The Opening Let The Bullets Fly, I Became A Satirical Director

Chapter 52: A Monster Who Never Plays Cards According To Normal Routines! [Seeking The First Order!

Chapter 52: A monster who never plays cards according to the normal routine! 【Seek first order!】

The movement of the lens, from the "circling" at the beginning, to the occasional movement in the middle, and then to the fast switching at the end, no longer moves.

It symbolizes the first meaning that Su Mo wants to express to the audience: the dignified atmosphere.

The two sides went back and forth at first, winning and losing each other, but in the end, the swords were drawn and the bowstrings were tense!

Even though all three of them had smiles on their faces, even ordinary viewers who didn't understand anything could subconsciously feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere at this moment...

After all, those who see this movie are more ordinary audiences, and they don't think so much.

What Su Mo wants to do is to let these audiences who don't understand anything can vaguely understand this movie!

At least, you have to understand the story you want to express!

"Let the Bullets Fly" is actually a relatively esoteric movie, and the various metaphors in it are the essence of the movie. Su Mo did not remove these metaphors.

Because, as Qi Qiang said to Zhang Wei, this part of the metaphor happens to be the "heart attack" that Su Mo left for everyone!

Only by leaving blank, the audience will interpret and analyze:

Only if there is enough moral hidden, the audience will connect this movie with their daily life!

In a sense, for the concept of "Let the Bullets Fly", the "story location" of Goose City is actually a bit "narrow".

But do a dojo in the snail shell!

It is precisely because Goose City is small that it can be used as a metaphor for bigger things!

And this layer of "camera movement pattern" is just an "icing on the cake", but Su Mo knows very well that the reason why this movie can be called a masterpiece is because every detail of it has been processed to the point of perfection.

And dig out the "pattern of camera movement", the other two patterns are not as simple as "icing on the cake"......

The first one is the "pattern of lines"!

The second one is "pattern of eyes"!

Since it can be called the word "pattern", it means that in this not very long plot, everything has been carefully designed.

Let me talk about the lines first......

Although Su Mo still uses the classic line comparison of the previous life "Let the Bullets Fly", he adjusted the order of each line.

Not because there was anything wrong with the original plot.


The environment in this world is different from the previous life!

In the previous life, even ten years after the filming of the movie "Let the Bullets Fly", countless people were still analyzing and interpreting it.

But in this world, when the entertainment industry is full of all kinds of rotten capital, if such a movie can't "become an instant hit", then it might just "be lost to everyone" and there is no chance for the audience to see it again. understood….…

Therefore, even if the original plot of this scene is already exciting enough, Su Mo must also add his own understanding and changes!

The biggest change is the order of lines......

In the original plot of "Let the Bullets Fly", whether it is Zhang Mazi, Huang Silang, or the master, their respective lines can be divided into three stages: "exploration", "face-to-face confrontation" and "forbearance" .

But when the lines of the three people are jumbled together, it will make the audience look in the clouds...

Obviously they said everything, but after careful consideration, they found that they didn't seem to say anything.

It does seem that there will be a sense of tension, but somehow it seems to be over, and we move on to the next topic

In fact, such an arrangement will indeed make the "drama" higher.

But what Su Mo wants is not just drama.

In this world, drama and metaphor alone are absolutely not enough!

What he has to face is those capitals who are eyeing around and choosing to eat;

What he wants to do is to change the status quo of the entertainment industry by himself!

In this case, it is a bit too "self-righteous" to rely on metaphor and drama to attract the attention of ordinary audiences.

Just like when Zhang Mazi decided to face off with Huang Silang, he had to give the guns to the people first, and he had first!

Whether it is the people of Goose City or the ordinary audience in this world.

In fact, they are almost the same...

Whoever wins, they will help!

Although this will make people a little bit aggrieved, but it is understandable.

After all, the people in Goose City just want to eat a hot meal and survive, and the audience in this world just want to watch a good movie

After all, they don't have such a high vision, and some people don't even realize that they are under oppression.

How can such people be asked to take the initiative to help Su Mo change something?

Su Mo has to "bring them into motion" step by step, and the first step is "Let the Bullets Fly"!

Since it is the first step, the barrel of the gun must be bright, and the snow-white silver must be attractive enough!

