The Opening Let The Bullets Fly, I Became A Satirical Director

Chapter 65: Is It From Goose City? [Please Subscribe! 】

Chapter 65: Is it from Goose City? 【Please subscribe!】

Seeing this news, Zhang Wei gritted his teeth and wanted to throw his phone on the ground!

He already felt the condescension of the other party,

Zhang Wei forced himself to remain calm, and then sent a text message.

"How much do you want?"

After sending this message, Zhang Wei stared at the screen tightly,

In such a turbid place in the entertainment industry,

Zhang Wei is too familiar with this method of kidnapping and extortion, almost for money,

Unless there is another situation, that is revenge!

But Zhang Wei didn't have time to think about this, he had to ask clearly, what the other party wanted to do!

"I don't like money."

At this time, Su Mo sent a sentence that didn't hurt,

Zhang Wei felt his eyes go dark!

If money can't solve the problem, then why?

Su Mo's expression at this time is calm, but there is a hint of sternness in his eyes,

The god-making plan has already started, so let Zhang Wei in front of you be his first prey!

Zhang Wei swallowed bitterly.

One light and one dark, as if I was naked and being watched by someone,

No sense of security!

This can't help but make him think from the video itself,

Xiaoyi in the video, although she promised her and gave her everything,

However, Dragonfly's internal competition is also extremely fierce,

After all, the cultivation and growth of capital requires artists with real talents to enrich and expand. "Zero Six Three" Therefore, the review of newcomers within Dragonfly is also quite difficult. Zhang Wei did not do everything he promised,

Because the cost of my own time and favor is so expensive, how can a worthless little girl compare??

In his memory, Xiaoyi, who didn't get what she wanted, seemed to disappear from the dragonfly very quickly.

I haven't seen it anywhere in the entertainment circle so far,

Maybe it's because I play with too many women, so I don't remember it.

"Delete the video, I can meet all of Xiaoyi's needs and make her popular!!"

Zhang Wei once again tried to satisfy the other party based on his own guess.

The more this happened, the more passive and nervous Zhang Wei became.

Su Mo looked at the words on the phone and laughed out loud.

"The stinking capital is really what I imagined. There is no humanity at all, immoral business, unspoken rules, everywhere, disgusting."

Su Mo sighed, with disgust in his eyes,

"Don't worry about her, just think about yourself, Zhang Wei, don't you know what you have done lately?"

Su Mo then typed a message unhurriedly.

When Zhang Wei heard this, his heart sank.

He never expected that he would be put down by someone who didn't understand him, and he would become so embarrassed!

Zhang Wei suddenly became angry from embarrassment,

He angrily typed out a text,

"You're a boss, tell me what I did, okay? Anyway, I'm in your hands, so what are you doing with me here? Just speak up if you have something to say!"

Zhang Wei's chest heaved violently, he didn't know whether it was because of anger or fear,

In short, this feeling has not been experienced for decades.

I have been walking the world of internal entertainment for so many years, but I never remember that I left such a video!

He doesn't have any weird hobbies, such as making videos,

So, let's just say that there are pinhole cameras in that hotel

In fact, this video of Cha Yutang is exactly what he thought,

As an eccentric hacker, Cha Yutang has such a habit,

This Zhang Wei is just the unfortunate one among the thousands of sneak shots of him.

So, when he discovered this video, he saved the entire video and put it on a network drive about the entertainment industry.

"A waste like you with a thicker skin than a city wall, why are you yelling at me? I didn't plan to release this video, but your attitude made me very unhappy."

It's going to be serious!"

Su Mo chatted with Zhang Wei with great interest,

The most effective and smoothest way to defeat a person is not to attack directly, but to burn him step by step, torment him, let him break the defense, and make him suffer.

Zhang Wei gritted his teeth when he heard this, not knowing what to say,

He proceeded to judge,

First of all, this person must be from the entertainment industry, otherwise he would not have his own contact information!

Zhang Wei has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and anyone who has his own contact number has never had any feud!

"Could it be someone from Goose City?"

After Zhang Wei thought about it, there was only one judgment.

The biggest commotion recently is the matter of Dragonfly and Goose City,

But at this time, Su Mo's words sounded like they didn't mean to kill them all.

At this moment, Su sent another message,

"Now, use your own Weibo account to apologize to Su Mo, delete all comments about slander and rumors immediately, and then get out of the entertainment circle, if I find out that you didn't do so, then wait for the police to summon you .

Su Mo didn't have so much free time to chat with Zhang Wei, and immediately made the final announcement.

