The Opening Let The Bullets Fly, I Became A Satirical Director

Chapter 61: If You Take The Initiative To Be "Locked Up

Chapter 61: If you take the initiative to be "locked up", you will not become a dragon! 【Please subscribe!】

Listening to Nie Kexin's voice of despair and collapse, Su Mo fell silent...

He really wanted to say that he could help Nie Kexin delete all records about this video on the Internet, but what about those who have already seen it?

What about the videos that are likely to reach Nie Kexin's family and friends?

This kind of thing, even if it is just "possible", is enough to cause huge damage to Nie Kexin that is impossible to repair!

Su Mo can even predict that if this incident is completely exposed, Nie Kexin may see other people looking at him while walking on the road [and will subconsciously feel that the other party has watched his video......

She's too scared, she's just a girl in her twenties......

Examples such as Ji Junxian and Nie Kexin can be found everywhere in the more than 1,400 materials!


These victims are basically forced to swallow their breath because of reasons such as "not daring to fight", "tried but failed", "fear of making things big and not ending".

Their personal strength is too weak in front of capital.

Weak enough, even if the capital is willing to bow their heads to compensate them, as long as they do a little bit of insignificant tricks in one of the links, they can completely ruin the lives of these people!

Sun Shouyi, who sells fans, why would he rather die than confess to Huang Silang?

Because he still has family....

The same is true for these victims, they still have their families and their own lives.

Moreover, those injuries have gradually come out.

Even if this shadow will accompany them for the rest of their lives, but they have experienced such pain once, and they don't want to experience it again...

Just as a wound will scab, just as there will be a sunny day after the rainstorm.

When these victims have already struggled and staggered out of the mud and rainstorm, who would choose to return to that nightmarish past just because of a word from someone who has never met Su Mo?

Su Mo's complexion was ugly.

It's not because these victims don't want to help him, but because he knows very well that it is precisely because 01 understands the mentality of these victims that they are more unscrupulous!

Buy sailors, make videos, prescribe drugs, coerce and lure

As long as their greed and desires can be satisfied, they will do anything!

The power and wealth in their hands should have been used for the right way, but now they are used by them to bully the weak - the comparison of the size of the two sides has even become their unscrupulous amulet!

Deep in Su Mo's heart, there was also a trace of hesitation.

Fighting against capital is not something he can do by himself.

He can kill Dragonfly Entertainment, but it will not help the environment of the entire entertainment industry.

Just as Zhang Mazi fought against Huang Silang, he couldn't rely on his own strength alone, even if he actually had the possibility of killing Huang Silang!

Only by mobilizing the power of the people, and only by letting everyone resist together, can the system of Goose City be completely smashed, and it is possible to let the blue sky hang high again!

But what to do when "doing justice" comes at the expense of "uncovering the scars of the victim again"?

Su Mo is not a high-achieving legal student, nor is he a powerful person who has been in a high position for a long time and is used to watching life and death. Before time travel, "he was just an ordinary little director.

In this kind of thing involving "human nature", Su Mo actually doesn't know what to do...

Su Mo only knows that some things should not be avoided because of "difficulty" or "pain".

With the materials that had been sorted out, Su came to the reception room where Zhuge Xing was received.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Zhu Xiaxing looking at a painting on the wall of the reception room.

The words are written on ordinary white paper, just the word "fairness" in a square shape!

This was written by Jiang Wen and Uncle Ge during the filming of "Let the Bullets Fly". Su Mo thought it was very interesting and posted it on the wall of the reception room.

Anyway, isn't the purpose of Goose City to be "fair"?

Su Mo smiled, walked into the reception room, and said softly.

"Mr. Zhuge also understands words?"

Zhuge Xing faced the wall, shook his head after hearing Su Mo's voice, and said cheerfully.


"But even if you don't know the quality of this word, you can still understand the meaning of these two words!"

Turning around, Zhuge Xing was full of smiles and emotions.

