The Opening Let The Bullets Fly, I Became A Satirical Director

Chapter 60: Should Scabbed Wounds Be Torn Open? [Please Subscribe! 】

Chapter 60: Should scabbed wounds be torn open?【Please subscribe!】

Among the crowd, the one with the most complex expression and mood was Deng Bo...

After all, his original identity was actually an undercover agent...

Although Deng Bo had no contract capital in the past, nor did he completely kneel down to be a capital dog, but in this matter, he still ate the bone given to him by Zhang Wei and temporarily became a "domestic dog".

From the moment he agreed to Zhang Wei, Deng Bo's breath may have been broken!

Later, after Su Mo saw him through, not only did he not blame him, he even showed him half of "Let the Bullets Fly"!

It was this half of the movie that made Deng Bo completely convinced by Su!

He even did not hesitate to betray his "master" again, risking revenge from Dragonfly Entertainment, and became a second-five boy among the second-five...

And even when he was watching that half of the movie, Deng Bo just felt that "Let the Bullets Fly" was really awesome!

The metaphors inside are really awesome!

The shooting skills are awesome!

But if you're awesome, you won't be so awesome as you are now, right?

Looking at all kinds of data shining brightly on the big screen, Deng Bo felt his throat was a little dry!

In this era, even ordinary people who don't understand anything know that traffic is equal to money......

So, how much money can a website like "Goose City Video" get in exchange for 26 million "soft fixed" user traffic?

Deng Bo couldn't figure it out, but he felt...that step he took was the right one!

Following Zhang Wei and Dragonfly Entertainment, the most I can do is to be a good dog and eat some leftover bones...

If there is a little bit of meat on the bone, I have to bow my head and be grateful, otherwise I will probably lose the meat next time!

If you don't obey, you will be beaten...

But what about the Goose City culture?

Here, the biggest feature is fairness!

No matter who you were before entering "150" and entering Goose City Culture, everyone is the same when you enter here!

A director is an ordinary director, regardless of the first-tier, second-tier, or third-tier;

An actor is an actor, regardless of actor or actress.

Everyone is divided by the nature of work, not by additional status, money, or power!

During the one-month filming of "Let the Bullets Fly", even someone like Deng Bo who didn't put his mind on filming at the beginning, and didn't fully integrate into the crew, was very impressed with Su Mo's ability and the atmosphere of the crew. Also very appreciative!

Deng Bo doesn't even feel that Goose City Culture is like a company, here is more like a...home!

That's right!

Outside there is bullying, oppression, all kinds of injustice, and all kinds of class divisions.

But in Goose City, there are none of those things, only fairness, friendliness, and mutual help here!

Don't say that colleagues are "equal", even Su Mo, the boss, is equal!

As the director, investor, and founder of Goose City Culture, Su Mo is not greedy for pleasure, nor does he eat big meals alone or live in luxury hotels.

Instead, he works longer hours and does more work than anyone else!

Almost every day I eat cold boxed lunches, and I live in an ordinary hotel with everyone.

The more Deng Bo thought about it, the more he felt guilty about why he agreed to Zhang Wei to come here as an undercover agent, but at the same time, he also felt a little lucky...

Glad I came to Goose City!

No matter what purpose he came for, in the end, he has become a part of this place, and that's enough!

Deng Bo pursed his lips, rubbed his red eyes, stood up, and looked at everyone.

Then, I bowed vigorously!

Everyone was stunned by this scene, only Jiang Wen suddenly had a thoughtful look on his face.

Licheng, outside the headquarters of Goose City.

At this time, a dark Maybach was slowly coming to a stop.

After the driver opened the rear door, Zhuge Xing, who was dressed in a suit and had a serious face, stepped out of the back seat.

Looking at the headquarters of "Goose City Culture" where even the signboards seemed to be made at random, Zhuge Xing couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart.

A month ago, he would never have imagined that this company founded by a young man in his twenties, Su Mo, could actually do such an incredible thing!

The phrase Su Mo said, "After my first movie is released, let's talk about other conditions!" is still in my ears. Zhuge Xing, who heard this sentence at that time, didn't take it as a joke.

But deep down, I still feel that Su Mo is too young...

How can it be so easy to fight against capital?

So later, he asked his little secretary, Yuanyuan, to give the resources of the theater to Su Mo, hoping that this young man whom he was still optimistic about would not be "destroyed".

At least, it has to be a chess piece with a little weight, so that it is worthy of being used in possible actions in the future...

However, this idea only remained in Zhuge Xing's heart for less than a month.

