The Opening Let The Bullets Fly, I Became A Satirical Director

Chapter 53: Terrifying Data! 98.4% Completion Rate! ! ! [Seeking The First Order! 】

Chapter 53: Terrible data! 98.4% completion rate!!!【Seeking the first order!】

The movie was only about halfway through, and Mo Qing's complexion was already ugly, as if he was about to kill someone!

Xuanyuan Ting's phone call on the back of the thigh can't get through. The power of Su Mo's movie is gradually showing. Those weapons that look very sharp, such as "fishing boat" and "smearing"

"Theatrical restrictions" and so on, now it seems that Su Mo has once again made a wedding dress

This feeling of frustration and powerlessness has almost never appeared in Mo Qing since the establishment of Dragonfly Entertainment!

Looking at the expressions of Master, Zhang Mazi, Huang Silang and others on the computer screen, Mo Qing's eyes showed the same killing intent as Huang Silang...

Just as Huang Silang just wanted to "play" with Zhang Mazi at the beginning.

At the beginning, Mo Qing also had the same mentality towards such a small person as Su Mo.

after all………

A little-known ant, even if Li Yimeng is popular in the street, what can he do?

In the eyes of capital, Su Mo is just a bug who wants to be famous and crazy!

In Mo Qing's eyes, Su Mo at that time was not worth targeting at all, even banning him would be a waste of resources.

Just as Huang Silang wanted to take advantage of the new county magistrate to gain the benefits of the two big families, Mo Qing immediately thought that he could take advantage of the conflict between Su Mo and Li Yimeng to completely support Li Yimeng. The company wins more benefits!

And it was from then on that things got a little out of hand!

Su Mo did not follow the routine, not only snatched the first wedding dress and put it on, but also filmed "Let the Bullets Fly" with lightning speed.

How could Qi Qiang, Zhang Wei, Li Yimeng and the others fail to react to this lightning-like speed?

It is impossible for Mo Qing to react!

During this process, Mo Qing's attention to Su was still not in place: she thought of being able to film with Su Mo at the same time, fight in the arena, and thought of various ways to block and restrict Su Mo, but she never thought that Su Mo would actually be real. have this ability

In the process of "raising" with Su Mo, Mo Qing never thought that she would lose.

One side is a company with a market capitalization of hundreds of billions.

Li Yimeng hired almost all directors and actors who could be hired with money;

Whether it's props, sets, or scripts, Ji Yimeng spends money at will:

Theatres, channels, publicity, and Mo Qing just spend money on Li Yimeng...

And the other party is a grass-roots team with a total investment of 50 million.

The script, written in an hour;

actor, caught in the street;

The director is an unknown person who has never produced any works.

Is there anything the two sides can fight?

Essentially 620, this is not a contest of the same level!

But Mo Qing has forgotten, whether it is actors, directors, funds, channels, contacts, resources...

After all, these things are just external help!

Just like those illusory powers and classes in Goose City.

After Su Mo has a way to completely eliminate and evade these things, the only remaining bargaining chip between the two sides is the movie itself!

So, which movie is better, "Love in Luosi Hall" or "Let the Bullets Fly"?

Before seeing "Let the Bullets Fly", even if Mo Qingming knew that Li Yimeng was an idiot, she didn't think that "Love in Luosi Hall" would be worse than "Let the Bullets Fly".

Because whether it is the cast or the director lineup, it is not comparable to a little-known brat.

Li Yimeng is stupid, but the people he chose are not stupid!

Three cobblers are worth a Zhuge Liang!

Mo Qing said when Li Yimeng was ordered to die: "You are not capable enough, so recommend a few capable directors to the company!"

In fact, the director lineup of "Love in Luosi Hall" is indeed luxurious...

Li Yimeng spent a lot of money and hired three assistant directors.

It's not his own "fake appearance" who was pushed out by the capital as a facade, but the kind of famous director who has really won awards at home and abroad!

It is true that even these directors have never produced any good movies during the years when capital entered the market.

But this does not affect that their abilities are obvious to all and recognized by everyone!

In other words, if it wasn't for the poor environment of the entertainment industry after capital entered the market, how could Li Yimeng invite these famous directors to be his "associate director"?

With this lineup of directors, coupled with a "luxury" lineup of artists and a top shooting team.

