When I woke up without saying a word,

It was getting late, and the lights outside the window were gradually coming on,

Shi WuXian looked at his mobile phone and found that he had only slept for six hours, and now it was only seven o’clock in the evening.

But he didn’t have a little dizziness, but he was full of freshness, which is where the power of the reversal technique lies,

Although it is not an offensive skill, the effect of self-repair is extremely amazing.

If it is an ordinary transcendent person, he will not sleep for seventy-two consecutive hours,

And constantly carrying out high-intensity exercise, I am afraid that I will not be able to hold on for a long time

Now to relax, you have to sleep for at least ten hours or so before you can barely recover some mental strength.

But now it is refreshing, and there is no discomfort at all.

He first sent a message to Lu Chengqi, telling her that he was awake.

This is when Shi Wuyan left, Lu Chengqi himself requested, let Shi Wuyi wake up after the first time to send her a message, but did not say what to do,

I don’t care when I don’t say anything,

Put down your phone after sending it,

Then open your own system panel.

“Detected that the host has mastered the reversal technique and the middle level, and the next stage unlock condition has been reached.”

“Unlock Spell Operation: Reversal Spell Technique, High Order.”

“The current Fusion of Gojo Goku templates – 58%.”

“Tip: First, the proficiency of the reversal technique cannot be improved by convicting the crime, but can only be improved through the exercise and use of the host himself.

Second, the reversal technique is the last stage of the reversal technique, and after mastery, the host’s reversal technique will be fully unlocked and the stage of integration will be reached.”

“Currently Mastering skills:

1. Six eyes.

2. Unlimited “Stop Force”.

3. Divine Gymnastics.

4. Unlimited Spell – Spell “Cang”.

5. Reversal – Spell “He”.

6. Black flash.

7. Reversal Technique, Intermediate Order.”

When not to say a joy in the heart,

Sure enough, the overnight overtime work in the past few days has not been done in vain, and the result is indeed very gratifying!

Although it is impossible to kill the greedy teacher in office to obtain the fusion of the template,

But his own reversal technique has reached the full mastery of the middle level, you know,

This skill that can only be used by relying on their own exercises to improve proficiency is very troublesome, in the previous stage,

When the reversal style is primary,

The unspoken improvement of proficiency basically depends on the continuous exhaustion of their own mental strength.

And then use the reversal technique to recover,

And also found time to learn toxicology,

Configure simple poisons to hone yourself,

Exercise in tandem,

Cai Kan can master the initial reversal technique, this staged skill,

Generally speaking, it is more difficult to go further and further, but now,

Relying on Ralph’s toxins himself, in just three days,

I have mastered the mid-level reversal technique that I just obtained! Without saying a word,

Pick up a small knife cutting fruit knife on the table, turn off the stopping force around you, extend the arm of your left hand, and then gently swipe it, and the bright red blood will flow out instantly.

But the look of the time was not changed, and his mind moved slightly,

Reversal type of activation,

The mantra in the body immediately runs retrograde along a wonderful trajectory, and then,

When the expression is serious,

Looking at the wound on his arm that was about five centimeters, the next moment,

His eyes flickered,

Only to see that the wound that had just been cut out was closing at a speed visible to the naked eye,

Between breaths, the blood stops, the pain disappears,

After wiping off the blood on his arm,

I found that now I couldn’t see any sign of a wound on my arm, not even a scar!

The effect of the reversal technique and the middle level is really strong! When the corners of the mouth do not say a smile,


He opened his drawer again and took out a transparent vial,

Inside it was the tetrodotoxin he had obtained in the Sixteen Guards by relying on the authority of the vice-captain of his Spirit Hunting Team.

Before the time was not said to be intended for research use, but has been very busy and has not had time to use,

Now that his reversal technique has reached the intermediate mastery, this thing has finally come in handy,

Shi WuXian took out two more syringes from the drawer, and after absorbing some of them,

First pick up a needle tube,

Injecting toxins directly into their own bodies, tetrodotoxin is extremely toxic,

Only 0.5 mg is enough to cause death, but now there is no scruples,

The amount of toxin injected is much higher than this amount, and at the moment when the toxin enters the body,

Without saying a word, I felt signs of stuffiness in my chest, but,

This uncomfortable feeling lasted for less than a second, and it was immediately cleared away by the reversal technique in the body of Shi Wuyi! Without saying a word,

Then I picked up another syringe,

Then turn on the automatic stop power and set it to the automatic defense mode,

Then he put the needle tube on the palm of his hand and pushed the core rod of the needle tube,

A drop of tetrophin’s toxin was immediately squeezed out, dripping towards the palm of the hand that did not say a word,

The next moment,

A smile appeared on the face of the unspoken person,

Only to see that this drop of venom did not touch his palm, but was blocked out of his skin by the power of stopping. That’s it!

