The voice just dropped

Caiqi’s expression became a little stiff

She looked at the opposite side in disbelief without saying a word

Because she was indeed poisoned in sweets,

Although Holtleth had told her before

Don’t leave it alone

But Lai Qi was still a little angry

In part because the previous black goat was her “child.”

She put a lot of thought into it

The result is that he was killed without saying a word

The heads were ripped off

On the other hand

It was the inexplicable smell of the chaotic spirit on Shi Wuyan’s body

It really didn’t make her hungry

And as the priest in charge of lust in the old days

The high-value appearance that does not speak of at any time

It made her feel even more intense.


Lai Qi felt that it was still necessary to try to taste it

Anyway she and Gratt were different from them

Cai Qi only needs to control her spiritual power fluctuations during the process of eating

Then you won’t let your eaten food die

But although she is still quite confident in her own strength

But when it comes to the speed of the extremely impactful strength

And the ease and indifference that is reflected in every battle

All of them made Cai Qi feel a little afraid in her heart

So to ensure safety

That night

She secretly replaced the carambola peach

She knows that she likes to eat sweets

Every day, food is delivered to the time without saying for a reason

Then every sweet serving is doped with a very small amount of toxin

Eat some at a time, and it won’t make people feel it

Only in this way will it not be discovered without words

But just eat a few times in a row

Then it will make people have physical problems without knowing it

Especially when it comes to mobilizing ability, there is a sense of powerlessness.

Obviously a foolproof plan

But he was still noticed by the silence

Cai Qi’s face showed a puzzled look

“No way, I investigated you, you can’t understand poison!”

There was a slight smile in return

“I’m sorry, but I know a little bit better.”


It goes without saying that he has never been exposed to knowledge about toxins before

This is also the result of the investigation of Laiqi


Shi Wuyan really understands some toxicology

I started learning only recently

The reason is none other than him

Because recently he turned on the system

A template that incorporates Gojo Goku

Among them there is a bottomless technique that can be said to be absolute defense.


It can block the proximity of all objects, which is called invincible


This move has a little-known bug

That is, it is not anti-poison

In the original world

Even the Gojo Enlightenment that later became the absolute ceiling

Nor can he let his Lower Limit Technique automatically detect poison and defend itself

One is because the composition of the poison is complex and difficult to identify

For example, tetrodotoxin is a small molecule non-protein neurotoxin

Although the six eyes of Gojo Goku are able to resolve to the point of the atomic level

However, for the analysis of toxins, it is inevitable that there are some complications.

The second is that Gojo Goku himself is already extremely strong

Ordinary poisons could not touch him at all

Even if you accidentally enter the body

Gojo’s super powerful reversal technique can also quickly inflict damage from poisons

Fix it

It doesn’t hurt itself substantially

Therefore, he did not have to spend a lot of effort to make the poison conscious


Put it into your own unlimited automatic recognition system

After all, this is something that takes a lot of effort to complete

Simply put

It is Gojo Goku for identifying poisons, although it is possible, but it is not necessary.

But the time is different

That’s for him now

It is a very necessary thing

His current strength was still much worse than that of Gojo Goku at that time

And the reversal technique did not reach Dacheng either

So in order to survive well in this extraordinary world

Without saying a word, he began to learn toxicology

As a student collapse

Oh no

It’s a matter of reading content once you can learn

You can even give an example of the study of God

Even after unlocking the reversal spell in the past few days

Start trying to configure some simple poisons yourself

Then after taking the food, through their own personal induction

to note down this type of toxin reaction

And add it to the defense identification system of the Stop Force.

Just before Lai Qi came to his house and knocked on the door

Without saying a word, a person in the house is doing it

But there is one thing

Lai Qi still guessed correctly

It goes without saying that the toxins added by Raiki to the sweet cassette were not found

That thing belongs to the high-order toxin

It is not yet possible to distinguish it for the time being


Shi WuXian knew that this was given to him by the Chaos Spirit

Not the clerk starling

And through the box

He saw that the sweets still had a hint of because the dish had been touched

So there was a faint red spiritual power left

So Shi Wuyi simply did not choose to eat it.

Cai Qi was angry when he did not say anything

It was completely different from what she expected!

“Without saying a word, don’t you care where that cute little girl went?”

Cai Qi let out a smirk in her mouth

Then he looked at it with interest without saying a word

She desperately wanted to see a look of panic on her silent face

But soon she was disappointed.

“I found her.”

When it is natural to open your mouth without saying a word, you will reply

“Just after you first came to me, I found her in her house.”

Then, for safety reasons, she was sent to the headquarters of the Sixteen Guards

But if you miss her, as the vice captain of the Spirit Hunting Team, I can approve you to go and see her.


Lai Qi was extremely angry, and for a moment he could not speak

She had been thinking of leaving the little girl behind

Then as a chip to help when it is critical

But I didn’t expect to be discovered so quickly

He also sent people to the headquarters of the Sixteenth Guard

Is that place where a chaotic spirit can go?!

The next moment,

Cai Qi decided not to delay without delay

Now that the identity has been recognized

Soft ones don’t work, then only hard ones!

The red spiritual power in Lai Qi’s body began to surge

A black chain protruded from behind her

Like a snake with great venom

The remote point is in the direction that is not spoken at the time


A strong wave of spiritual power emanated from her

That’s the first-level Chaos Spirit of the Steam Breath Clan!

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