Mo Qing thinks that no matter how bad "Love in Luosi Hall" is, it is definitely a top-notch movie.

But she forgot one thing, that is...the entertainment industry hasn't released a good movie for too long!

Even for these famous directors, their thinking has been domesticated into the shape of capital!

How to cater to the market? How to let more famous and popular artists stand in the C position? How to use extremely inferior routines to catch the audience's attention?

They are very proficient in using these things.

But let them make a real good movie.....

Ha ha, that's really difficult!

It's not that these directors can't shoot, but at least they have to recover and adapt for a while, right?

However, the time Su Mo left for them is only one month...

When the movie "Let the Bullets Fly" appeared in front of everyone with the attitude of being born out of nowhere, even Mo Qing had to admit: "Love in Luosi Hall" should not be beaten.

As one of the creators of the rules, Qing certainly knows what kind of people those people under him are.

Give them a few more brains, and they won't be able to make a movie like "Let the Bullets Fly"!

But it was such a clear cognition that made Mo Qing even more angry and annoyed!

On her beautiful face, there are already dense clouds at this time, and her cold eyes seem to freeze Jiuyou.

But no matter how angry she was, things had happened.

So far, only the rescuer is left!

Mo Qing took a deep breath, took out the phone, and called several entertainment companies with cooperative relations one after another.

Everyone is capital, and I am in trouble at Dragonfly Entertainment, can you still sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?

Don't forget, this little bastard Su Mo is here for the entire capitalist group!

on a speeding vehicle.

Zhuge Xing's eyes flashed with admiration, and he wanted to take the "Hongmen Banquet" back and watch it again, but found that the website did not allow

In Su Mo's playback settings, set "Only allow pause, not playback"!

In other words, if you want to watch it back, you can only watch it a second time...

This is also a conspiracy. Su Mo's intention is to let the audience watch it for the second time, and even the third time and the fourth time.

After discovering this setting, Zhuge Xing burst out laughing!

Beside her, the little secretary Yuanyuan was full of curiosity and confusion.

She was also watching this movie with Zhuge Xing, but she couldn't see any laughs at all.

Even though Zhang Mazi, Huang Silang, and Master were all laughing, Yuanyuan only felt a little chilly all over!

"Director Xing, what are you... laughing at?"

Yuanyuan couldn't help asking.

Zhuge Xing's laughter gradually stopped, he sighed deeply, and said with emotion.

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead..."

"I'm laughing because Su Mo's ability to direct is really strong, and I'm also laughing that he really understands people's hearts..."

Pointing at the screen on the car TV, Zhuge Xing said cheerfully.

"Yuanyuan, when you watch this movie, do you find that some parts seem to be understood, but some parts seem to be unclear?"

"When some shots flash past, it seems to be a very important detail, but it doesn't seem to be very important?"

As soon as this remark fell, Yuanyuan hurriedly nodded!

"That's right, that's right!"

"Director Xing, that's how I feel!"

"If you ask me, Su Mo's movie is not good at all, it's so cloudy, I can't understand it...

Pouting her lips, the little secretary muttered.

"So far, all I know is that Zhang Mazi is a gangster, and he came to Goose City to beat Huang Silang!"

Zhuge Xing nodded meaningfully and asked again.

"Then do you understand what kind of people Huang Silang and Zhang Mazi are?"

Yuanyuan nodded, puzzled, because she didn't know.

"Of course I understand...Aren't they the main characters? One is the emperor who does all kinds of evil, and the other is a gangster, but he is kind-hearted and wants to save the people of Goose City! (abad)"

The look in Zhuge Xing's eyes became deeper.

"Yuanyuan, so far, do you want to watch this movie for the second time?"

Yuanyuan's expression froze for a moment!

After several seconds, she nodded hesitantly and said softly.


"It's mainly due to the cloudy and foggy photos taken by Su Mo. I didn't understand many places. I...I want to go back and take another look!"

Zhuge Xing immediately burst out laughing again!

After laughing for a long time, he applauded, took a deep breath, and praised.

"This is Su Mo's ability..."

"Even someone like you, who has never been interested in movies of this kind, wants to watch it a second time or a third time..."

"Su Mo, Su Mo, maybe, you are the one I've been waiting for."

The vehicle carrying Zhuge Xing was heading towards Licheng non-stop.

