at Sasuke jealously, and muttered in a low voice: "Why don't you hit Sasuke..."

"Because he is my type..." Little Sakura wanted to rub against Sasuke with a proud face, but was stopped by Sasuke's hand: "You are not my type, thank you..."

"Ahhhhhh..." little Sakura jumped up angrily, her face full of pain.

The three live treasures immediately made Li Qing and the others burst out laughing, and Li Qing once again felt lucky to see such an active three people appearing in front of her alive.

Suddenly, Naruto seemed to think of something: "Well, since Mr. Kakashi hasn't come yet, Class 7 and Class 11 have already assembled, how about we have a friendly battle?"

"Friendship battle?" Little Sakura looked at the three of Uchiha and Qing suspiciously: "It's too bullying for them..."

"Uh, I also kind of feel..." Uzumaki Naruto put his hips on his hips and nodded heavily.

"Hey, let alone the three of us, the three of us combined may not be as strong as Uchiha Ao. I can't even hurt his hair, and he beat Brother Itachi by one move." Sasuke's words made Xiao Sakura and Naruto re-examined the combat effectiveness of the eleventh squad.

"Uh, then it's better not to fight, let's just think that we have the same strength as us." Uzumaki Naruto said reluctantly after getting off work.

"Eight Ga!" Little Sakura got angry when she saw Naruto like this, raised her fist and knocked Naruto away......

Seeing Naruto deflated, Li Qing and others became happy.

At this time, a lazy voice came.

"Ah, ah, sorry, I'm late, I shouldn't have missed dinner time..."

A figure appeared in front of the six people without any warning, and I saw Kakashi stepping on the wooden stake with one foot, "I believe you have already gotten acquainted with them just now. Originally, there were only three people in the seventh class. I want them to go from We started with D-level missions, but now the team has expanded to 6 people, completing D-level missions is really a bit of a waste of your talents...."

"Okay, okay! Finally, I don't need to do D-level missions! I'm going to do A-level missions, A-level!" Before Kakashi finished speaking, Naruto yelled.

"Bastard, go to hell..." Little Sakura, who hated Naruto's quarrel, immediately punched him again, Li Qing and others' eyelids twitched, the weight of this fist seemed to be enough.

"Well, I (bdbb) received a C-level mission to protect the employer back to his hometown." Kakashi said and jumped off: "Everyone go back and get ready, and we will gather at the entrance of Konoha Village in an hour."


Uzumaki Naruto clapped his hands excitedly, turned around and left, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. Little Sakura and Sasuke looked at the impulsive and idiot Naruto, with black lines all over his forehead, standing there in a mess in the wind, obviously hadn't heard Mr. Kakashi say what to prepare...

"See you in an hour." Kakashi waved his hand, and Body Flicker Technique disappeared.

Li Qing, Lin Jiachen, and Cheng Mengmeng are all players, and they carry space packages with them, so they don't need to pack up and prepare at all.

An hour later, an excited Naruto, a leisurely Sasuke, and an excited little Sakura arrived at the entrance of Konoha Village. Li Qing and others had already been waiting there. At the same time, there was a middle-aged man with one eye in shabby clothes. Uncle, it is Dazna.

Seeing Dazna, Li Qing's mouth couldn't help but twitched into a smile. Did the plot of the original work start so soon?

"Dear Mr. Kakashi, are these Genins really okay?" Dazna glanced over everyone, feeling a little nervous, especially when it fell on Naruto and Cheng Mengmeng, and the worry in his eyes was even stronger up.

"Mr. Dazna, please rest assured that the Genins cultivated by Konoha Village are all extremely qualified Genins." Kakashi assured him, "And with my Jōnin here, you don't have to worry too much, sir."

"Okay, okay, let's go!"

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto was completely unaware of the imminent danger, and his face was full of excitement and excitement.

And Li Qing exchanged glances with Lin Jiachen, Sasuke and others briefly, they were not fools, they could see something from Dazna's eyes.

At this moment, more than a hundred players including [West Asia Alliance], [South African Special Forces], and two ghost brothers ambushed behind a secret grass.

These players are all Kirigakure's rebels. When Nine Tails was in turmoil, they encountered Zabuzhan in Kirigakure, and accidentally started the main task [Follow Zabuzhan], and then became Zabuzhan's subordinates. What they followed was not an orthodox player. Number of ways, I don’t know how many Hokage NPCs have been killed by following Zai Bu Zhan, coupled with their original skills, they have gained a lot of experience. When they are generally only 80 or 90 levels, each of them has reached 150 levels .

The biggest charm of the Hokage online game is that when you meet different NPCs, you may get different tasks and main lines, and different choices.

These players are the followers of the big boss!

Now, their task is to stop Tianzina!.

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