Between the swells of the lake,

A dark passage entrance is exposed,

Everyone was looking at the entrance with burning eyes at this moment, and the next moment, they saw two figures coming out of it.

It was Shi Buyan and Si Yu who were the two people, and everyone’s pupils were constricted, and Shi Buyan had a faint smile on his face.

There is no confusion at all,

Where it is like being in the same room with the world’s most evil people for three days, it is a completely like an expression that has just entered a circle of tourism! And Si Yu next to him was also smiling,

As the captain of the prison team, she is also the supervisor of this examination.

This gesture, that is, to explain that there is no problem with the performance of these three days,

That is to say, Shi Wuyan actually passed this mental examination! The crowd was shocked, although there was a little speculation in their minds before, but they thought that even if they could really pass without saying anything,

But three days of psychological torture, at least when it comes out, there will be some changes in the look,

It won’t be as light and breezy as it is now!

Chai An, who was next to him, had a change of face at this moment, and the cigarette in his mouth fell down

“Maggie, bet on losing again!”

He muttered quietly, looking extremely displeased, how could he lose every bet with this boy!

“Disperse, go back, there’s nothing for you to do here.”

Chai An waved his hand unhappily, letting the members of the medical rescue team behind him leave.

And Lu Chengqi did not say that he was safe and sound when he saw it,

After breathing a sigh of relief in his heart, his eyes immediately shifted his gaze and landed on Si Yu, who was beside him.

The intuition of a woman,

She felt that the distance between Si Yu and Shi Mu was a little too close, and the atmosphere between her and Shi Wu was there,

It’s also a little more subtle than before going in.

“Something is wrong.”

Shi WuXian first waved his hand at the landing Chengqi, and then walked over to Elder Lin at the front of the team, “Why are there so many people?” ”

Elder Lin took a step forward,

First I looked at it without saying a word,

Seeing that there was really no problem with the other party, he laughed and patted his arm without saying a word, “Good, good job!” ”

Although Elder Lin went in to visit the obsolete before and did not say anything,

But at this moment, when I saw that I really passed the assessment safely, I still couldn’t help but feel some joy in my heart.

“They all came to see you, after all, this is a big deal, but you made everyone wait for a while.”

Lin Lao smiled heartily,

Then he pointed to Lu Chengqi and Xiao Yueqing behind him, “You don’t know, these days everyone is working hard like crazy with the hair, Vice Captain He has passed the strength test, from the second level to the quasi-first level, I heard that you are going to come out today, Captain Lu and Captain Xiao have just taken the time…”

“Team Forest!”

Xiao Yue’s cold voice came,

Some hasty interrupted Elder Lin’s words, and Elder Lin didn’t care,

Instead, he laughed out loud, and then,

Elder Lin continued to ask the two people,

“But how did you come out a little later than the prescribed time, and what happened inside?”

Si Yu did not answer directly, but first looked at it without speaking, and saw that the other party did not have any reaction, and then opened his mouth to reply,

“Ralph regained his special strength, and the toxin released was too strong, so it was delayed a little longer than expected.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and their faces were full of puzzled looks, because their tasks did not have any intersection with purgatory on weekdays.

So I didn’t know what was going on in purgatory, but Luo Ruxuan on the side knew, her look changed suddenly, and she hadn’t opened her mouth.

Then I heard Elder Lin in front of me ask in a sharp voice,

“You pulled out all nine soul pins on Ralph’s body?!”

I nodded my head when I saw it,

Elder Lin immediately shouted angrily, “It’s just nonsense! ”

He saw the outdated and said that he was exercising himself with Ralph’s toxin,

But I didn’t expect that Shi Wuyi would dare to directly pull out all the lock soul nails!

But in the next instant, the anger on his face disappeared,

In its place was a color of worry, and he looked at it again without saying a word,

“Then you’re not hurt, are you?” Do you want to call the people from the medical rescue team to come over? ”

Shi Wuyi’s heart was warm, looking at the old Lin in front of him,

He knows that the other party is really concerned about himself, not fake,

He smiled softly,

“Elder Lin, rest assured, you have all adapted.”

Listen to this answer,

The worry on Elder Lin’s face only dissipated, and he looked helplessly without saying a word.

“You, you, really like to mess around…”

“Elder Lin, what’s going on?”

Lu Chengqi was a little confused, she came forward and asked curiously, but Elder Lin did not open his mouth,

The Si Yu in front of her was laughing and groaning,

“Captain Lu is it, I’ve heard of you, I’m a student sister who doesn’t say anything~”

Lu Chengqi looked warily at Si Yu, who was hiding his mouth and smiling softly in front of him,

She has an inexplicable hostility towards this woman who exudes a seductive aura all over her body,

“Yes and how!”

