“It’s still the system is powerful!”

Nanaya breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, the system that had just been praised by him soon came …

A system prompt!

[Host, warning reminder, because of the intervention of abnormal factors, the system exhausts energy for elimination, and then the system will enter a sleep state. 】

“What, sleep? SystemI just praised you, and you wilted? ”

The corner of Qiye’s mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

Co-authoring the system you, can’t you boast?

[The host can rest assured that this system is only dormant, but all functions are functioning normally.] As long as the host…]

Before the words were finished, the sound of the system disappeared.

This made Seven Nights completely dumbfounded.

“Isn’t it, how to finish talking?”

Seven nights are a little anxious.

“System, you have to tell me, did the influence of that strange factor just now come from the Spirit King?”

But the system did not respond.

There was complete silence.

“It’s really dormant. Alas! ”

Nanaya sighed.

But my heart became more vigilant.

That gaze just now must be the Spirit King!

Although the system was solved, the Spirit King’s gaze on him, as well as some unfavorable factors.

But this also shows that the Spirit King is powerful.

The system can take him through the world, and it can also provide character cards for the heavens and realms.

This feature…

It’s just a hanging day!

But in order to eliminate the adverse effects of his entry into the world of death, he actually ran out of energy.

Perhaps in the process of crossing, the system also consumes a lot of energy.

This is what has led to this situation.


But this does not deny the strength of the Spirit King.

And his current state is not very good.

Qiye has already felt that there are some more constraints on himself.

This should be system attached.

However, this constraint is not to seal his strength.

Or rather, it’s a measure.

For example, the ability of Seven Nights to use the Shining Fruit, once a certain limit is exceeded, this binding amount will appear.

It’s just a reminder, if Seven Nights wants to continue to improve, it’s still okay.

But according to Seven Nights’ estimates, if he continues to improve, I am afraid that he will be watched by the Spirit King again.

Because this is not the power of this world.

Even the power of the Ten Blades and the God of Death could not be fully used.

Seven Nights felt that this should be the power of his characters in the Grim Reaper World that already existed in the Grim Reaper World.

If he uses too strongly, I am afraid that he will also be watched by the Spirit King.

And then……

It is estimated that it will be cool to sing.

Of course, Seven Nights did not feel that he was exposed, and he would be wiped out by the Spirit King.

His strength is not weak either.

If it broke out completely, then even if it was not the opponent of the Spirit King, it would not be erased by the other party.

However, there was always a thought in Qiye’s heart, that is, it was really exposed and watched by the Spirit King.

Absolutely bad things will happen.

Even if he has an immortal body, the Spirit King cannot be erased, then drive him out of the world of death…

I guess I am afraid that it can!

So here’s the problem.

In the case of system hibernation, what will happen to the seven nights of being exorcised from the world of death?

Regarding such speculation, Seven Nights did not want to guess.

“Well, let’s get used to it first, and then talk about anything else. Besides, I’m also a person with status now. ”

At this time of the seven nights, he finally knew what benefits he had brought to him by having Lan Ran and the others’ death world character cards.

Then identity!

And his current status is not low.

Seven Nights of Tsunayamo!

The name Tsunayaro was unfamiliar to Nanaya.

If it weren’t for the system interface, there was an explanation for this family, and Seven Nights would not have known.

The Tsunade family, one of the four nobles of the Corpse Soul Realm, is responsible for managing the Great Spirit Book Cloister.

The family that knows all the history and information of the corpse soul world has an inseparable relationship with the Spirit King and the Forty-Six Rooms.

That’s right, this is one of the four nobles like the original Immortal Shiraya family.

Moreover, Nanaya’s current identity is still the second son of the Tsunayaro family.

Although because he has no talent, he is the second son who is not valued by the family.

But that’s also a very high-status person.

Even when he went out, some of the gods of death saw him, and they had to salute.

“Hey, so I’m in the Corpse Soul Realm now?”

Seven nights woke up.

What kind of start is this?


Or is it not good?

“Wait, I remembered. This Tsunaya family seems to have seen it somewhere. ”

Seven nights’ eyes narrowed, falling into his own memory.

In the past life, when the earth looked at the god of death, he accidentally saw a person’s information.

Tsunayayo Shitan!

The head of the “Tsunayamo” family, one of the four nobles.

Originally, it was the last seat of the family, but after hiring killers to kill the family heirs one by one and kill the killers, he became the head of the Tsunayayo family.

He is sinister and black, extremely vicious, and a character who will stop at nothing to achieve his ends.

Even on that information, Tsunade Shitan also asked his subordinate Fula Sorcerer, Dohagen Auura.

A living form created from the corpses of the Shinigami, humans, exterminators, and finishers, Tesami Hikoya!

Tanaya Hikoya has the power of a mixture of the Shinigami, the Void, and the Exterminator, and is powerful, with a broken “steel skin” and the Exterminator’s “Static Blood Suit”.

However, there is no gender distinction between the birth, and Tsunayayo Tokitan calls him “both the beginning and the end”, and reproductive function, gender, and growth are all unnecessary.

The most important is Tsunaya Shitan, who tries to make Shinsuhiko the next “Spirit King”, and he becomes the controller of the Spirit King.

That is, to finally become the master of the three realms!

These Tsunayayo Shitan are also halfway there.

Tanaya Hikoya made it.

But he definitely didn’t cultivate him into a spirit king later.

As for what the ending was, Seven Nights did not know.

However, it is estimated that such villains usually do not have any good results.

For such people, Seven Nights does not care.

He just wanted to figure out now what exactly was when.

The system gave him the identity of Tsunaya Shichiya, but the problem was that there was no explanation for all the nights.

Just such an identity.

It seems that it was forcibly joined.

Therefore, everything about this identity, Seven Nights knows.

This son, the head of the Tsunayayo family, has no talent and has always been placed in the most marginal area of Tsunayayo.

Even the people of the Tsunayayo family had little contact.

However, this time, the identity of this Tsunayayo Nanaya makes it easy for Nanaya to take over.

Anyway, if you are not familiar, then you will have it.

Stay in peace and talk about the rest.

If I can’t use too much power, then I will cultivate a strong force.

In that case, you Spirit King can’t come and watch me!”

Gradually gaining powerful power in the world of the Grim Reaper, this Spirit King will definitely recognize it.

Then, the problem is mostly solved.

And most importantly, once the person of the Seven Nights Death World merges with the character of the character card he owns.

Then there is no problem in using the power of these characters.


Fifth more!

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