The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 94: Minazuki's Cute Spirit, Gm Appears! (Fourth Update!)

"I didn't expect this kid to know A-level ninjutsu..."

Seeing the bare ground below that was burned by the Explosion Style, Kakashi's heart was only shocked, and there were only two words of horror.

In his opinion, it will take at least a long time for these hundreds of players to solve. He never thought that Uchiha Qing directly released a super big move, and the range of the super big move is so bright and the damage is so high.


Hehe smiled, Kakashi jumped down from the tree, saw the dead body on the ground and deliberately pretended not to know anything: "Ah, I went to the toilet just now, I'm sorry... Uh, what happened here? Can anyone explain it to me?"

Uchiha Qing and Sasuke are well-known. How can they not see that they led the team to the "843" ninja just watched the battle in the dark, but unfortunately the single-celled creature Sakura replied stupidly: "Mr. Kakashi, just now We encountered a few sneak attacking ninjas, and there were more than a hundred of them...

"Oh, so that's the case, are you all right...?" Kakashi asked pretendingly.

"Mr. Kakashi, don't worry, we are fine...the thing is like this." Little Sakura briefly talked about the cause and effect.

Kakashi nodded and listened, very satisfied with everyone's performance, especially when he heard that Li Qing killed all the ninjas with one move, he showed a particularly surprised expression.

When mentioning Uchiha Qing's performance, little Sakura also showed a nympho expression, and even in her heart, Uchiha Qing's status is far higher than Sasuke.

"next time.....…"

Uzumaki Naruto, who was relieved from his sluggishness, was full of anger, and his fingers creaked.

The performance of Uchiha Qing, Sasuke and others just now can be said to have deeply stimulated him. You must know that even the weakest little Sakura and Cheng Mengmeng know how to protect their employers at the first time, and when he faces danger, he can only Stupidly stunned in place!

This gave his heart a huge mental boost!

Suddenly, he took out kunai from his waist and was about to stab his left hand fiercely, but was sent flying by a kunai flying in the air.

"Why stop me?" Uzumaki Naruto's eyes were red and he was a little angry.

"Cowards can only injure themselves, and only true warriors know where to stab the sharpest kunai." Li Qing smiled slightly, this scene in the original book was too bloody, Naruto pierced his left hand, he didn't want Cheng Mengmeng to see this scene.

Hearing this, Uzumaki Naruto's anger eased a little, and the anger that cursed himself for not living up to expectations also gradually dissipated.

"Thank you." Uzumaki Naruto dropped the words, stopped speaking, and walked to the front of the team alone.

"Hehe, no need..." Li Qing smiled, although Naruto was just a crane tail at the beginning of the original book, but gradually grew up and became a famous ninja powerhouse, all because of his The heart of the strong, the will of fire.

The team marched again, and then naturally Kakashi asked Dazna why there was a Mist Shinobi ninja attack, and then everyone learned from Dazna that the country of Wave is in a predicament now, and was secretly attacked by a man named Kado ruled that only by building bridges can we get rid of poverty and things like that...

Speaking of which, Dazna put on a very aggrieved and pitiful expression, and finally said righteously that as long as Kakashi and the others leave, he will not be able to live, and the people of the country of Waves are still waiting for him to go back. The kind-hearted Cheng Mengmeng and Xiao Sakura were about to shed tears. Even Naruto Sasuke was touched and wished to help them immediately.

Lin Jiachen is a soldier and relatively cold-blooded. Although he was also moved by Dazna's deeds, he was still able to maintain his rationality, while Kakashi fell into silence. As for Li Qing, who is familiar with the original work, he definitely wants to meet Bai He Taodi will not be cut again.

But at this time, Li Qing also noticed one thing, that is, from Dazna's description, there are not only wandering samurai in the Kaduo group, but also Mist Shinobi seven people, there seems to be other players, and they have reached a certain scale.

"Could it be that there are still underground players?"

Li Qing was suddenly a little curious.

Although he has met many players, the world of Hokage is too big, and the world has a large population. It is hard to guarantee that there will not be any underground player organizations or underworld alliances...

We must know that sometimes the things hidden in the soil are more terrifying and frightening than the things flying in the sky...

"Mr. Kakashi, let's go. Let's just help Grandpa Dazina once, okay?" Little Sakura has already grabbed Kakashi's arm coquettishly, and Cheng Mengmeng, who is at the side, has also joined the ranks of pulling the sleeve without thinking .

Being teased by the two beauties, Kakashi blushed for a while, and had to announce that the team would move on.

Only then did Grandpa Dazna burst into a smile, and he asked a few people to thank them, and volunteered to arrange them to live in his house...

And Dazna, who was originally taciturn along the way, also completely opened up the conversation box, chatting and laughing with Li Qing Naruto along the way.

The footsteps of the online game were much faster than the actual distance. A few hours later, Li Qing and the others arrived at the border of the Kingdom of Waves, ready to cross the river by boat.

And just at this moment, three figures suddenly landed on the branch of a tree without warning, and secretly observed the team advancing below.

The owners of two of the figures are none other than Mizumusuebai and Momochi Zabuzhan, and the third figure is a sexy-dressed figure with a crossed-out rebellious forehead protector, exactly 3.3 Shui An Yue Ling Meng.

For Minazuki Reime, it is not difficult to modify the bugs in the online game world and add a little plot to the game.

Of course, as a developer, she also knows very well that plots and backgrounds are not something that can be added casually. At least, the whole world will collapse, and at worst, monsters that are difficult to destroy will be born... Even the king of GMs will not Just change a little bit of the plot, everything must follow the logic of the Hokage world.

"Well, Uchiha Ao, we can finally meet..."

Shui Wuyue Lingmeng blinked her big eyes, said as she stuffed a grape into her stomach, and stared closely at the fast moving figure below!.

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