Lu Chengqi straightened his chest and looked at Si Yu in disbelief, but Si Yu did not mind Lu Chengqi’s performance, and then explained what happened in these three days.

All of them were spoken,

Although the level of secrecy of these things is relatively high, but those who are present now,

Except for the parties involved in the assessment who do not say anything, they are all captain-level figures.

They have permission to know these things, though,

On the last day, Ralph’s unspoken attitude towards the change of attitude was not mentioned by Si Yu.

Not much time,

After Si Yu’s narration, the looks of the crowd had become extremely shocked.

The next moment,

I don’t know who first turned his head to look in the direction of Chai An, next,

Everyone’s eyes fell on Chai An’s body, and Chai An himself was about to explode his lungs at this moment, and he had been making trouble for half a day.

Before I made myself dead and alive,

The greedy priest who was still in an abnormal state of mind in the end was a younger brother in front of Shi Wuxian!

It is not only not affected by the erosion of half a black gas,

Moreover, he also took the initiative to control the greedy desire lured out by the other party, even if the other party released the black qi twice in a row.

All have no impact on the time without words,

And he was dissolved by him in a moment! That’s a joke!

At this moment, the two captains of the reserve team looked at each other, and they had previously sworn that

There can be no one in the world who has both strength and mentality at the same time, but listening to Si Yu’s story,

All they want now is to kneel down without saying a word, O God!

Please forgive my ignorance and shallowness! however

The shock of the crowd is not over,

When they heard Si Yu say, they did not say a word and pulled out all the soul nails on Ralph’s body one by one.

Then let the other party keep releasing toxins, and they take the initiative to absorb them.

Countless times into a coma,

But when you wake up, you have no hesitation to absorb the toxin,

The purpose was only to improve his own toxin resistance, the shock on the faces of the people,

has completely become a pendant,

At this time, it is not only said that the strength and mentality are extremely perfect, but even the courage and perseverance are better than them!

That’s the greedy priest who rumored that a drop of poison can poison an elephant!

Without saying a word, he dared to test the poison with his own body! Or countless times!

I also opened the seal to people to the special level!

Most importantly,

The guy in front of him actually tried to test the poison for seventy-two hours in a row in order to adapt to all the toxins of the other party as soon as possible.

What a lifeless lunatic! But in the end, I heard Si Yu say,

When the time is gone,

He nailed all the lock soul nails back to Ralph, causing the other party to pass out directly on the spot.

The silent expression on the faces of the people when they looked at them was a little afraid, this was simply to kill the cook when they were full, if the other party was not the instructor of the old division,

I don’t know how many unforgivable evil deeds have been committed in my lifetime,

Everyone will pity this unlucky guy who is squeezed by the time without saying a word…

“I passed this mental examination.”

Shi WuXian smiled and looked at Elder Lin.

Elder Lin looked at it without saying a word of relief,

“It should be counted, but I still have to ask the general for advice, after all, the content of this examination was set by her personally.”

“Well, then I’ll go back and make up for sleep.”

Without saying a word,

And looked at Si Yu on the side,

“If you want to say that, just say it, and I’ll tell Elder Lin later.”

Si Yu nodded,

Immediately Shi Wuyi left the lake in Elder Lin’s doubtful look, and Lu Chengqi looked at the back of the time without saying a word.

Looking at Xiao Yueqing and Si Yu again,

There was a hint of hesitation and shyness in her look, and after a moment her eyes suddenly became firm, and she walked towards Chai An behind her.

“Captain Chai, you just said that the affection you lost to me, I need it now.”


Chai An looked puzzled.

After returning to Xingwen Lu’s home, Shi Wuyan mistook himself for the last thing he was mistaken for a substitute, and edited everything into a text message.

Sent to Lin Lao’s mobile phone, this matter,

He did not have the slightest intention of concealing, but chose the sharing of intelligence,

One is because this incident happened in the purgatory of the Sixteen Guards, even if he wanted to hide it,

It can’t be done.

The second is that it is not said that there are still too many things that are not understood about the world now.

And Elder Lin and the general must have more information than they knew, so they chose to share intelligence.

It is more favorable for the current situation,

And in the end, I also want to take this opportunity to test the attitude of the sixteenth guard.

The general herself has not met so far, and she does not know what the other party’s personality and strength are, if she is because of this matter,

And have doubts about yourself,

Really think of yourself as a substitute like ink painting smoke,

This ugly female nun ≤

Then I have nothing to be afraid of, after all, the time is not clear,

Although the template of the full Gojo Enlightenment has not yet been unlocked, after having the power to stop,

Through Ralph adapted to all the powerful toxins, at this moment he,

There is no one in the world to be feared!

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