And in Licheng, the headquarters of Lincheng culture.

The atmosphere is full of eagerness and excitement at the moment!

Jiang Wen, Uncle Ge, Fa Ge, Chen Kun, Li Xiaoxiao

Everyone has complex expressions on their faces!

Excited, dazed, nervous, at a loss...

They seem to be happy, but this happiness, it doesn't seem real.

And the reason why their emotions are so complicated, of course, is because of the movie "Let the Bullets Fly".

To be precise, it is because of the various statistics of this movie so far!

About an hour has passed since "Let the Bullets Fly" started playing.

On the big screen, the video data summary module of Goose City is clearly displaying various playback data!

Number of real-time online viewers:** people;

Completion rate so far: 98.4%;

New registered users: 154,682;

The number of posts in the public exchange area: 4862;

The simple four data, but any website, any platform, will never reach a height in the first hour of opening!!

The number of real-time online viewers has reached nearly 50 million in just one hour!

This is already the number of viewers of a 1.5 billion, or even 2 billion ordinary theater movie...

And this is only an hour!!

And the scariest thing is the second data.

Completion rate, 98.4%!

What concept?

This data means that among the nearly 50 million people, there are actually a full 98.4% of them, who have been watching the present and have not quit or jumped into the plot!!!

Even if it's a theater movie, there will still be some people who are in a hurry and don't watch half of it.

98.4% completion rate, if you count the viewers disconnected from the Internet, jumping a little uninteresting plot, pausing or busy with something...

That's basically a 100% completion rate!

This kind of horrific data appeared on online movies, not to mention people from the outside world, even the people in the creative team of Goose City Culture Headquarters were a little shocked!

The remaining two data refer to the number of users who have chosen to register in "Goose City Video" and the number of people posting in the public communication area.

Comparing the previous two data, these two seem mediocre...

But you know, the audience is still addicted to the movie now!

Who has the time to register and post!

These registered users basically choose to register as soon as they enter the website. Whether it is a habit or they really want to support Su Mo, it means that from this moment on, they have become one of the real users of "Goose City Video". one.

And the one who posted.....

That's basically because some viewers got excited watching it, and couldn't help it, so they posted a post, and then went back to continue watching...

One hour, 50 million viewers, 98.4% completion rate, this kind of data has probably never appeared since the birth of online movies.

It is understandable that the people of Goose City Culture are so excited!

And while they were excited, when their eyes fell on the back that had been as steady as Mount Tai since the movie was played, they couldn't help showing respect and admiration in their eyes!

Su Mo is God!

After Su Mo told everyone that "We don't want to make much money from "Let the Bullets Fly", but rely on this movie to scare the capital", they didn't worry too much about "Let the Bullets Fly". How much did you earn.


The important thing is... how many people can see this movie, and how many people can analyze it!

And there is no doubt that the results so far have exceeded everyone's imagination.

Amid the whispers and adoring gazes of the crowd, Su Mo stood up slowly, with a calm and serious look on his face!

He turned around, toward everyone, and smiled suddenly.

"Guys, we did it!"


Cheers came from everywhere in Goose City Cultural Headquarters!

Everyone shouted excitedly and cheered wildly.

In the joy of everyone, Su Mo calmly said the second sentence.

"But... what we want is not such a simple success."

"We have filmed a movie, analyzed it, and there will definitely be audiences to do it."

"But it's not enough!"

After a pause, Su Mo's eyes were fixed and his voice was sonorous!

"Next, it's time to attack the capital...We must make them hurt and hurt them, so that they can be afraid and terrified!"

Facing the bewildered gazes of the crowd, Su Mo waved his hand lightly and said

"The next thing, leave it to me."

Without saying anything more, Su Mo walked out of the theater and returned to his office.

At this time, in his office, there are four computers with the highest configuration running at full power.

With Su Mo's own software, he is continuously collecting various evidence chains for him from the Internet...

The Internet has a memory. When Su Mo has "perfect level anti-detective skills" and this skill also carries a "hacking plug-in", everything seems to become easier.

So far, Su Mo has more than 700 complete chains of evidence!

If all of them are exposed, these 700 articles may directly kill Dragonfly Entertainment...

But what Su Mo wants is not such a simple thing.

He looked at the person who currently had the most chain of evidence in the computer, with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

It's time to shoot the people of Goose City!.

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