Table world, the home of the unspoken

Shi Buyan and Lu Chengqi had just tossed for a long time

Until it was getting late

Only then did the newly selected room furniture in the inner world be arranged.

“You should have a good rest these two days and wait for your promotion assessment.”

After saying that, Lu Chengqi left, as the captain of the second team of hunting spirits, she was still busy.

The promotion assessment is the only way for the extraordinary person to advance, and only after passing the assessment can he become the extraordinary person of the current level.

For example, Shi did not speak for himself, and destroyed a second-level disaster in the Battle of Yanqiu Mountain

Then his strength level will be rated as a second-level extraordinary, but there is still only four levels in the system.

This is because this single extinction may have a certain degree of chance, so it is necessary to destroy a second-level or more chaotic spirit again in order to be promoted to a second-level superhuman.

Otherwise, in the future mission dispatch, if the supernatural beings who have accidentally ascended are sent to destroy the chaotic spirits of the same level, there is a great possibility of casualties.

The assessment of this promotion is generally attended by one or more extraordinary people of the same level and above

One is to examine the performance of the promoters in battle in a multi-faceted way

The other is also because after there are more people, it is more conducive to ensuring the personal safety of the qualifiers themselves.

After all, there was only one awakened transcendent among a thousand people, and in principle, the Sixteen Guards did not want to see any of them die.

After the test just ended, Elder Lin let Shi be at ease at home to adjust and adjust, waiting for the assessment notice

But how can it really be just staying at home without saying anything

Before, when he was at the Sixteenth Guard Headquarters, the moment Elder Lin unleashed his spiritual pressure on Xia Lotte

Shi Buyan clearly felt the terrifying and extraordinary power contained in it through the six eyes.

“You still have to keep getting stronger.”

Shi Bu said some feelings, but then he thought of another thing, so he immediately clicked on the system panel.

“The host was detected to have punished the sins of the world, the crime – greed! Reward host 1 point fusion degree.”

“Detected that the host has exercised its own skills, rewarding the host with 1 point of fusion.”

“The current Fusion of Gojo Goku templates – 22%.”

“Unlock Derivative Skill: The plural launch of “Cang”.”

The prompt came out, and the time was not to be described as surprised and happy

What was surprising was that he did not expect that the system would give a reward for the degree of integration, because in this assessment,

He had only gone to join the Sixteenth Guard to make plans for the future, and he did not expect that there would be an increase in the degree of integration

Happily, he actually unlocked another plural launch ability

That is to say, now he can launch several flies at the same time

Before, it was not said that in the test field, it was just a fly, which almost destroyed most of the side of the stand

It is conceivable that if it were like that powerful fly, at the same time, what kind of situation would be triggered

Maybe the entire football stadium will be flattened in an instant!

Shi Buyan had some longing in his heart, but then he thought of another question

That is, his control over Cang was still not enough, he had not controlled it well before, and he had deviated.

Although the ability to launch multiple numbers is now unlocked, it can be positioned without precision

The power of so many deranged flies is most likely not as strong as the power of an accurate fly, and even if they are not good, they will hurt themselves.

In addition to this, this time the system prompt also reflects another problem

Although it is not known how many of the tin rhinos he defeated in the test were dead

But in total, it only gave him 1 point of fusion improvement

This also means that it will become more and more difficult to improve the degree of integration in the future

Shi WuXian sighed, but then,

He figured it out again, greedy and chewy, although he had the golden finger of the system this bug

But the ability to obtain, in the end, you still have to rely on your own slow exercise to familiarize yourself with the mastery

Even if the system unlocks all the abilities at once, it is useless that you will not use them

After all, the road to becoming stronger cannot be achieved overnight.

“The true meaning of life is to be in pain and to be happy.”

Without saying a word, he immediately got up and went out.

He was ready to find another place to exercise his Cang’s precision

So that the same mistake as this one will not happen again.

However, this time he did not go to the abandoned park before, but prepared to find a place with fewer people again

The last time that park was trained by him, the various small explosions caused by it were a mess, basically tattered

“Where to go… Let’s walk along the North River first. ”


Table World, Kaiwon University.

“Hey, hey, do you know there’s a big problem in that abandoned park over the North Gate?”

The little fat man shook the sleeping table next to him

“…… What…”

“There’s usually no one going to that place, but this morning the uncle who walked around the corner said to look over, guess what, hey, good fellow, that park is as bad as it was bombed by an airplane carpet.”

“…… Got it…”

“Do you think some chaotic spirits have sneaked into our watch world lately, and they won’t start World War II?”


“Zhu Feiwen, what’s going on with you lately, you are languishing every day, you are listless in talking to you, are you sick or evil?”

The little fat man asked with some strange openings, he found that his friend had become more and more sleepy lately, and basically slept every day except for eating.

“Get up and see, do you want me to help you find a doctor to see, I know more people, my cousin is…”

“I’m okay!”

Zhu Feiwen, who was sleeping on his stomach, looked up violently, impatiently interrupting the little fat man’s nagging

I saw that his eye sockets were deeply sunken in, and his face was hungry and yellow, as if he had not eaten for a long time.

The little fat man was frightened by his sudden roar, and after a moment of sluggishness, he whispered

“Is it all right?”

“It’s okay, I probably haven’t eaten in a long time lately, I’m going out now to find something to eat.”

After Zhu Feiwen finished speaking, he went out with a pair of dark eye circles.

Only the little fat man was left in the same place, stunned, saying to himself

“Haven’t eaten in a long time?” No, didn’t you just finish eating the roast duck ten minutes ago? ”

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