If Su Mo played the first and second episodes of "Let the Bullets Fly" for free, it would be "10% silver" given by Zhang Mazi to the people of Goose City;

Then in "Let the Bullets Fly", we put all kinds of situations on the basis of "still have metaphors", and made it clearer [it is the "gun barrel" that Zhang Mazi gave to the people of Goose City!


In the arrangement of the lines, Su Mo did make some changes.

The biggest change is to align the three stages of Zhang Mazi, Huang Silang, and Shiye, "Testing", "Confrontation" and "Forbearance".

When Huang Silang "tested".

Said: "Zhang Mazi!"

Said: "Send troops to suppress bandits!"

At this stage, Zhang Mazi and the master in the original film are actually in the "forbearance" stage, because they don't want to confront Huang Silang head-on at this time.

So, the master was "pretending to be confused", and Zhang Mazi just asked patiently, "So, does this Zhang Mazi have something to do with you, or does he have something to do with us?"

But after Su Mo's adjustment, at this stage, Zhang Mazi and the master all started to "explore"!

Only by adjusting to the "line stage" of alignment will there be more conflict and contradiction!

And the temptation of these two people is undoubtedly the conversation about the last few minutes...

Huang Silang's temptation ushered in the temptation of Zhang Mazi and the master;

Then, Huang Silang's "head-to-head confrontation" is logical.

Sun Shouyi was killed, and Wu Zhichong and Hu Wan were also "killed" one after another. Whether it was "knocking the mountain to shake the tiger" or "killing the chicken to scare the monkey", Huang Silang showed his attitude!

He also has four cards: "Liu Dutong's thigh", "Hundreds of people", "1.8 million", and "My watchtower is as solid as gold".

Four cards, all of which are king bombs, what do you use to fight me with pockmarked cards?

However, Huang Silang did not expect that his "head-to-head confrontation" would also usher in Zhang Mazi's "head-to-head confrontation"!

What about Liu Dutong's thigh? If it's broken, I'll connect it for you too!

"What I want are legs! The thighs of a heroic hero in the Jianghu!"

What happened to hundreds of people?

"Isn't it to suppress bandits? Suppress!"

1.8 million?

"1.8 million, don't pay it back!"

Are Diaolou really impenetrable?

"Then why do you really believe that only me and Master entered your watchtower?"

The line dialogue between the two people, every sentence is completely pushing the atmosphere into the abyss. When every audience watches this plot, even if they don't understand anything, they will have a subconscious feeling: these two people, I am afraid Are you going to start drawing guns in the next second?

And this is what Su Mo wants to tell the audience.

In the final "forbearance" stage, there is nothing to talk about.

Huang Silang agreed to "five to five points", and Zhang Mazi also said, "You will not be rewarded for no merit. It is too early to collect money now!"

And the master has always been a gentle character in this process.

In the stages of "exploration" and "frontal conflict", he has always acted like a fool and a transparent person.

But this is exactly his "way of survival" - pretending to be confused!

And it wasn't until the final stage of "forbearance" that he stood up cheerfully and happily, and finalized the matter involving money.

But he didn't know that his thoughts and opinions were actually completely opposite to those of Zhang Mazi and Huang Silang!

The master thought that these two people laughed and started talking about "Dollar" "Then it's all right.


From this moment on, the two people really couldn't bear the killing intent towards each other!

Apart from the lines and the movement of the camera, it is the eye scenes that cost Su Mo the most thought and energy.

Eye play is a very profound knowledge!

At a young age, everyone's eyes are actually different, but at an older age, the eyes of princes, generals, and ordinary people must be different!

But where is this difference?

I'm afraid no one can make it clear...

When an actor is filming an eye scene, once he uses too much force, he will become constipated, and if he does not use enough force, he will have no sense of strength!

The power of eye drama is reflected in "whether the audience understands or does not understand, they can feel almost the same emotion through this eyes"!

And in this scene.

Whether it's Fa Ge, Jiang Wen, or Uncle Ge, there is no doubt that the eye scenes have been performed well...

During filming, the wasted five or six times of NG were basically because the eye scenes of these three people were not in place.

And every time it is not in place, Su Mo will drag the three of them to a small black room to open a small kitchen alone!

Eye scenes are not lines, not actions, so even if Su Mo has "perfect director skills", in such scenes, he can only rely on his own deep understanding to slowly adjust.

And the final effect, of course, is perfect!

