If he cultivates powerful power in the world of the God of Death, then Seven Nights can be used without scruples.

And the characters he created may not be able to be summoned now.

Because Seven Nights has already been tested.

The system sleeps, and many things cannot be known for seven nights.

He had to test it himself.

Three months after coming to the world of death, seven nights did a lot of tests.

For example, summon a character from the Thirteen Team Combination Card at will.

And then……

As soon as he was summoned, the Grim Reaper, who was created by Seven Nights with a character card, died instantly.

Because fortunately, Seven Nights was vigilant in his heart, and when he summoned, he placed the Grim Reaper far away.

But the result!

The Spirit King’s gaze appeared again.

Although he didn’t see it with his own eyes, as the owner of the character card, Nanaya clearly felt it.

The character he summoned ended up under a special force…

Or to put it simply, under the gaze of the Spirit King, it directly turned into nothingness.

Even after that, the Spirit King’s gaze focused on this area for a full three days before receding.

This made Seven Nights understand, even if it was a weak character.

But as long as it is a figure who does not belong to the power of the Grim Reaper World, once this appears, it will be erased by the Spirit King.

Because this is already the character that has appeared in the world of the Grim Reaper, as well as the power.

Again appear, it is an outlier.

will be destroyed by the Spirit King.

However, this also made Seven Nights perceive.

The Spirit King may really not have any spiritual intelligence.

There may be, but not much, close to and faded into the state of disappearance.

Now all that remains is to be the wedge and foundation of the three realms, obliterating the existence and power of the alien, and I am afraid that it is a mechanical command.

The Spirit King is already a mechanical being.

However, the Spirit King definitely still has a certain spiritual intelligence.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t have stayed for three days.

Such a test, seven nights only carried out once.

The Spirit King may still have some spiritual intelligence, and it would be a bit risky to continue like this.

But now that the state and situation of the Spirit King’s operation have been clarified, then the next thing will be easy to do.

In the three months since he came to the world of death, although he did not go out for seven nights.

But it was done one thing.

That is to select the five skills of the world card ‘One Piece’…

The abilities of the five demon fruits, flame fruits, thunder fruits, frozen fruits, and soul soul fruits were confirmed.

Because only by confirming can the five skill options of the world card be completely fixed.

Then, optimize and improve.

And Seven Nights finally knew why the system had not allowed him to determine these five abilities in the One Piece world.

And put the certainty in the world of the Grim Reaper.

Because after the five abilities were determined, the abilities of these five devil fruits actually fused.

Not with the help of the power of Hongyu.

It is the function of the world card itself, and after optimization and enhancement, these five Devil Fruit abilities are fused.

Such a fusion is not surprising to Seven Nights.

Because the system had already explained to him before, the attributes matched, or the Devil Fruit ability that complemented each other.

Once confirmed, it is fused with the help of the world card.

But at most, Seven Nights felt that the three demon fruits of the Flash Fruit, the Flame Fruit and the Thunder Fruit would fuse.

The Ice and Fire Devil Fruit ability sounds very powerful.

But the ice and fire abilities are conflicting, and the chance of fusion is not great.

But in the end, they merged.

It also added the abilities of the other three demon fruits.

However, soon Seven Nights knew why.

Soul Fruit!

The Soul Fruit must have reached the realm of three awakenings this time.

Let the souls of the seven nights have some kind of abnormality.

And this mutation was carried out in the world of the Shinigami, and it was still in the Lingting Court.

Seven Nights only has the identity of the Grim Reaper, which does not mean that he has the spirit body of the Grim Reaper.

Without equipping character cards, Seven Nights’ body is real flesh and blood.

It is just that under the cover of the system, it makes others feel that he is a spirit being.

But this time, after the mutation from the soul fruit, his body actually became spiritual.

The body and the spirit have both.

Just think about it, Seven Nights can switch between the two.

Now he can be considered a true Grim Reaper.

And in the process of soul transformation, it seems to be recognized by the world of death.

The soul of the seven nights actually gave birth to a slashing knife.

Although it is still shallow.

But it is not a shallow fight created by the “Dao God” two Yue of Team Zero.

The shape, state, and ability of the slashing knife are based on the soul of the god of death himself.

Death gains power by knowing the name of the slashing knife given to him and by engaging in a spiritual dialogue with it.

The shape, size and ability of knives vary depending on the person’s situation and personality. The original form of the sword was the same, and it was the specifications of the Japanese katana.

That is, the shallow pattern.

However, even the shallow beaten is made of unique materials.

Directly conceived with one’s own soul, I am afraid this is the first example.

It seems that it is precisely because it is based on soul power as the material, the auxiliary of the external soul fruit, and there is no other material.

This is the result, the slashing knife of the seven nights has not been fully formed until now.

Now it is only in the soul of the seven nights, and there is no complete physical word.

However, go down at this rate.

Can’t hide for long…

Well, in fact, it is estimated that it will take two or three hundred years.

But if the cultivation of the Seven Nights Surprise God of Death allows himself to obtain the power of the God of Death, it can reduce time and accelerate the speed of the materialization of the slashing knife in his soul.

This was also the first time that Seven Nights had officially practiced.

In the One Piece world, he didn’t practice much.

All possessions are obtained from character cards.

However, even if he was cultivating, Seven Nights had absolute confidence.

The reason was simple, his soul changed because of the soul fruit, and the spirit body formed by this was extremely powerful.

It’s also extremely talented.

This made Seven Nights’ cultivation speed very fast.

In just three months, before he had experienced the orthodox Death God cultivation, he already possessed the level of the senior grade of the True Yang Spirit Art Academy.

This is still because most of the time has been spent groping for seven nights.

If he had known the method of orthodox cultivation long ago, his speed could increase even faster.

But in this regard, Seven Nights is embarrassing.

The normal systematic way of the Grim Reaper, he does not know …

Lan Ran and other gods of death must know.

But how could he possibly ask?

No need!

But now it’s embarrassing.

If he can’t summon Lan Ran and the others, then he can’t get such knowledge from the characters he created.

Then there is only one way left to let the seven nights go.

“It seems that I can only go to the Zhenyang Spiritual Academy to study!”

Sighing, Seven Nights planned to go to the True Yang Spiritual Academy.

As for how to enter the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Academy, as the second son of the head of the Tsunaya family, there was no problem.

However, in this way, it is necessary to contact the Tsunayayo family!


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