When "Let the Bullets Fly" was released, when Su Mo released the link of "Goose City Video", when countless capitals rushed to attack Su Mo on the Internet.

Zhuge Xing suddenly realized that he really underestimated this young man!

He is not "young and frivolous", but "surely prepared"!

He didn't hold his head down and rushed forward with a breath of energy, but was fully prepared, and the regiment officially declared war on the capital!

Whether it is the quality of "Let the Bullets Fly" or the perfection of "Goose City Video", Zhuge Xing, an old fox who has worked hard in the mall for decades, can't help being amazed!

Looking back, since Su Mo first appeared in front of the public, he has become a thorn in the side of the capital and a thorn in his flesh. Everything Su Mo does has nothing to do with it!

Angrily scolded Li Yimeng for being on the hot search, continued to heat up the popularity, and directly put on the "wedding dress" tailored for Li Yimeng by Dragonfly Entertainment

Leaving aside whether it fits or not, Su Mo wears it really fast......

Afterwards, "Let the Bullets Fly" was shot directly with lightning speed, and, without even going to the theaters, it directly hit a video website with a degree of perfection beyond everyone's imagination... ...

Su Mo used the fastest, most ruthless, and most steady way to directly hit those capitalists' seven inches!

Zhuge Xing is very sure that even Su Mo's direct enemy "Dragonfly Entertainment" did not anticipate any of Su Mo's moves

What kind of talent is this?

If that wasn't the case, how could Zhuge Xing have contacted the officials urgently the moment "Let the Bullets Fly" was released, negotiated a lot of conditions directly, and won a contract with almost full freedom?

This contract is now quietly lying in Zhuge Xing's briefcase.

All the way, Zhuge Xing finished watching "Let the Bullets Fly" in the car, and the amazement in his heart not only did not decrease, but increased even more!

The quality of "Let the Bullets Fly" is so high that Zhuge Xing couldn't help but register as a member of "Goose City Video", planning to watch it carefully again in his spare time.

The website "Goose City Video" made Zhuge Xing feel an unprecedented surprise!

If it is said that "Let the Bullets Fly" was barely able to be filmed by a young man, it can be explained by "talent".

But such an extremely perfect website with functions such as social networking, video playback, ranking, data section, etc., cannot be explained by "talent".

This website, if you don't spend hundreds of millions, don't even think about building a framework!

Just talking about the bandwidth cost for 50 to 60 million users to watch a movie online at the same time, that is already an astronomical figure...

How did Su Mo do it?

Who else is behind him?

These questions had been kept in Zhuge Xing's mind all the way, and he was waiting to ask Su thoroughly when he met Su.

Zhuge Xing tidied up his suit, and patted the briefcase he had been clutching tightly.

Behind him, the little secretary Yuanyuan spoke softly.

"Director Xing, let me hold it for you!"

Zhuge Xing shook his head with a smile and said.

Yuanyuan, this thing is too important, I don't trust anyone. "

Yuanyuan blinked her big eyes, a trace of loss appeared in her eyes, she could only nod her head.

"All right….………."

Seeing Yuanyuan's lost look, Zhuge Xing smiled cheerfully, rubbed Yuanyuan's head, and said gently.

"It's not that I don't trust you, Yuanyuan, I trust your ability very much, but this material is really too important, so can even determine your life and mine, let me bear it This pressure.

Yuanyuan was a little confused, but still nodded obediently, and followed behind Zhuge Xing.

The two of them walked towards the headquarters of "Goose City Culture".

Along the way, the two of them occasionally saw a few beaming employees, and everyone was discussing the "Goose City Video" and "Let the Bullets Fly".

During this month, Goose City Culture is not without development. Now that it has become a company, various responsible departments are necessary, but Su Mo did not recruit employees with much fanfare.

Today, Goose City Culture counts artists, directors, etc., and the total number of employees has reached six or seven!

Most of them are not recruited, but after filming "Let the Bullets Fly", they don't want to leave......

For example, the "One Leaf Blind Eyes" team has now been integrated into the "Goose City Culture" as a whole.

And looking at the looks of these employees, seeing the expressions on their faces, Zhuge Xing couldn't help but feel deeply moved!

He is the owner of an entertainment company himself, so he knows best what kind of atmosphere is in a general entertainment company.

Class, oppression, tension, everyone is in a hurry, and everyone is working "falsely" for a goal that has nothing to do with them.

To put it nicely, it's called "wolf culture".

It doesn't sound good, isn't that just squeezing employees?

