The Opening Let The Bullets Fly, I Became A Satirical Director

Chapter 62: Zhuge Xing Fulfilled The Three Requirements! [Please Subscribe! 】

Chapter 62: Three requirements, let Zhuge Xing fulfill it! 【Subscribe!】

"The first requirement is that officials must protect the safety and reputation of certain people!"

Su Mo spoke indifferently, but his voice was full of doubts!

Hearing his words, Zhuge Xing twitched his eyebrows and raised his hand, with an expression of wishing to hear more about it.

"Tell me carefully..."

Su Mo pondered for a few seconds, then calmly spoke.

"First of all, myself..."

"The battle with capital is destined to be dangerous. I don't know what kind of means these capital will use after jumping over the wall."

"Maybe maliciously smear and attack me on the Internet, or coerce, suppress, or even personally attack me in reality..."

"I can't stop these things by myself, so if the authorities want me to become that 'artificial god', they must ensure my safety!"

Zhuge Xing's eyes flickered, and he smiled.

"But even if you are not allowed to become this 'artificial god', isn't it dangerous to fight capital?"

Su Mo followed with a smile, his voice calm, but his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"If I don't become an 'artificial god', I will naturally have other ways to fight against capital..."

"The question is, does Mr. Zhuge dare to let me 'let it go'?"

The calm tone made Zhu Xiaxing's mouth twitch...

I dare not, I dare not...

A "Let the Bullets Fly" has caused such a big commotion by Su Mo, Zhuge Xing has no doubt that if no one restrains Su Mo, then he may even become the biggest capital first in order to fight against capital.. …

In this process, no one knows whether Su Mo will "use everything to the extreme"!

Thinking of this, Zhuge Xing pondered for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Well, Su Mo, your request is very reasonable."

"After all, ensuring your safety is also a very important part of this plan."

"But you have to know that the reason why the god-making project has never been successful is because in the early stage of the plan, neither I nor the official can directly end it!"

"If we end up being discovered by capital, then the plan will basically fail..."

"So, even if we protect you, we can only guarantee your personal safety. Others...similar to attacks on the Internet, etc., can only be borne by you!"

Su Yu nodded slightly in a low-key way, with a faint smile on his face.

"Mr. Zhuge, have I suffered less?"

"Now, isn't it all slandering me on the Internet? I don't care about this, I just hope that the official can guarantee my personal safety..."

Zhuge Xing nodded, and the two of them had reached an agreement on the first part... the first part.

Zhuge Xing picked up the water glass, took a sip, and continued to ask.

"So, besides you? Who else needs protection?"

Who else needs protection?

Su Mo was silent for a long time, hesitated for a long time, and finally...handed the information in his hand to Zhuge Xing.

On the information, are the names of those victims and the various miserable experiences they suffered!

Every line of words represents a real ugly case!

Su Mo spoke in a deep voice.

"And these people..."

"These people are all victims who have been hurt by those capitals!"

"They may have returned to a peaceful life now, or they may have withdrawn from the entertainment circle, but the harm they have suffered cannot be erased!"

"Mr. Zhuge, I intend to help these people seek justice, ask for an explanation, and protect their legitimate rights and interests. In the process, they are destined to be coerced and lured by capital..."

"Their strength is very weak, even a small injury may make them unable to come out again in this life...... So, I need the official to protect them secretly

And give them some stronger support to make these people have the courage to stand up!"

The reason for choosing to hand over these materials to Zhuge Xing is because Su Mo knows very well that it is really impossible to guarantee the safety of these victims by himself.

Just like Nie Kexin, I can indeed help her delete all the videos circulating on the Internet.

But what about justice?

I can't give her justice!

Justice can only be given to her by law enforcement agencies...

And only when justice really came to her, could Nie Kexin truly come out of the shadows.

These people are not themselves, they have no systematic support, and they have never filmed "Let the Bullets Fly" or created "Goose City Video||Video".

In the eyes of capital, they are not even ants...

Maybe if the capital moves a little bit, these weak people will be crushed into powder.

Even if he has barely become "strong", he may be beaten into the mud under the cooperation of the capital, let alone these weak victims?

If you want them to really have the courage to stand up, the only possibility is to get official support!

Su Mo made this request after careful consideration!

after all……………

In the "God-making Project", the only thing that cannot be exposed is the relationship between oneself and the official.