"Su Mo, I'm here as promised. During this time, you have given me quite a surprise...

Su Mo smiled noncommittally, without pride or humility.

Because, whether it is filming "Let the Bullets Fly" or fighting against capital, it is something he really wants to do and does not need the affirmation or doubts of others.



After exchanging invitations, the two sat on the chairs facing each other. Zhuge Xing placed the briefcase on his right, and Su Mo glanced over it without stopping.

After pouring Zhuge Xing a glass of water, Su Mo spoke.

"Have you seen the movie "Let the Bullets Fly", Mr. Zhuge?"

Zhuge Xing nodded slightly, and said in admiration.

"I've watched it, I watched it in the car... And, after watching it again, I feel that I still don't want to finish it. I also registered as a member of your Goose City Video. I want to watch it again when I have time!

Su Mo nodded, looking a little more serious.

Now that Zhuge Xing has looked over, he's straight to the point!

"Mr. Zhuge, the movie "Let the Bullets Fly" has already shown my attitude!"

"Since you have read it, you must have some impression of Zhang Mazi's line in it..."

"He said to Huang Silang, money is not important to me, and you are not important to me, but... without you, it is very important to me!"

Su Mo paused, then continued calmly.

"To me, capital is not important, and the wealth and power held by capital are not important, but... no capital, no oppression, this is important!

Taking a deep breath, Su Mo looked more serious.

"So, no matter what Mr. Zhuge thinks, I will continue this career!"

"I remember you said that it is not that simple to fight against capital, but I think I have taken the first step now, right? So, what kind of conditions did Mr. Zhuge bring this time?"

Last time, the conversation between Su Mo and Zhuge Xing was more about confirming the attitudes of the two parties.

The attitude towards certain things, the attitude towards capital, the attitude towards the movie that Su Mo is shooting...

As for the most critical "God-making Project", although the two of them also talked about it, the various conditions in it were not elaborated in detail.

Not only because Zhuge Xing was not sure at that time whether Su Mo was the person he was looking for.

It was also because Su Mo knew very well that if he became that "man-made god" without the initiative, then from now on, he might really be just a puppet.

A "puppet" controlled by the government, passively doing or not doing certain things, without any freedom!

It is true that the official approach may not be as harsh and bloody as capital, but the two are essentially the same...

Being oppressed by capital is not easy.

But being controlled by the government is also not what Su Mo wants.

In his opinion, although the forms of the two are different, they are nothing more than a change from being a dog to being a puppet...

Neither guarantees freedom!


It's not that Su Mo is unwilling to take on this responsibility.

In fact, from the moment he decided to make a satirical film, he was ready to "lock up" himself first.

After all, Su Mo cannot guarantee that he will not become that "evil dragon"!

Even if he didn't want to, what about the people who followed him?

Where's Jiang Wen? Where's Uncle Ge?

Is it possible that these people will become new "evil dragons" like Zhang Mazi's brothers in the future?

And if he really wanted to lock himself up, then it would be best to let the authorities build this "cage".

Only officials will not become "evil dragons"!

But still that sentence......

Being locked up voluntarily and being locked up without the initiative are completely different things.

Although Su Mo wants to change the environment of the entertainment industry, and also wants to do his part, but this does not mean that he is willing to trade his freedom for it!

In Su Mo's understanding, freedom is actually not "do what you want", but "don't do what you don't want to do"!

What he wants the authorities to "lock up" are only "things he wants to do", instead of making it possible for the officials to force him to "do things he doesn't want to do"!

Hearing Su Mo's words, the appreciation in Zhuge Xing's eyes became more intense.

Like Su Mo, he was once a young man full of ideals and fighting spirit, but after a series of blows, he finally chose to compromise.

This compromise, perhaps from the current point of view, can play a greater role.

But he had to admit that he was indeed a "failure" at the time.

He failed to change the environment of the entertainment industry, and he didn't even make a big splash...

But Su Mo is different.

