The member of the Spirit Hunting Team looked at the dead Chaos Spirit in front of him and couldn’t help but pull at the corner of his mouth

Then start editing the text message to send the unspoken number to the past

“Can’t get through, don’t contact?!” Sure enough, it was the captain and vice captain of the same team.”

The team members looked at Xiao Yueqing, who had long ice blue hair in front of her, and suddenly felt that she was not saying a word

In a way, it’s kind of like it’s all so arbitrary! It wasn’t long before the four members of the Spirit Hunting Team followed the direction of the butterflies to the North River

“Sleeper, so much, it’s really disgusting!!!”

The team members looked at the ground between the trees in front of them,

Scattered are dozens of cocoons the size of basketballs

At this moment, it was all like breathing, constantly flashing a faint red glow


There are several cocoons with cracked ends that crack

A pair of black butterfly tentacles protruded from it as if they were about to break out of the cocoon!

The next moment, however

A cold sword light instantly appeared and cut through the dark sword between the forests!

And the few butterflies that had just hatched also broke into two pieces along with the cocoon!

“Clean it all up.”

Xiao Yueqing sheathed his sword and opened his mouth lightly, “Yes! ”

Then she continued to walk in the direction of the cocoon’s extension.


They came to the entrance of an abandoned tunnel where the cocoon was by far the most but had now been cleared by them.

As everyone looked at the tunnel in front of them

A beautiful voice sounded at their side, “Read, Little Beauty!” Such a coincidence! ”

The crowd turned their heads to look

Only to see Lu Chengqi and He Xunjiu come from the other side with the members of the Spirit Hunting Second Team.

The color of a golden and a red hair was extremely fierce in the sky that had begun to darken.

“Little Beauty, you have also found this place!”

He persuaded the wine to smile and walked towards Xiao Yueqing

With his arms outstretched, it seemed like he wanted a big hug

However, he was forced by Xiao Yue’s cold eyes to stop his steps, Lu Chengqi stepped forward to pull He Persuasion Wine, and smiled apologetically.

“Captain Xiao, see the smile, this guy just drank some wine.”

He persuaded the wine to look at Lu Chengqi whitely

Then there was a drunken burp

How to talk! What is a little bit of drinking?

She had just heard that Xia Lotte’s sick cat had met two high-level chaotic spirits and was happy not to do it

But how about drinking a whole bottle of vodka in one go!

“We just went to the location of Xia Lotte’s disappearance and surveyed it, and found no trace of the Chaos Spirit.”

So I looked in the direction of the butterflies, and I didn’t expect to run into you here.

Lu Chengqi finished speaking

Then she looked ahead at the place where the abandoned tunnel had turned deep into the darkness, which she had never seen before

But it gave her a not-so-good premonition.

“Well, Captain Nalu, we’ll go first.” Xiao Yueqing nodded in response.”

Then take the lead and walk towards the entrance

Lu Chengqi and He Shujiu looked at each other and stepped to keep up. The previous member of the first team was shocked

“Captain, we haven’t reported to the headquarters yet!”

Seeing that Xiao Yueqing did not react, he sighed darkly

I don’t know where the vice captain was or if I saw my text message

Then, after texting Shi Buyan again, he turned on the communicator, “Here is the Sixteen Guards Patrol Reserve, please speak.” ”

“Here is the Spirit Hunting First Team, we have joined the members of the Spirit Hunting Second Team, we have found the nest suspected of this disaster incident, but we have not contacted the Vice Captain Shi”

He walked and talked

Without noticing that the voice on the other side of the communicator disappeared when he entered the tunnel

“We are now preparing to enter the old nest and carry out the extermination operation on the North River, the abandoned Tokugawa Tunnel.”

With that, he hung up the communicator and quickly caught up with the crowd in front of him.

“Hey hey hey! Where, where? ”

Mo Jingming shouted at the communicator that he only heard the first half of the sentence

The words behind it were not heard at all

Only a muzzle of noise came from the communicator.

There was no way to do it, he could only report the situation to the two bosses behind him, Lin Lao’s eyebrows frowned, and his heart tightened

“Don’t say anything when you don’t get in touch?” He didn’t go out with the Spirit Hunter team, is there an accident?”


Shi Bu Yan and Yang Xiantao had just come to the other side of the North River The girl leaned against the railing and stretched out a lazy waist

Show your curves if there are none

“Don’t say anything, it’s good to be with you, otherwise it’s so messed up now, I don’t dare to come out.”

Her voice was weak and seemed somewhat frightened

The moving footsteps came in the direction that was not spoken at the time. Without saying a word, he smiled softly

“Yes, how did I find out that none of them seemed to notice you at all?”

On the way just came

They also encountered several incidents that were just solved by Shi without saying a word. Yang Xiantao heard the words, and as soon as her figure stagnated, she laughed dryly, tilted her head and asked, “What are you talking about?” ”

Without saying a word, he was slowly walking in her direction

“I have two strange things, first, why don’t you attack me directly?”

A faint smile appeared on his face

“Second, does this deserted place have any special meaning for you?”

Shi Buyan stood in front of Yang Xiantao’s body and leaned down to look at the familiar face.

“Or are you afraid of what?” This Chaos Spirit disguised as my friend~”

The voice dropped

Yang Xiantao’s expression changed suddenly

She jumped lightly and flashed to a distance of three meters, and her body was not at all like an ordinary person.

Looking at the moat railing that had been suddenly broken by Shi Wuyi’s sudden shot, a seductive bone noise was emitted in her throat

“Sure enough, as Gratt said, not only is the sense of being so handsome and very keen, especially the smell on the body really makes people want to eat you.” 」

Between words, Yang Xiantao’s body slightly twisted her figure and face like a wave of water rippled for the next moment,

A young woman with a milky figure appeared in front of her without saying a word, and she was the lustful priest of the old day!

She just stood there without any movement

All over the body exudes an extremely seductive breath, an aura that is fatally attractive to all men!

“When did you find out?”

Lai Qijiao laughed, and those peach blossom-like eyes looked at her without saying a word. north

“From the first time you came to me, I found out that you are not the real Yang Xian, the reason why you didn’t expose it, just wanted to see what you really wanted to do.”

Without a word, he paused, and then continued

“But I’m a little curious, since you’re afraid of me, why did you ask me out alone tonight?”

Lai Qi’s pupils shrank and he snorted coldly, “I’m afraid of you? Joke! ”

When the time is not smiling, open his mouth lightly.

“If you weren’t afraid, why would you poison the sweets you sent?”

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