It should be no problem for the officials to go to help these people.

Moreover, the reason why the officials in the "God-Making Project" cannot end immediately is actually because they are afraid of "striking the grass and startling the snake".

With these capitals already on the list, are the officials still afraid that they will be scared away?

From the moment Su Mo collects these evidences, these capitals are destined to pay a price, it is nothing more than the difference between sooner or later, and who will collect the price!

If the government is willing to support them, they will not be so afraid...

If these people are unwilling to stand up under the premise that the authorities can guarantee their safety and Su Mo has provided a complete chain of evidence, then Su Yu has nothing to do.

He will not disclose these materials without authorization, and will not uncover their scars on the grounds of "for their own good".

Zhuge Xing took the documents with a serious face, and when he saw the first line of text, his eyes shrank suddenly!

The more he looked back, the more serious his face became!

At the end, Zhuge Xing was already a little sluggish...

He raised his head, stared fixedly at Su Mo, and spoke out, unaware that his voice was a little hoarse...

"Su Mo, where did you get these materials?"

Su Mo replied calmly.

"Collected by myself..."

"There is also a part, which was found from several navy leaders..."

"The chain of evidence for these criminal facts is complete. As long as the victim is willing to stand up and prosecute, the authorities can directly arrest them!"

Su Mo paused and sighed slightly.

"However, I have actually contacted some victims, and they are unwilling to stand up and fight capital."

"So, Mr. Zhuge, I need the authorities to come up with a comprehensive security plan to ensure the safety of these people, and then try to get as many victims as possible to stand up with me!"

Su Mo's eyes were bright, and although his tone was still indifferent, he couldn't stop the eagerness.

"In "Let the Bullets Fly", Zhang Mazi actually had many chances to kill Huang Silang, but he didn't do that, because in that case, Huang Silang would die, but there would be more Huang Wulang, Huang Silang, etc. Rokuro appears."

"Overthrowing capital and changing the environment of the entertainment industry has never been as simple as overthrowing a certain capital. Only by changing the trend of the overall 'general trend' can we truly achieve change!"

"I think it's the reason why the officials can't get off the stage in person right now?"

Zhuge Xing was stunned for a moment, and then a look of admiration appeared in his eyes!

From "Let the Bullets Fly", he can already see that Su Mo is indeed a person with a very high level of thinking, but he didn't expect that he could even think of this.

This level of thinking is really not like a young man in his twenties.

But then again, being able to make a movie like "Let the Bullets Fly" and establish a website like "Goose City Video", which of these two things is like a young man in his twenties What did you do?

Zhuge Xing sighed, nodded slightly, and said.

"You're right….."

"If the government wants to punish those capitals, there are many ways. The criminal evidence of these capitals held by the government will only be more and more serious than yours.

"However, the current situation in the entertainment industry has become so serious that it is hard to return. If the official exits rashly, there will definitely be a sharp rebound in the end."

"It is not advisable to kill chickens and monkeys. Capital is not stupid monkeys, but a group that is smarter and more complex than anyone else!"

"If it's really 'to scare the snake', those capitals are likely to hide in the dark, and in the end they only treat the symptoms but not the root cause...even, it will make the environment of the entertainment industry more complicated and serious!"

Zhuge Xing paused slightly, looked at Su Mo, and said seriously.

"So, there is nothing wrong with your approach...I will discuss it with the officials and discuss what to do.

"This information, do you mind if I take it back and show it to the authorities?"

"If possible, at the right time, the authorities will mobilize forces to get these people to stand up and fight with you."

There was a hint of excitement in Su Mo's eyes!

Things that I can't do, let the officials go, it will be much easier. After all, those victims can't believe that they have never met such a person, but they will definitely believe the officials.


As for this information...

Anyway, the information is just a brief written record, there is nothing practical at all, even if Zhuge Xing leaves this information to those capitals, Su Mo is not afraid.

The real chain of evidence is safely stored in his computer, as long as it is exposed, those criminals can only be caught without a fight!

"Mr. Zhuge take it easy..."

Zhuge Xing nodded, smiled and asked again.

"Apart from these victims? Su Mo, do you think there is anyone else who needs to be protected?"

"The rest are naturally the employees of Goose City Culture..."

Su Mo pondered for a few seconds and said in a deep voice.