Zhuge Xing has always hated this so-called "wolf culture", so within the scope of his ability and authority, Zhuge Xing never puts too much pressure on the staff of Xinghai Entertainment

Because of this, the atmosphere inside Xinghai Entertainment has always been pretty good.

But no matter how good it is, it is better than Goose City Culture

The atmosphere here is no longer like a company, but more like a like-minded team!

The eyes of the employees are full of energy. Everyone passing by and discussing is something they are really proud of. No matter what they do, they want to do it from the bottom of their hearts, not because of Leader's request, colleagues' introspection...

As Zhuge Xing walked all the way, he couldn't help feeling a little envious of the employees of Goose City Culture.

This is the first job that young people should participate in when they enter the society!

And all of this is because of that young doctor in his twenties.

A month ago, Zhuge Xing had a detailed and in-depth chat with Su Mo, and he thought he already had a good understanding of Su Mo.

But at this moment, he suddenly doubted himself...

Su Mo, is it really such a simple person?

A few minutes later, under the guidance of the staff, Zhuge Xing came to the conference room, and Su Mo also received the news.

Su Mo sighed slightly while packing up various materials for Zhuge Xing to read.

Just now, he has been constantly contacting those victims, but with little success!

It's not that the chain of evidence is incomplete, and it's not that these victims haven't been hurt that badly, but that they are unwilling to stand up.

Except for a few victims who have not yet recovered from their injuries, everyone else feels that it is irrational to fight capital, and there will be no results at all.

Even if Su Mo puts the chain of evidence in front of them, they don't believe that confronting capital can really win—just like the people in Goose City don't believe that Huang Silang can die and be defeated.

What makes Su Mo sigh is not how complicated this matter is.


It is very simple, but full of human thinking and suffering!

For example, Su Mo contacted a once famous star.

This handsome young man was banned because he did not agree to the excessive demands of the female boss of an entertainment company.

From a star, in less than half a month, he became a "dead scumbag" that everyone shouted and beat.

He didn't even know where those rumors came from, but in the end it completely ruined his career!

His family didn't understand, his friends alienated him, and no crew was willing to accept him...

After struggling painfully for two months, in the end, he quit the entertainment circle disheartened and became a salesman of a certain real estate company.

Now, he has a relatively stable job with a low salary, and a girlfriend who is not beautiful but has a gentle personality.

When Su Mo contacted him, the man named Ji Junxian just smiled wryly and said lightly.

"Forget it, it's over..."

The past experience, of course, brought him great harm, and even caused him to suffer from depression at one point.

Moreover, in the evidence provided by Su Mo, he also understands that his experience is man-made. As long as he dares to stand up, he will be able to hold accountable the culprits through legal means.

But is it still necessary?

He no longer intends to work hard in the entertainment industry, his current life is peaceful and beautiful, so why should he fall into the vortex again because of such a sigh of relief, because of the injuries he has overcome?

Su Mo didn't try to persuade him again on 5.8, he understood that Ji Junxian didn't care about the previous matter, but this matter was already a scab to him.

Uncovering it again, it hurts too much!

Moreover, Ji Junxian didn't believe that he could really help him get justice!

The helplessness, confusion, and pain of those half months have already cast a shadow in this young man's heart that is harder to bear than a nightmare.

For another example, there was a 24-year-old girl who was once drugged by the executives of Wanshi Entertainment and taken to a hotel...

When I woke up the next day, there was only 50,000 yuan left by my pillow.

What happened to her that night, even she herself didn't know.

Enduring the pain, she tried to find the executive's theory, but she couldn't even enter the building of Wanshi Entertainment.

She was embarrassed to tell others about it, and even felt embarrassed to call the police.

After that night, she felt that her body was already dirty, so she became introverted and closed off, afraid to contact anyone.

In the following three years, this girl named Nie Kexin lost thirty catties in weight. She was obviously a young girl, but she didn't even dare to go out to buy underwear.

Now, she has become an Internet author, making a living by writing novels.

She also gradually came out from the haze of the past, and at this time, Su Sai appeared.

With...the video of that night.

When he saw what happened to him that night, Nie Kexin collapsed!

But in the end, when Su Mo asked her to stand up and fight capital with him, Nie Kexin refused...

With a crying voice, she asked Su Mo a question.

"Su Mo, I have paid attention to you and Dragonfly Entertainment..."

"I know that you are a brave person who can fight against capital, and I am willing to believe in you...

"But I want to ask, what should I do if they release this video after I stand up?"

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