For such a movie, even if Su Mo is indeed pursuing efficiency, he will definitely not "haste less speed", and he will not stop until the filming is perfect.

That's why it took more than a week to film such a ten-minute scene...

From indifference to cruelty;

From dignified to pretending to be relaxed;

From sly eyebrows to smiling faces;

From the ability to control the overall situation with ease, to the gnashing of teeth that can't wait to kill your whole family......

Under Su Mo's adjustment, the eye scenes of Jiang Wen, Fa Ge and Uncle Ge can no longer be summed up clearly in a few words.

And such a complicated eye scene, in the movie, is actually just a few flashing shots.

But as I said just now, the reason why the eye play is profound is because the emotions it can convey to every audience are basically the same!

Like the lines, this is no longer "icing on the cake", this is... a hidden knife in a smile!

The "Hongmen Banquet" scene is already the climax of the "hidden conflict".

When all audiences see this, they can basically understand what the movie is about.

Su Mo uses three main characters, less than ten secondary characters, and uses seemingly complicated but actually very simple character relationships. In a relatively narrow goose city, Su Mo has created such a majestic and profound metaphor.

The engraved story is fully told.

This kind of ability may not be considered a big deal in the eyes of ordinary audiences. Anyway, everyone is just watching for fun.

But for those people who are really in the entertainment industry and rely on the film industry for a living, this is not so simple...

As the saying goes: Laymen watch the fun, and professionals watch the way!

Su Mo's doorway has indeed been seen by the "experts" in the entertainment circle, but.....but they can't see it clearly!

That's right, in the movie "Let the Bullets Fly", there are really too many metaphors, too many details for the foreshadowing, and too much blank space.

Even for these professional practitioners, it is basically impossible to see all the details clearly!

And it can make them all have this kind of "in the clouds and in the fog", but they have a general understanding of the plot and are deeply attracted by the plot.

The charm of this movie can be imagined.

Although "Let the Bullets Fly" is only halfway through, it has already created a great commotion in the entertainment industry!

Many directors and actors are already frantically searching for the name "Su Mi".


In their eyes, "Let the Bullets Fly" is certainly a masterpiece worth savoring many times, but the person who can make this movie is the one who pays more attention to it!

Most of these directors and actors are "beggars" who have already knelt at the feet of capital, but this does not affect their willingness to understand such an obvious professional skill than their own.

much stronger characters.

With the help of Su Mo's "Dongfeng", the three actors Jiang Wen, Fa Ge and Uncle Ge have also become popular!

When "Let the Bullets Fly" played for about 50 minutes, four famous ministers suddenly appeared on the scarf hot search list.

"Su Mo", "Jiang Wen", "Fa Ge" (of Zhao) and "Uncle Ge"!

What's worth mentioning is that before these four names were popularly searched, entries related to "Let the Bullets Fly" had already occupied a nearly average number of popular searches....

This is because most of the audience has already indulged in the plot of "Let the Bullets Fly", and there is no time to come out to increase the popularity of this movie.

But just a little bit of heat escaping has already formed such a terrifying situation.

It is conceivable how much psychological harm this scene caused to those caring people.

At this time, everyone in Dragonfly Entertainment is actually close to "self-disruption".

After all, their opponent is a monster who never plays cards according to normal routines...

When people quarrel, they should at least start with a few words of sarcasm, but what about Su Mo?

When I came up, I took the 18th generation of my ancestors as a bet, and even directly omitted the intermediate process. A few scarves have transitioned to the stage of fighting the entire capital group!

For other people to make a movie, how can I say it takes one or two months to prepare, two to three months to shoot, one to two months to edit, and one to two months to promote it?

A movie can be released in four or five months, which is considered fast.

And what about Su Mo?

It didn't take a month for this guy to go from "Insulting Li Yimeng on the street" to the release of "Let the Bullets Fly"!

Is this still a person?

The most important thing is.....

When everyone makes movies, they all go to theaters, and they all sell at the box office.

And Su Mo, a heretic, went straight to an online movie!!

Not only did he appear on the online movie, but he also showed the audience the first and second times for free!!

The people of Dragonfly Entertainment couldn't react to all kinds of unconventional and unexpected tricks.

When a film is not able to handle it in terms of quality or channels, even the actors and directors themselves, even if they are capital, how can they target it?

And limit SU?

In the office, Mo Qing's complexion was already extremely ugly. .

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