"The employees of Goose City Culture basically joined the team because of their enthusiasm. In the future, when the capital finds that they can't deal with me at all, they will naturally focus on these employees."

"If at that time, I have grown to the point where I can let the official go off in person, then naturally there will be no problem.

"But if until then, the official can't end the game, then I ask the official to protect my employees as well as protect me!"

Su Mo doesn't believe in "one will succeed and all will die"!

Although he actually understands that the more people the government protects, the easier it is for capital to notice, and the easier it is for this matter to fail.

But if you can't even protect the people around you, if your success has to be at the price of hurting those around you, then Su Mo is not willing!

Just like Zhang Mazi's views on the second, third, fourth, and sixth children.

They are not business!

Even if all the capitals are killed in the end, as long as the culture of Goose City is lost in the process, Su Mo will feel that

Not worth the candle!

After hearing Su Mo's words, Zhuge Xing's eyes were inexplicable, and his expression was also a little emotional, said.

Su Mo, your staff, have a good boss......"

Su Mo smiled implicitly.

Zhuge Xing waved his hand vigorously.


"This matter, I will also discuss with the authorities to find a suitable way, so that your employees will not be harmed!"

"The officials don't want to use a huge price in exchange for a bloody success. Otherwise, it will be enough to end violently. Why bother to make such a big circle?"

Su Mo nodded slightly.

It seems that Zhuge Xing has given enough face to the first request...

But he is very clear that the protection of safety is not the most serious contradiction in this plan.

The next two requirements are the most important...

After a moment of silence, Su Mo spoke solemnly.

"Mr. Zhuge, my second request is that I need the tilt of official resources!"

"Even in the early stage, the official should have some secret channels that will not be discovered by capital?"

Su Mo smiled and said calmly.

"I need the support of these channels, all traffic must be gathered in Goose City Video!"

"Against capital, my own strength can only stir up some insignificant splashes, but if the government tilts resources, then my thorn in the side and thorn in my flesh will really

Let the capital fear and fear!"

After Su Mo finished speaking, he quietly waited for Zhuge Xing's response.

This second request is also Su Mo's thought after careful consideration.

After all, whether it is "Let the Bullets Fly" or "Goose City Video", it is because of chance that they became popular.

At the very beginning, Su Mo was even ready to offend many entertainment companies to gather traffic!

It's just because Dragonfly Entertainment is so easy to cheat, Su Mo just tied A, and they were tricked out of (Qian Zhao Zhao)'s big move, which made Su Mo's actions so smooth

In the end, if Dragonfly Entertainment didn't spend a lot of money to hype and discredit Su Mo on the Internet, which brought him huge popularity and traffic, then in the end "Goose City Video" and "

"Let the Bullets Fly" will definitely not be so popular.

After all, Su Mo took advantage of the concealment of "Goose City Video" and had an information gap with Dragonfly Entertainment.

After making them think that he was going to go to theaters and crazily discredited him on the Internet, he suddenly went to an online video platform and stole a chicken......

This method can be used once, but it is impossible to use it a second time!

Capitalists will not be fooled by the same.

Next, it is destined to be a real battle of resources, relying on Su Mo alone, it is really difficult to do it alone!

The inclination of official resources basically determines whether Su Mo can survive the early stage of this plan, and whether it can successfully complete one of the indicators of the plan: let the capital fear!

You can't let the horse run, but don't let the horse eat grass?

Even if you can't give support explicitly, you must give some secretly...

The resources that the officials have tipped over are ammunition!

In the process of fighting the capitalists, if you don't have enough ammunition, how can you survive?

However, even if Zhuge Xing refused, Su Mo would not say much.

He has the skills of a "perfect director". As long as he can continue to make movies, he will be able to accumulate a lot of traffic and loyal fans no matter what.

On his own, Su Mo can also stock up on ammo!

At present, he has accumulated nearly 30 million "soft fixed" users by relying on "Let the Bullets Fly". Could it be that these 30 million users, when Su Mo releases a movie next time,

Don't you want to see it?

The audience voted with their feet, as long as the quality of the film made by Su Li is really good, then they will definitely support it!

As long as they are willing to support, then Su Mo will be able to make the "momentum" bigger and bigger!

In the end, even if the capital is unwilling, they must bow their heads in front of the huge traffic and heat...

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