Xia Lotte was watched by everyone

The expression on his face became somewhat unnatural.

He snorted coldly, and his eyes looked at the crowd coldly

“However, after defeating a few fourth-level chaos spirits, even if the claws and teeth are sharp, they are just a kitten after all.”

Without saying a word, Xia Lotte did not pay any attention to the reserve team members who were not as strong as himself.

It’s just that he didn’t notice it himself, and his evaluation of Shi Wushu was raised a little higher.

From the very beginning of the worm, to the kitten with baby teeth, and now, it has become “sharp claws”!

The venue, because the test has ended

Shi Bu Yan and a group of participants came to the south area of the venue to rest, waiting for the results of the test to be announced.

About half an hour later, the results of the discussion between the monitoring team and the combat team came out.

Then, a member of the monitoring team came to the front of the silent crowd and began to read out the names one by one according to the list

“Zhang Jiatian, performance: win. Join the reserve three teams;

Li Liangyu, performance: escape on the spot. Unqualified;

Wang Binbai, performance: Although invincible, but not abandoned. Join the reserve second team…”

Some people are happy and some are sad, and it is not long before the list has been read.

Originally, it was supposed to be the end of the stage, but no one left with the test takers

They looked strangely at the time without saying a word, and finally someone couldn’t help but walk up to the members of the inspection team

“At that time, I didn’t say anything about him, which reserve team did he join?”

The staff’s originally serious look has also become extremely strange at this moment

“He… Of the four reserves, none of them chose him. ”

As soon as the words came out, the shocked test participants present let out a voice of surprise.

Originally before the test,

Some of them also think that Shi Buyan is a small white face who has landed and walked through the back door

However, after seeing Shi Wuyi punching Zhou Mingxiu and kicking the Chaos Spirit, they completely abandoned this idea

It’s just that they can’t figure out why they don’t say such an explosive record, but no reserve team wants him?

Originally according to the past practice, after each combat test,

All qualified candidates will be selected by the reserve team and join them

Even if there is a very eye-catching newcomer, it must be brought in the reserve for a while

After honing your heart and strength, and becoming familiar with the way you fight with the Chaos Spirits, you can be eligible to join the Spirit Hunting Team.

And this brilliant newcomer, the newcomer who used to break the scalp and rob him, now there is not a reserve team to want him?

The test takers looked at the captains in the stands on the right side of the field.

But strangely, all the reserve captains in the stands remained silent

It’s not that they don’t want it, it’s that they don’t dare to ask for it!

In this test, very few participants were able to knock the iron rhinoceros out of the field

Most people are chased by tin rhinos after using their abilities.

And without saying a word, it is easy to win without pressure

Even by his own strength, he severely injured all nine tin rhinos that were mad.

Without contrast, there is no harm.

If only this one thing,

Then the captains of the various teams must have taken this powerful general under their command

After all, in the future mission, if the team members are strong, then the safety factor of the task will be improved

Moreover, he can rely on this tough general to achieve a lot of merit in disaster events


Special meow, this newcomer actually before the test

As a participant, he beat the captain of the reserve four team and seriously injured him!

I thought of the tragic situation when Zhou Mingxiu was carried away by the medical rescue team before

His face was covered with blood, and his nose was twisted to the side

And Shi Wuyan didn’t even look at it, but he was still smiling

With the hand that didn’t even stick to the dust, I peeled a piece of sugar and gave it to Jiang Yi’er to eat!

So calm!

He must be a habitual offender!

Did the Sixteen Guards recruit a murderer to come in this time?

Do those guys in the inspection team usually look at us unfavorably and want to kill us!!!

If you are transferred to the team today, let alone think about what merit he has done

If I don’t know if I accidentally provoke him to be angry one day, I will become the next Zhou Mingxiu.

Eh, old Zhou, listen to me, thank you so much, if it weren’t for you, we would have almost stepped into the boundless purgatory!

The captains of the various reserves looked at their noses and noses and their hearts, and suddenly entered the sage mode.

As a party to the time, he did not say anything, but at the moment he was in no hurry at all

He smiled and squinted at the members of the inspection team in front of him, knowing that there must be some other way to deal with this matter.

The members of the inspection team were a little hairy at the silent eyes

He swallowed his saliva and re-took out a report and read it word for word

Shi WuXian passed the entry test and defeated nine Level-4 disasters that had entered a state of madness in 8:6 seconds

Therefore, in this entry test, Shi Wuyan’s strength rating is: quasi-second-level extraordinary.

In view of the fact that Shi did not say that on the morning before yesterday, Yu Yanqiushan alone eliminated the “second-level disaster” Duomu and saved a member of the Sixteen Guards

Therefore, in the Yanqiu Mountain incident, Shi Buyan’s strength rating was: second-level extraordinary.

After many discussions and requests from superiors, it is specially allowed to skip the reserve team selection without saying a word and join the spirit hunting team directly! ”

The audience was in an uproar!

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