"A brown-haired little human girl?"

Hearing the description given to her by Jianyu Lei Familia, guild employee Aina gradually frowned.

"Is she also carrying a huge package and using a small hand crossbow as a weapon?"


"The opponent is a member of the Yuuki Rito clan……"

In the middle of Eina's introduction, Royman, a middle-aged elf man who has a higher rank than her in the guild and plays a role similar to that of the leader of other clans in the guild, came to the gods. In front of Jian Yulei

"Jianyu Thundergod, Lord Ouranos has come to talk to you about something."

The scene suddenly became solemn.

As the main god of the guild and the oldest god in Orario, generally speaking, Ouranos would not come forward. Even if a god came to visit, most of the time he would just close the door and thank the guests.

And once Ouranos intervenes, something big will definitely happen.

Everyone in the Jianyu Thunder Family is a little overwhelmed at the moment. Although it is indeed against morality to give monsters, it would be too exaggerated to let Ouranos come forward just because of this..

Jian Yulei's expression did not change much, because he had always looked serious since he appeared in the guild. After nodding towards Royman, he finally told the children of his family:

"Initiate a search and rescue commission, even if all the remaining funds of our family members are used as reward, there is no need to hesitate."

When Sakura submitted the commission as instructed by the god, Jian Yulei had already arrived at the underground altar.

"Do you still remember the death of the God of Death a few days ago?"

Ouranos didn't wait for Jian Yulei to speak, and took the initiative to talk about the incident that had happened before, which shocked the gods, but they kept it secret. I was also confused as to why our family's children sent monsters to Uranus. Jian Yulei frowned even more at this time.


"So, I hope you will keep what I say next private. Previously, the death of [God of Death] Thanatos was the handiwork of [God of Destiny] Rito Yuuki."


Ouranos' words were like a bolt from the blue to Jian Yulei

"Don’t all the gods in the lower world claim their own divine power? Moreover, when a god uses his divine power in the lower realm, shouldn't it cause a huge reaction and then be forcibly sent back to the heaven? Why did he break two iron laws one after another?"

"Because he is already established above the gods. I sent someone to bring back some soil from the place where the incident occurred. The remaining connotations on it made even me feel a fatal threat. This was just the trace left by the aftermath of the attack. Gods are on a different level than people from the lower world. In terms of life, Yuuki Rito is still at a higher level than a god."

Uranos said this and stretched out his hand to point to the corner of the altar, where there was some soil. When Jian Yulei tried to touch it, a sense of threat burst out that made him almost break the seal of divine power.


Jian Yulei was a little confused. He didn't expect that his family's children would offend a real god by pushing monsters. At this moment, Jian Yulei didn't ask why Ouranos didn't disclose everything earlier, or why he didn't join forces with Orario. The gods placed restrictions on Rito Yuki.

With the character of Uranus, if he could really do it, he would not let any god go beyond the rules. He didn't do that just because he couldn't.

"what do I do?"

Jian Yulei was a little confused at this moment.

Now it is no longer as simple as a dispute between children of the same level. Now it is the weak who provokes the strong. Although when the gods first came down to the lower realm, they would not do anything to the people in the lower realm who provoked them. It would be another kind of stupidity to conclude that Rito Yuuki would not take drastic measures to fight back if he was punished too severely.

Seeing Takemurei's appearance, Ouranos' original serious voice became much more relaxed.

"Yuki Rito is the [God of Destiny]. Although he doesn’t know the extent of his control, it shouldn’t be difficult for him to see the fate of people in the lower world. Members of his family members will suffer hardships in the underground city. Perhaps Yuki Rito had already expected him to come to explain the situation and show his sincerity. I think things will not develop to the worst point if you show enough attitude."

Show enough gesture?

Apologize and offer an apology gift.

But Jianyu Lei knows the value of his family members, and the derogatory name other gods refer to his family members - pauper family members, is not made out of nothing. Jianyu Lei family members really have no money.

"Yuuki Rito once reached a deal with Hephaestus. Although I don’t know the specific content of the transaction, but now the Yuuki Rito family is not short of money. Jian Yulei, I hope you can think of it. Other proper handling methods."

Actually, Ouranos has already guessed something.

If Rito Yuki, the God of Destiny,"saw" this monster gift but did not take action to stop it in advance, then there is only one possibility - let the monster gift happen normally. It would be better if it happened than to prevent it.

Yuuki Rito hopes that his family members will be promoted, and perhaps there are some other reasons.

Takerui, ah Takerei, although you are a little embarrassed at the moment because of [fate]. , but in the final analysis, the members of your clan made the wrong decision, at least not the most perfect decision. I hope it can be handled properly.

Judging from the various intelligence collected by Ouranos about Rito Yuki, the other party is not a Shi Killer, there is no need to worry about causing too much confusion to Orario because of this incident.

If not, Ouranos would not continue to sit in the underground altar so calmly.

After all, as the main god of the dark faction, [God of Death] Thanatos, who has been targeted for subjugation since many years ago, is different from [God of War] Takemurei. Thanatos, who was originally hated by the gods, died, and the gods even took some pleasure in his misfortune. , but if something goes wrong with Jian Yulei, the gods will only die in grief.

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