[Something went wrong.] ]

[The archaeology members of the ruins of Mount Kuro were wiped out and killed by monsters that emerged from the ruins.] ]

[This is not surprising to the audience of the Ten Thousand Worlds, this kind of thing that is clearly sealed is still moving blindly, isn’t this doing death?] ]

[The audience understands, but archaeologists will not understand, not because they don’t understand this truth, but in this “scientific” world, who would think of supernatural forces.] ]

[Even if others tell them, they will think that they have read too many novels and are joking here.] ]

[So, they were all gone.] ]

[The monster killed everyone and fled, leaving only the video recorder that worked silently.] ]

[Day 2.] ]

[The ruins are surrounded by police who are investigating what happened and why the archaeologists here have died.] ]

[The head of these police, a smoked police officer, looked around.] ]

[The destruction here is so bad, the scene is a mess, it is like it has been blown up by a bomb.] ]

[“Even if you are struck by lightning, you can’t destroy it like this, right?”] That’s what a police officer said. ]

[“The Meteorological Observatory has also confirmed that there is no seismic record of the explosion.”] ]

[The disaster here is so bizarre that even experienced rescuers can’t figure out what’s going on.] ]

[“This is the first time I have encountered this situation in so many years that I have been involved in mountain and forest rescue work.”) ]

[Just as the rescuers and one were talking, a daredevil figure stooped and ran in.] ]

[“Sorry, sorry, I’m late.”) ]

[The big boy in the sun half-covered his face and tried to run behind a police officer.] ]

[“I’ll get to work right away.”) ]

[There are a lot of staff now, and the fifth generation intends to impersonate the staff, and they can’t all know each other, right?] ]

[Snap! ] ]

[“Who are you!?” ]

[A police officer grabbed five generations, I really don’t know everyone, but you’re too fake!] ]

[“What do you want to do?”] ]

[The fifth generation found that he couldn’t get mixed in, so he had to drag out the truth.] ]

[“Death warning.”] ]

[Seeing that the police officer was puzzled, Goyo continued-]

[“This is the conclusion reached by Miss Zedo of Seongnam University after interpreting ancient texts.”] ]

[“You’re from the investigation team?”] ]

[The archaeological investigators in the ruins were all killed, and one thought that this was because he was not there, and escaped with his life.] ]

[“I’m just passing by.”] ]


[“This is my business card.”) ]


[“The man who chased his dreams, Yusuke Goyo, a man with 1999 skills?”] ]

[What is this?] There is also a simple cartoon character next to him who gives a thumbs up. ]

[“It’s me.”) ]

[Proud, Goyo nodded proudly.] ]

[“Take him to the police car.”) ]

[“Huh?” ]

[Seeing that he was going to be taken out, the five generations were in a hurry, pointing to the sky.] ]

[“Aaaa ]

[When they came here to investigate this strange place, a serious explosion was suspected, and the already wary investigators quickly turned their heads.] ]

[Goyo took advantage of this opportunity and ran towards the interior of the ruins.] ]

[Snap! ] ]

[A police officer, invincible!] ]

[Goyo was arrested again.] ]

[“If you don’t go again, I will arrest you for obstructing official duties!”] ]

[“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m leaving…”].

[Goyo raised his hands, made a military salute and prepared to leave, ready to go back and think about how to get in.] ]

[At this time, a staff member holding a strange item ran past Goyo.] ]

[Five generations were instinctively attracted to the past.] ]

[Belt? I don’t know why, but the fifth generation thought of this thing. ]

[Also, some unreadable images keep appearing in my mind.] ]

Seeing this scene, others did not know, the knights were excited, this is their knight’s belt.

[Goshiro, who returned home, followed Sakurako to the police station.] ]

[A police officer invites Sakurako to identify the items they brought out of the ruins.] ]

[“According to the videotape left at the scene, that mysterious figure killed everyone in the archaeological survey team of the ruins.”] ]

[“That guy at the end, as if showing off, smashes this belt-like accessory to the ground.”) ]

[With that, a police officer opened the box and handed the belt to Sakurako.] ]

[“It makes me care.”] ]

[“Originally, the entrusted evidence appraisal had to go through the formalities first, and the formalities were handed over to me, and you would first appraise.”) ]

[Miss Sakurako picked up her belt and looked at it carefully.] ]

[“A police officer!”] At this time, a police officer ran in anxiously. ]

[After a whisper, Ichijo entrusted the belt to Sakurako and Goyo and left in a hurry.] ]

[The two thought that a police officer had something urgent, but did not care, studied in this conference room for a while, felt that it was not early, and prepared to leave.] ]

[The two walked to the police station lobby with their suitcases.] ]

[Bang! ]

[A police car broke through the glass gate and didn’t stop until it hit a pillar.] ]

[Blood, blood flowed from the police car like water.] ]

[Through the glass, you can vaguely see the tattered body of the police officer in the cab inside, and…]

[Snap, snap, snap…]

[A weird figure pushed the car door and walked out.] ]

[The whole figure resembles a large spider standing and walking, hideous and terrifying.] ]

[The people in the police station felt a strange force spreading, murderous-]

[The terrifying murderous aura made everyone fearful, and many timid people began to scream. ] ]

[The spider glanced around and stared at the box that Sakurako had fallen not far from her feet when she fell.] ]

[The box has been broken open, revealing the belt inside.] ]

[“Purr, gurgler!”] (Note: I’m not some big guy, I even know Gulangi.) )

[Just when the audience wondered what this monster was saying, there was a barrage underneath.] ]

[Gulangi: “Is this Kuuga’s belt?”] “]

Gurangi? The name of this race?

Sakurako Sakurako of the empty world was bright, and quickly wrote down the words, pronunciation, and meaning just now, so that she could study it later.

[At this moment, the belt emitted a light, and the thorny five closed his eyes.] ]

[“Here it is again, what’s going on?”] ]

[He saw some inexplicable sights again, blurred.] ]

[Fear, fear. ]

[The spider monster began to kill wantonly, tearing the human body apart with a wave of its claws.] ]

[The entire police station hall is full of corpses, stumped limbs everywhere.] ]

[Bang! Bang! Bang! ]

[Even so, there are still many police officers who stick to their posts and keep shooting at monsters, even if they can’t even penetrate the other party’s skin, they still don’t retreat.] ]

[After all, there are unarmed people here.] ]

[“Bastard! Bastard! “]

[Five generations looked at this scene with bloodshot eyes.] ]

[What to do, is there any way not to do it!?] ]

[The monster jumped down and tried to snatch the belt in front of Sakurako.] ]

[Goyoichi pushed Sakurako away, picked up his belt and rolled away.] ]

[This belt… This monster wants this belt…]

[Rick recalled the videotape he had just seen in the conference room, and the monster hated the belt as well.] ]

[This is!] After seeing it clearly, after getting the belt, the fifth generation suddenly saw the picture that had been appearing in his mind. ]

[Bring it?] Is it? ]

[In that case, let’s gamble!] ]

[Thinking, Goyo buckled the belt to his waist.] ]



PS: Another case was found, two days ago we took a subway … I’m going to find time tomorrow to do the accounting… It’s too cold today to go out

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