The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 95: Dumbfounded Bai He Doesn't Cut It Anymore, That's Not How The Script Was Writt

"Lingmeng, Bai, you don't need to do anything for a while. Just leave these few people to me..." Tao Dizai said with a clang and carried the beheading knife on his shoulders, "Among them, just copy Ninja Kakashi is more troublesome."

After finishing speaking, Tao Di was ready to make a move, when suddenly there was a burst of intensive footprints in the distance...

Hearing the sound and looking at it, Zabuzhan, Bai and Lingmeng were instantly dumbfounded!

Players in black and black are rushing towards them...

Nima, there are 100,000 players!

"What's the situation? Haven't we already avoided Mist Shinobi's chasing troops? How did these more than 100,000 players find them?" Zai Bu Zhan was a little puzzled at the moment.

"I don't know either... We have been hiding everywhere to avoid the pursuit of Mist Shinobi hunting forces all these years, but we didn't expect to find them so quickly, but the recent expansion of the Mist Shinobi hunting team is too ruthless , there are at least 100,000 players dispatched this time..."

"Fuck, can't it be BUG13?" Minazuki Lingmoe stared at her beautiful big eyes: "According to the setting of the plot, only a small number of players should appear, why so many players appeared all at once? of?"

"Lingmeng, are you're starting to talk nonsense." Mizumu Yuebai at the side asked with concern.

She is Lingmeng, the older sister, and the two have depended on each other since they were young, working hard together for Master Zaibuzhan... She is afraid that something will happen suddenly to her older sister.

Of course, Xia entered these memories of hers.

"I promised Boss Kaduo that he must get rid of Dazna. It seems that we can only retreat temporarily today." Zai Buzhan frowned, exchanged glances with Mizuwuyuebai and Mizumuyuelingmoe, and the three of them Quickly look for a direction and gallop away.

The 100,000 players who were chasing the three of them in the rear immediately heard a prompt in their ears: "[Chasing and Killing No Killing]: No Killing No Killing has already escaped, the escape coordinates, the border of the Kingdom of Waves (143,344), please go quickly to hunt down— — Mist Shinobi chasing troops.

As soon as the reminder sounded, the players quickly searched for the coordinates, and chased after them. There was a vast expanse of darkness, and the places they passed were like hornets passing through the border, and no grass grew...

These 100,000 players crossed the border to hunt down Zaibuzhan and others, and the movement was huge, which immediately attracted the attention of Li Qing and others below.

"What's the situation? Why are there so many players..." Kakashi frowned.

Since the version update, these NPCs have the impression of players in their minds. For these NPCs, players are ninjas.

"It's not coming for us, is it?" Dazna was a little nervous. There are 100,000 players. If he starts to fight, his life will be over in an instant.

"It shouldn't be... It seems that they are all players of Mist Shinobi chasing and killing troops, and they have received the news of chasing and killing them." Kakashi shook his head: "I have to admit that players are more powerful than Mist Shinobi's chasing and killing troops." Those people are much more efficient, if it were NPCs, it would be impossible to dispatch so many NPCs to hunt down two rebels."

"A moment of silence for them..."

Originally, Li Qing was going to try his own skills, but it seems that these 100,000 players chased and killed them, and it is impossible to survive if they don't kill them. The thrilling battle that the original book originally had here seems unlikely.

"Let's move on..." Kakashi ordered.

Just when the group was about to move forward, three voices suddenly came from behind:

"Water Style: Water Dragon Bomb Technique!"

"Ice Escape: Ten Thousand Miles of Frozen Technique!"

"Ice Escape: Frozen Flood Dragon!"

The three ninjutsu with a huge range instantly produced extremely terrifying effects. A waterfall flying down 3,000 feet in the distance turned into a huge water dragon, ruthlessly attacking the players who were chasing after it. At the same time as it was tightly covered, it instantly turned into a hard block of ice...

In just an instant, the huge water dragon formed a huge ice bed, and countless players were frozen inside, and the next moment, the ice bed shattered, and the ice cubes flew... Countless players were killed without even screaming. Sending it back to Novice Village turned into gold coins and equipment all over the floor.

Due to the wide range of ninjutsu and the presence of water, a total of 50,000 to 60,000 players were taken away in one wave, and the remaining players were crippled and miserable.

"Good, so strong..."

At this time, the players suddenly felt the horror of Zabuzhan and the others, fearing death and desperately chose to run away, not afraid of death, rushed to kill the three of them.

At this time, the daimyo who is no longer cut is finally on the world channel.

[World Channel] System news: [Mist Shinobi chasing troops] players lost 75,432 people on the way to hunt down the big BOSS [Peachland No More Slash]. The current coordinates of the country of Waves are (112,451). Players from hidden villages are invited. Go to destroy it, and the player who defeats it will get a huge reward, and have a chance to get the [artifact] [beheading sword] used by the seven members of Mist Shinobi. Warning, [Peachland No More Cut] is a Jōnin BOSS lord-level boss, when killing the first 340, there must be Jōnin present! Otherwise, it will be cannon fodder!

Seeing the system message, Li was very happy.

Tao Di Bu Zhan This guy killed 100,000 players at once, let the server report, and then defeated him to gain a lot of experience, this is a completely unexpected surprise!

Just when he was happy, Taodi Zabuzhan, Bai, Lingmeng and others disappeared without a trace, and he didn't know where they went.

Watching a few people disappear, Li Qing was not in a hurry, after all Zabuzhan was coming towards Dazna, as long as Dazna was around, he would not worry about not knowing Zabuzhan's position.

At the same time, seeing the system news, the players who came for the [artifact] [Breakdown Sword] sat on the portal or flew over from all directions, making the country that was originally poor and poor without even ninjas instantly destroyed. Countless players were crowded, and the local residents didn't even know what was going on, and they looked at the increasing number of players in bewilderment.

As for the boss of the gang, Kaduo, seeing the increasing number of players in the ruling area, there is only deep doubt in his eyes.

Nima, what's going on?

The original original plot, because of the influx of players, instantly became extremely interesting!.

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