The people who had just taken the test looked like monsters and didn’t say a word.


“That guy also killed a second-level disaster, is he still a person?!”

“They are all the same people who took the test, how can there be such a big difference?”

“Just joined the team is a second-level extraordinary, debut is the peak!”

“Aaaah, sure enough, I didn’t read it wrong before, and now the hottest video of the white-haired teenager vs. the black goldfish on the Internet is talking about him!”

In the stands not far away, the members of the combat team also looked incredible.

“Hey, hey, what’s going on with your intelligence, isn’t the thing called Duomu that you killed before you say it is just a third-level disaster?” How can it now become a second-level one, and the liar will swallow a thousand needles! ”

“Where do I know, I just heard the gossip!”

“Just passing the test and directly joining the Spirit Hunting Team, this is something that has never happened before, how many precedents do you say he wants to create?”

“It’s a pity, that crazy woman from the Spirit Hunting Third Team went to Dayang City on a mission, and there was no way to be there, otherwise I really wanted to see which of the three teams would be chosen when I didn’t say anything?”

“Anyway, we won’t choose a team of hunting spirits, the captain and vice captain are icebergs, one is a vicious tiger, who dares to go!”

“, I must have chosen the second team of hunting spirits, hey, I heard that he and Lu Chengqi have a good relationship…”

Off-field, Shi WuXian stood up and patted the shoulder of the staff member whose body was somewhat stiff

“Don’t be so nervous, it’s my choice, it’s not your choice


I remember that if the Spirit Hunting Team was full, if you wanted to join, you would have to fight first, right? ”

As soon as these words came out, the test participants on the side began to get excited, and there was another good drama to watch!

The members of the Spirit Hunting Second Team looked serious, and they all knew the relationship between Lu Chengqi and Shi Unspoken

Even if you didn’t know it before, you can understand it today by looking at the captain’s expression like a flower fool

With a dignified expression, they began to think about how to deal with the challenge of the strongest newcomer who would come next.

Seeing the members of the supervision team nodding helplessly, he skimmed his lips without saying a word and continued to speak

“That would be troublesome, and the fight would be very tiring.”

I remember that the Spirit Hunter team seemed to lack a position, so I would choose them so as not to cause trouble. ”

The members of the Spirit Hunting Second Team, who were waiting sternly, suddenly felt that the stone in their hearts had fallen to the ground

Seriously, they really didn’t have the slightest certainty that they could take over the unspoken moves.

“It’s a pity, I’m still thinking about watching another good show.”

“Yeah, I suddenly found out today what a pleasure it is to watch others being beaten.”

“Break up brothers, go back to the barbecue.”

The crowd got up and prepared to leave.

However, at this very moment,

An indifferent voice sounded from the far right of the stands.

“The Spirit Hunting Team is not just a kitten that is still nursing, are you asking me?”

The speaker is the vice captain of the Spirit Hunting Team, Xia Lotte!

It is reasonable to say that Xia Lotte, as the vice captain, can give an opinion on this

However, whether to accept the unspoken entry into the team should be decided by Xiao Yueqing, as the captain.

Moreover, in the past, Xia Lotian would not have spoken before Xiao Yueqing in the decision of such a major event

Because he knew that this would only make Xiao Yueqing dissatisfied and embarrass himself.

But today,

Xia Lotte was a little irritated

His men were beaten and the limelight was robbed

Someone even compared him to a newcomer

Especially when he saw Lu Chengqi, his eyes lit up without saying a word when he saw it, and he cheered loudly

Xia Lotian was even more angry and couldn’t figure it out, he couldn’t figure it out

Why is it that he is as muscular and strong as himself, and the strongest man in the combat team as the vice captain

It will be no better than a white-haired newcomer who wears an eye mask and has a thin body from beginning to end.

Although this new person is a little more powerful than the disgusting bugs, it is only that.

Wen Chengye frowned and said loudly

“Vice Captain Xia, on the question of the time to enter the team, although the Vice Captain can express his opinion

But according to the rules, it is up to the captain to make the final decision, and you are a bit out of line. ”

Then he turned his gaze to Xiao Yueqing, who had not said a word

“Captain Xiao, what do you think about Vice Captain Xia’s handling of this?”

“I have no opinion.”

A cold voice emanated from Xiao Yueqing’s willow-like lips

Wen Chengye was a little surprised, he did not think of Xiao Yueqing, who had always disliked Xia Letian

This time it was unprecedented to support Xia Lotte’s move

But now that the captain agreed, it was in line with the rules and there was no problem at all.

Xia Lotte was also shocked, and then his heart was happy

This was the first decision he had made since joining the team that Xiao Yueqing had affirmed it.

“Yueqing actually supported my decision, and it is true that the Emperor Heaven pays off!”

The captain and vice captain of the Wen Chengye Seeing Spirit Hunting Team both approved of this decision

Knowing that there was no room for turning around in this matter, he had to turn around and walk to the side of the time without saying a word

“Xia Lotte is very strong, you be careful. If it doesn’t work, concede. ”

Although he knew that Shi was very strong, no matter what, he was also a newcomer and had no combat experience

Xia Lotte, on the other hand, had been promoted to the vice-captain of the Spirit Hunting Team for two and a half years, experienced countless battles of various sizes, and many of his combat skills had been honed very skillfully.

In today’s contact, Wen Chengye felt the unique arrogance of Shi Wuyan’s body

But because of this, he did not want such a genius to be strangled by Xia Lotte, who was known for his violence.

Shi WuXian nodded, indicating that he understood

Then he looked at Xia Lotian above the stand and opened his mouth faintly

“Well, I’ll accept your challenge.”

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