It goes without saying that the mood is very happy at this moment!

The intermediate mastery effect of the reversal technique is indeed very strong,

Not only has the extremely strong toxin almost no effect on him, but also,

He has also been honed through these few days of hard work,

Adds Ralph’s toxin traits to the automatic defense system of the Stop Force,

Originally in the original world,

Lower limit – the toxin attack that cannot be automatically recognized by the power of stopping, now after a self-evident effort,

Full recognition under automatic defense has been reached! Other words

Starting today,

Shi Wuyan has made up for the last short board of the power of stopping, and from then on,

All the attacks of the world that are harmful to him,

Toxin attacks, including Gojo Goku, who have not completed their identification, will be stuck outside his body!

Shi Wuyi looked at his skill panel, he remembered when he mastered the first level,

The system has not yet added the reversal spell to the skill bar, but now that it has reached the middle level,

The system added it to the skill bar.

This also reflects the strength after the middle order from the side!

And the progress of the reversal technique is also the same as I expected before, and the high level is the highest stage of this skill.

As long as you reach this level, then when the time comes,

You can continuously turn on the power of cessation twenty-four hours a day, and you will also minimize the degree of your mental energy consumption, to the point of almost no blue consumption at all!

Although the more you get to the later proficiency growth, the more difficult it is, but now there is no hurry,

After all, the biggest toxin problem has been solved, and the rest will take its time.

Bang bang bang. There was a sudden knock at the door,

When the time is not said to look sideways, under the six eyes,

He could clearly see that it was Lu Chengqi standing outside the door, but

Her dress today seems to be a little different. When the door is opened without a word,

The petite figure swooped into the room with a whimper, closed the door without saying a word, smiled and said,

“What, there’s a servant behind you?”


Lu Chengqi sat on the sofa and skimmed his lips,

“On the way over just now, a lot of people were watching me, and they died of embarrassment!”

At this time, Lu Chengqi,

Wearing pink shorts inside, revealing a slender waist and a good-looking navel, wearing a red collar around the neck with a golden square sign hanging on it,

Wearing a pair of black sneakers with red trims on his feet,

Bringing the slender legs of white and red to a more youthful atmosphere, a red and white coat on her body,

But it did not cover her beautiful collarbone,

Coupled with her long coral-colored blonde hair at the end, the whole body exudes an extremely moving breath, which is beautiful and incomprehensible.

Even Shi Buyan saw Lu Chengqi for the first time, his heart was inevitably moved,

Without saying a word, he also pulled out his chair and sat down, looking at Lu Chengqi sitting on the sofa,

“How did you dress like this today and change your style to take the route of a lively schoolgirl?”

Seeing that Lu Chengqi’s head was tilted to one side, he did not look at himself,

Without saying a word, he smiled and asked,

“If you ask me to send you a message as soon as I wake up, won’t you just rush over and show me your new photo?”

Lu Chengqi finally turned his head and looked at him without saying a word, “Then do you think it looks good?” ”

“Looks good.”

“How good is it?”

Lu Chengqi is still not forgiving,

“The best looking thing in the world.”

Hearing this answer, Lu Chengqi snorted softly and showed a satisfied smile on his face. This dress of hers,

It is not a simple casual match, she made a bet with Chai An on the edge of Jing Lake before,

Won a favor with Chai An, and then took advantage of this human relationship,

Let Chai An, who is the captain of the Sixteenth Guard Internal Affairs Team, find himself several professional tailors,

Tailor-made this outfit,

Originally, Lu Chengqi’s clothes were bought at Laiqi’s place.

But later, after Lai Qi’s identity as the old priest of lust was exposed, Lu Chengqi had nowhere to go to make clothes.

Therefore, she decisively and directly used Chai An’s human feelings, in fact, if she was not in a hurry,

You can also take it slowly, after all, Haiyuan City is so big,

Are you still afraid of not being able to find a place where you can make your clothes? But Lu Chengqi is really very anxious,

As I said before, the fire is raging,

Therefore, I did not hesitate to directly use this personal feeling, and I also had to drive out this set of clothes in just a few hours.

Because since Shi Wuyan entered the Sixteenth Guard, Lu Chengqi has always had a sense of crisis,

To this day,

Looking at Xiao Yueqing and Si Yu’s silent performance at the edge of Jing Lake, that sense of crisis reached an unprecedented peak!

Shi WuXian was about to be snatched away by someone else!!! This strong sense of crisis,

Prompted Lu Chengqi to make the most important decision in her twenty years of life,

She’s going to confess to the time without saying a word!

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