(Tony Stark: The machine kai… )

(Orochimaru: Can a mechanical body live forever?) )

The first, Konoha’s thing, wasn’t interested. The second one, Avalanche Energy, we don’t have this. The third, the Grim Reaper, is the same as above. The fourth, the gods, does not … Wait! Machine?

What happens if you replace your body with machinery?

Orochimaru thought of his former “colleague”, the scorpion of the organization.

“Hehe~ interesting, it seems that I have to take time to go to Sand Ninja Village.”

(Vegapunk: Can anyone tell me how this thing is made!?) )

(Shino-no-buk: There is still hope for Nu’s efforts!) )

(Vegapunk :?) )

(Tony Stark: I have an idea!) )

(Vegapunk :?) )

(Bulma: Will do, too lazy to do.) )

(Vegapunk :?) )

(Lara: Make it!) )

(…… )

(Vegapunk: Is it my problem?) )

If Gong Juren goes to Vegapunk’s thoughts, he will probably tell him that it’s not that you have a problem, that you’re not bad, it’s that your world can’t do it, which seriously drags you down.

Like Tony’s father, Howard Stark, dragged down by the times.

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, Seito University Affiliated Hospital.

“Mechanical life? Is it that hard? Tan Lidou looked insolent, “Although I haven’t made mechanical life, I’ve done something similar!” ”

“Li Dou, let me go!” Poppy, who was grabbed by the collar by Tanlidou, kept struggling.

“This is the life I created!”

“Tan! Black! Fight! ”


“What’s wrong with Li Dou?” As soon as Baosheng Yongmeng entered CR (Computer Lifesaving Center/CyberbrainRoom commonly known as CR), he saw Tan Lidou sitting there with a big swollen head.

Kagami Feicai: “Sanctioned by Poppy. ”

“Yes?” Baosheng Eternal Dream has seen no wonder. This guy, if he doesn’t make his “mother” angry every day, he is not filial piety.

Speaking of which, Li Dou can also be regarded as dragged down by the times, right? It’s just that this guy is dragging the times now, if he is gone one day, it is impossible to say that the times will be abandoned, right?

“Haha.” Thinking of this, Yongmeng smiled, how is it possible, whoever dies, this guy will not die.

At this moment, the inventory video appeared again –

[Warriors! ]

[Invincible warriors! ] ]

[His name means warrior in superantiquity.] ]

[He is an invincible warrior.] ]


[“I don’t want to fight…”].

[No one is born a warrior, no one is born to fight.] ]

[“Don’t go, you’ll die.”) ]

[“No problem!”] ]

[No problem, no problem…]

[“Whew~ believe in yourself, you’re okay! Come on—”]

[For the sake of everyone’s smile, let yourself (me) turn into nothingness (emptiness), even if you are sad and wounded, bravely use violence to fight.] ]

[Come on – fighters. ]

[Come on – empty me.] ]

[Come on – five generations… Yusuke. ]

[Kamen Rider – Empty Me! ] ]

Well? Hearing the last sentence, Tan Lidou suddenly stood up.

“Kamen Rider? Did I allow it? Where did it come from? I’m going to ban him!” ”

Baosheng Eternal Dream: “Could it not be our world?” It said, superantiquity…”

“Can there be Kamen Rider in the superancient world!?”

On the other side, Kamen Rider Agito World.

Sumiko Ozawa looked at the description of the inventory video and began to mobilize the past data.

She had heard the name.

Two years ago, a horrible race went around killing people, and finally it seemed that an “unidentified lifeform No. 4” stopped them.

Empty me, when she was investigating the incident afterwards, a Metropolitan Police officer drank some alcohol and mentioned the name by chance.

When Ozawa wanted to confirm and ask the police officer in detail, he denied it.

After that, no matter how he asked, he did not disclose a single bit of information, and kept saying that he didn’t know anything.

Don’t know anything? How could it be, after she heard, that police officer had not drunk a sip of wine in two years, if he really didn’t know anything, how could he be so cautious.

After that, Ozawa Orange couldn’t find out anything, and later the leader of the Metropolitan Police Department told her, what to do, don’t delay the police work….

The Special Joint Search Headquarters for Unidentified Lifeform-Related Incidents, which was the organization responsible for the “Unidentified Lifeforms” incident at that time, was later promoted by many people, not because she offended Ozawa Orange.

There was no way, she could only get some “public” documents to go back.

And now, she heard the name again – empty me.

“Perhaps, this time it can solve my doubts…”

Kamen Rider Empty Me World, Ichijo and Goyo Yusuke look at each other.

Goyo: “Mr. Ichijo, did you mention my name just now?” ”

One: “Ahhh

For the sake of everyone’s smile, let yourself turn into nothingness, even if it is sad and hurt…


“Huh? Ichijo-san, what do you say? ”


This guy not only did not give up the fight in the future, but … Bastards, idiots, beaten covered in blood, is it not enough to not get up !? Still beaten in battle covered in blood?

Moreover, to let civilians go to fight until they are covered in blood, it is simply a shame for their Metropolitan Police Department!

“Hehe…” The current five generations were flesh that had been strengthened by spirit stones, and even if they said it very quietly, he still heard it, but he just thought he couldn’t hear it.

Idiot or something, a mulberry, aren’t you too, aren’t all of the Metropolitan Police Department?

“No problem!” Goyo clenched his fists and whispered.

[Country, Ruins of Mount Kuro.] ]

[Archaeologists excavated a remains from which a sarcophagus was found.] ]

[The sarcophagus is covered with bizarre writing, and inside the coffin is an ancient corpse wearing a petrified belt.] ]

[These superancient texts were sent to Sakurako Sakura Sawan of the Archaeology Laboratory at Seongnam University, hoping that Sakurako Sakura Sakura Sakura Saku ]

[With a burst of eerie music, a guy with a “devilish” face climbed in through the window and approached Sakurako Sakura Sawano step by step.] ]

[“Although we haven’t seen each other in a long time, don’t climb in through the window, Godai!”] ]

[Sakurako Sakura Sazawa didn’t even turn her head and said the identity of the person.] ]

[The prank failed, and the man took off his mask, revealing a face like a big boy in the sun.] ]

[“This is an Indonesian exorcism mask.”) ]

[Gift, straight male type gift.] ]

[“I’m asking for another strange gift.”] ]

[Sakurako smiled a little happily and helplessly.] ]

[“Coffee?”] ]

[“No, no, I’ll leave right away.”] ]

Outside the picture, Ichijo suddenly stared at Wudai.

“Ichi-san, what’s wrong?”

“No, nothing…”

[Goyo rejected Sakurako.] ]

[“I’m going to that Kuro Mountain ruins.”] ]

[After listening to Godai’s words, Sakurako sighed.] ]

[“You’re still the same, you can’t be idle at all.”) ]


[At this time, Sakurako’s computer rang, and the program she set up translated the meaning of some of the superancient text.] ]

[Sakurako and Goyo hurried over, only to see that the computer was full of -]

[Dead to dead…] WarningsWarningsWarning…].

PS: To be honest, I forgot a lot of details, I read it many years ago, and now I restart it, there are always some details I can’t remember clearly, I’m not afraid of being known by you … Complicated thoughts, or ask for support, flowers recommend collection

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