After issuing the search and rescue request, Takemurei asked his family members to immediately go to the dungeon to search and assist Lililuka. He himself took the members who were seriously injured and lost most of their combat effectiveness to Yuki Rito's. station.

Among them is life. Although she is an adventurer at LV2, she used to cover the evacuation of her teammates by herself. Not only did she withstand the impact of the armored rat, but she also blocked multiple axes thrown by the horned rabbit and the hell dog. Although there are no obvious injuries on the outside, he has already fallen into a state of weakness. His hands are shaking constantly, and he can't even hold the sword as a weapon firmly. He can only follow Jian Yulei and prepare to attack the knot. Jorito apologized.

But there was no one in the family camp.

Jian Yulei fell into deep thought, while Ming opened his mouth and said

"We have learned about each other's appearance from the guild before. Since we haven't seen him along the way, will the god go to the entrance of the dungeon after learning that the family member has an accident, or even go straight in?"

"It is indeed possible."

Takemirai, who originally wanted to wait until Yuki Rito came back, led everyone to the dungeon, and as expected, he saw Yuki Rito here. The other party's face did not show any signs of Takemirai and others. The anxiety in people's imagination is like an ancient well without waves, but it is different from indifference. Those eyes are fixedly looking at the depth of the entrance of the underground city, as if they can see through the crowds coming and going and the terrain obstacles of the underground city. As far away as possible

"I'm very sorry that the children of my family used the evil methods sent by monsters."

In such a public place, Takemurei came directly in front of Yuuki Rito and bowed to apologize. This should have caused the surrounding adventurers to stop and watch, but in the end, everything remained normal under the influence of Yuuki Rito's power. Uninvolved people failed to see what happened here.

Takemurei's frank apology was somewhat unexpected by Yuki Rito. In his impression, gods are the type who are even willing to sacrifice their lives in order to maintain their dignity. Of course, there are some who are afraid of death, but this is the first time Yuki Rito has seen a god who can do this for the mortals in his family.

"There is no need to apologize to me. It is Lilika who is in trouble because of the monster gift. I will not accept your apology rashly. When Liluka comes out, please apologize to her. If Liluka accepts, that will be the end of the matter. until."

If Liliruka doesn't accept it, Yuuki Rito will naturally take action.

Although he has already"seen" that Liliruka will be sacrificed by the monster, and has the idea of ​​taking this opportunity to advance her, Yuki Rito does He did not do anything to add fuel to the flames. All of this was the choice of the Jian Yu Lei Familia. Since he had made such a move, he would naturally have to bear the corresponding price. Yuki Rito would not go overboard and punish anyone or anyone for Lilyluka. Who to forgive, it all depends on Lilluka’s own choice

"I see."

Jianyu Lei nodded, also standing here, waiting for the result quietly. He was originally a little worried that Lililuka would die because of the monster's gift, leaving nightmares for the children of his family, and also for the Jianyu Lei family and the Takemurei, who had an irresolvable grudge against Yuki Rito's family members, suddenly became calmer at this moment.

Yuki Rito's appearance as if he was sure that Liliruka would not die gave Takemurei confidence.

And from the beginning, his face became very complicated. It seemed that he had made some kind of decision and wanted to say something. At this time, he also fell into silence.

Time passed little by little, ten minutes, half an hour, two hours.

It was supposed to be The time span that can be described as a long time has become less long in the eyes of the Jianyu Lei Family members who are engaged in intense psychological activities.

They even feel that this time passes too fast, because the longer there is no news , the adventurer's situation becomes more and more dangerous. Most places in the dungeon are not safe places for adventurers to rest. Monsters will be encountered there constantly. They must always be prepared for battle and maintain a high altitude. Be alert.

After a full four hours, everyone finally saw a figure.

The figure was quite embarrassed, stained with a lot of monster blood, but she did not seem to have any serious injuries, and the little human girl was quite agile. It was Jian The girl who was given away by the Yu Lei Familia to the monsters, the huge package that originally contained the trophies has disappeared, and the shield given by fate is dilapidated, with traces of flames and dents from the huge impact.

"Lord God."

Lilika, who had obviously gone through a hard battle, her tired eyes that were about to lose focus suddenly became brighter when she touched Yuki Rito. The originally slow girl threw herself into the arms of the god. The voice is slightly whimpering

"I defeated them, I defeated the monsters"

"Well, thank you for your hard work, but we can talk about other things later. This is Jian Yulei, the main god of the adventurers who sent monsters to you."

Yuki Rito's words made Lilika startled. After looking at Takemirai in the direction Yuki Rito pointed, the girl showed a complicated look.

Could it be that Takemirai and Yuki Rito-sama are the same? Old friends? In this case, all the revenge actions that she had originally thought about may not be carried out.

However, it does not matter, Lily is already very satisfied to see the god waiting for her here.

Just when the girl was thinking this, the end Jorito continued:

"Although it seems that the search and rescue team led by Sakura, the leader of the Takemurei clan, who was the leader of the monster donation, did not meet you, but if you have any dissatisfaction and anger, it doesn't matter if you vent your anger on Takemurei. , I'm on your side"


When Lilika was surprised by Yuuki Rito's words, Takemurei nodded with a wry smile and came to Liluka.

The gods bowed their heads to the adventurers

"I'm very sorry, we were really wrong this time. If there is any way to calm your grievances, please feel free to give me some advice."

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