Even though he has only appeared in the public eye for more than a month so far, even though he is weaker than himself at that time, even today, even with those capitals, they dare not say that Su Mo is unable to turn over of salted fish.

He has become a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of the capitalists!

Under the current circumstances, as long as Su Mo lets go and stops fighting against the capitals,

Two hours later, there will be at least 20 entertainment company executives sitting in this meeting room and discussing the next development of "Goose City Video" with Su Yu......

Now, just sitting here by myself is enough to show that Su Mo is indeed determined to fight the capitalists to the end...

After pondering for a moment, Zhuge Xing spoke slowly.

"Su Mo, to be honest, your ability, your determination, your action... are all things I have never seen before!"

"In the past, there were many, many people who had the same idea as you, even in the entertainment industry, but in the end, without exception, they were either captured by the sugar coating of capital, or scared by the shells of capital."

"To be able to inflict such great damage on those capitals in such a short period of time, I have to admit that I underestimated you before...

Zhuge Xing paused for a moment, and his face also became serious.

"Then, since I didn't pay you enough attention last time, I'm here to make up for it this time!"

"Su Mo, can you tell me what you want?"

Zhuge Xing stared closely at Su Mo's eyes and said in a deep voice.

"What you want... about the conditions of the 'God-Creating Project'!"

As soon as these words fell, the atmosphere in the reception room suddenly froze.

Both of you here know that the next conversation will probably determine whether this matter will succeed or not!

In essence, Su Mo and Zhuge Xing are not enemies or opponents, but even between alliances, there are also conflicts and entanglements.

And what the two of them want to settle on is the specific details of this matter!

Su Mo recalled what Zhuge Xing said before, about the "God-making Project"


"God-making 217 plan".

To put it simply, it is to artificially create a "god" that capitals fear and dread. When this god can be recognized and followed by most audiences,

Capital must follow the will of the "god".

No matter what the "gods" want to do, capital can only follow suit.

If you don't do it, you will die!

Because the "audience", the soil on which capitals depend, is already in the shape of "artificial gods"...

Moreover, under the premise that the officials have already shown their swords and guns, the capitalists dare not even target and retaliate against the "gods".

What the "God-Making Project" created is a "Sword of Damocles" that hangs over the heads of the capitalists at any time!

This sword, no matter in the process of creation, or when it has successfully hung over the head of capital, will always be held by the government...

In this way, the environment in the entertainment industry will naturally gradually improve.

And the reason why Zhuge Xing and the officials came up with such a plan is because there is really no good way...

Today's entertainment industry has become "hard to return", and the capital supports its own strength and reports to the group to keep warm.

Even if the official exits rashly, he will still suffer a crazy rebound from capital!

If it is impossible to fight on the surface, these capitals will be transferred to the backstage. At that time, the water in the entertainment circle will only become more muddy, and all the pressure from the government will be directly transferred to

those who are oppressed.

This is not what the official wants....

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this reason that it has not ended just now.

And if the "God-making Project" is likely to be successful, all the capital can be mobilized in the early stage of this plan. As long as they are all mobilized, the official

Don't be afraid of them running away...

At the later stage of the plan, the capital has all surfaced, and the officials can enter the market without any scruples.

Those who should jump have already jumped out, and those who have not jumped out can't jump very high

At that time, this "Sword of Damocles" will hang high above the heads of the capitalists forever. Whatever they want to do, they have to think about whether the sword will fall


On this sword, there are both official protection and the support of the audience, and the capital has lost the soil on which to survive and the most harmful weapon to the enemy.

What else can they do but surrender?

And the most critical point of this plan, except that the "artificial gods" could not get official support in the early stage, there is only one.

Officials, how will this "artificial god" be restricted?

And this is also the focus of Su Mo and Zhuge Xing's next discussion...

After contemplating for a long time, Su Mo finally raised his head and looked at Zhuge Xing calmly.

Then, he spoke calmly.

"Mr. Zhuge, I only have three requests!"

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