No. 17 Xingwen Road, a convenience store downstairs from Shi Buyan’s house.

“This newspaper news – recently there have been a number of cases of disappearance in our city, the victims are all young women, I hope that the general public will pay attention to their own safety protection, suspicious personnel immediately call the sixteenth guard number …”

“Xiao Yin, I’m leaving~”

“Peach, be careful and safe on the road, oh, just now the news has been broadcast, or you go to find that white-haired handsome guy to send you home.”

“Die, you little girl!”

A young girl changes into her convenience store overalls and puts on her own pale pink coat

After laughing with my colleagues who had come to work for work, I left the convenience store.

Her name is Yang Xiantao, she is twenty-two years old, and she is a native of Haiyuan City

It was the cashier clerk who was interviewed by the platform when the time was not a red network

Walk out of the store and look at the time, it’s already more than seven o’clock in the evening

As she walked on the road, she ate the oden that she had taken out of the store for free

This is also the welfare of their employees

Strangely enough, she had been working at this convenience store for several days and had not seen her boss once

I was worried that I was a liar and would not give wages

But look at the extra one hundred and twenty dollars that will be fixed on your mobile phone every day

Yang Xiantao also dispelled this idea

Anyway, the salary ends day by day, and there is free Oden to eat every day

You don’t have to face your boss all day like everyone else, and you can leave work at the end of the day, what a good errand.

Thinking about it, Yang Xiantao walked into a narrow alleyway

After walking here, and then walking a short walk along the Sanjiang Road in front of her, you will be able to reach her rented house.

She picked out a piece of corn from the cup and blew the hot air on it

Then take a small bite and swallow it into your belly, immediately feeling warm all over your body

“Oh ~ it’s delicious~”

Yang Xiantao’s comfortable eyes narrowed, and then prepared to pick another one to eat.

But at this time,

She suddenly heard something strange above her head

It was like someone gasping for breath, or like the low whimper of an animal.

Yang Xiantao’s heart tightened, and instinctively remembered the news, and she looked up sharply!

The sky is sparsely moonlit and flanked by high walls and eaves.



“If you hear it wrong, you must have heard it wrong.”

Yang Xiantao slowly let out a breath and comforted himself

With a trembling right hand, he stroked the oden in his hand.


A drop of liquid crossed her line of sight

Dripping into the Oden cup she was holding.

Yang Xiantao’s body suddenly became stiff, and she swallowed her saliva

I can’t stop telling myself that I’m okay and I’m okay, but I still can’t control it

Lift your trembling head and look up again.

The next moment,

An ugly face appeared in front of her without warning

The girl let out a terrible scream uncontrollably

The cup fell to the ground, and the uneaten piece of corn inside fell out and rolled around on the ground.


Sanjiang Road, Night Cat Hotel.

“Hey, old Chai, have you betrayed me?”

He persuaded the wine to look at the green-hat uncle with a cigarette on the other side with an unhappy face

“Huh? What did you say? Alas, this man’s ears were not very good in old age. ”

Chai An pretended not to hear, a confused and innocent expression on his face.

“Got you, today our dear road captain came back to train me for half a day, saying that I went everywhere to tell others about her and the things that she didn’t say at the time

I remember drinking too much last time, and I told you alone, not who else you are! ”

He persuaded the wine to say, grunting and drinking another glass of draft beer

“She also confiscated the bottle of good wine I collected, so this wine must be served by you today!”

Chai An heard the words, his face suddenly collapsed, looking at the empty wine glasses that filled the entire table, his heart was dripping blood.

“Don’t worry, Grandma, I can’t afford to pay you this amount of alcohol.”

“Xiao Zhou, give me two bottles of the good wine that you have stored here.”

He persuaded the wine to have an unbreakable red halo on his face and happily beckoned the bartender to come over.

A bartender in a tuxedo came at the sound of a voice

First he glanced at Chai An, who kept giving him a look

He looked at his own He persuasion wine with a smile again

After 0.5 seconds of hard decision, he turned and left

After a moment, he returned to the two of them with a bottle of light red wine in both hands

He persuaded the wine to grab it and stared at it with some confused eyes

“That’s it? Moscato pink sparkling wine? Old Chai, the good wine you have here is this sweet wine? ”

Chai An smiled dryly and nodded unceasingly.

“Okay, let’s do this today, I’ve drunk almost everything, and I’ve got to take a ride.”

He persuaded the wine to put the sparkling wine in his arms, his eyes slightly drunk, and he raised his index finger to look at the bartender

“Xiao Zhou, Boss Chai paid for it tonight.”

Leave the Night Cat Hotel and walk over to a red Ferrari Roma parked in front of the door

Just pulled the car door, suddenly there was a breeze blowing

The slightly cold night wind made He persuade the wine to be slightly more comfortable

She seemed to suddenly remember something

The star-like eyes turned, and first looked back at the surroundings

After confirming that there were hardly any people around at the moment, and that it was already dark

She closed the car door and trotted into the alley next to it.

The extraordinary power in He Shujiu’s body surged and instantly converged on the side of her shoulder blades

The next moment, a pair of pale red wings suddenly sprouted from her back!

Then, as the wings danced, He Shujiu’s body rose into the air.

“Hahaha, sure enough, it’s still called a ride——!”

A moment later, He persuaded the wine to fly to a sparsely populated place on the North River

She descended from the sky, her footsteps lightly landed on the ground, and her wings disappeared with them

“It’s so painful and happy, I haven’t had such a comfortable ride in a long time!”

As she spoke, she leaned back against the railing by the river

Feel the bottle of sparkling wine in your arms and prepare to take a sip.

Suddenly her face changed, and the right hand holding the bottle stopped in mid-air

He persuaded the wine to stare at the forest in front of him

There seemed to be a faint red flame flickering in his eyes

Just for a moment,

She seemed to hear the cries for help of women and the low roar of beasts coming from the woods.

The sound is fleeting, but unusually clear!

ps. Little author thank you for your support ~

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