Seeing these words, Zhang Wei's doubts were completely dispelled.

The person on the other side of the phone is either Su Mo himself, or an employee of Su!

"Okay, he really has some tricks, you!"

Zhang Wei's teeth were clenched, sweat the size of soybeans was already appearing on his face,

First of all, it is impossible to ask anyone for help in this matter,

Su Mo is holding his own scandal in his hands, once it is made public, his reputation and career will be ruined!

He didn't expect that he, who was still in the upper hand, was directly killed by Su Yu's silent big move!

Zhang Wei gritted his teeth, but couldn't think of any way to break the situation!

Now, Su Mo is clearly giving himself two paths, one is to compromise, and the other is to bear the consequences of releasing this video!

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the impact of the former is obviously relatively small.

Zhang Wei already felt that he had nowhere to go.

"Yes, but how do you guarantee that the video will not be made public??"

He can only compromise...

Zhang Wei's reply was obviously expected by Su Mo,

"You have no room for negotiation, you can only choose to trust me."

Su Mo's cold tone seemed to block Zhang Wei's mouth, making him want to cry without tears!

In front of the law, all money, power and sex are fake.

Su Mo already knew that Zhang Wei's choice would be in line with his vision.

Like what Zhang Wei did in the video, once made public,

At least ten or twenty years in prison!

In the entertainment industry, I definitely want to be mixed up, so I don’t have to.

After coming out, it will only become a bug in the eyes of ordinary people!

"Okay, I will satisfy you, I will post on Weibo now!"

Zhang Wei was so angry that his heart beat chaotically,

He has no choice.

"Yeah, I hope you're a smart guy."

Su Mo left this sentence and exited the text message page.

Opened Weibo.

In fact, from the beginning, the video in Su Mo's hand, he didn't intend to make it public or anything,

Not fear of dragonflies or fear of Zhang Wei,

But that Xiaoyi in the video is innocent.

It is necessary for Su Mo to protect her. This girl who originally had a good yearning for the entertainment industry was polluted by the stinky capital and became a toy of the capital.

At this time, on Weibo, almost all the bad comments about Su Mo have been removed from the hot searches.

And on the hot search list, [Let the Bullets Fly] began to show a trend of dominance!

#Let the bullet fly how many details are there??#

#How many times did you brush today to let the bullets fly?#

And the disappearance of various so-called rumor-making microblogs that exposed Su Mo's black history also aroused the surprise of netizens.

They all came to the hot search comment area of ​​[Let the Bullets Fly], or Su Mo's personal Weibo comment area to express their doubts.

"Director Su filled up the money? How many sailors have been hired, and all the exposures on the hot search list have disappeared, so strong [white eyes]"

"It's a bit tricky. It seems that the box office of letting the bullets fly is good. Shutting up all the people who hate you, I'm afraid it cost a lot of money!!"

"What the hell??? Does Su Mo have any background!!! All the negative trending searches have disappeared. "Even the Weibo accounts of those sunspots have been canceled!! My God!

"Capital is really scary, it can shut up the people who express the truth so quickly!! Su Mo, the source of all evil, can still promote his new movie in style

The entertainment industry is indeed quite chaotic!!!”

Those who expose the truth, keep working hard, don’t be afraid of Su Mo, let’s defeat the evil capital together!!

Su Mo looked at these comments and smiled lightly.

The more he reacted like this, the more Su Li felt that he had to clean up the entertainment industry!

Fishing reels can really induce a person's views and thoughts too easily!!

Especially the capital with endless means can make netizens be bewitched by all kinds of gorgeously packaged lies and scams!!

Su Mo didn't get angry, but instead aroused his anger towards these stinky capitals!

When everyone is still calling for those who exposed the black material to come back,

A new news will soon be on the hot search!

The publisher is none other than Zhang Wei!

Under the control of this powerful handle, Zhang Wei behaved very well.

He honestly confessed everything he had done.

"Recently, all the scandalous information about Mr. Su Mo on Weibo was created by the PR department of Dragonfly Company and myself. The so-called stories and exposures are all fabricated false news. Here, I sincerely wish to Apologies everyone for taking up most of the public resources! I hope Mr. Su Mo can forgive me for my ignorance!!"

In order to satisfy Su Mo, Zhang Wei cleverly attached some screenshots of the chat, for example, the transfer records of himself and Qi Qiang buying the navy, and the compilation process and outline Qi Qiang sent to him, including the time, place and characters!

After this Weibo was sent out, with Su Mo's entry,

Moreover, Zhang Wei's own account still has considerable weight,

Therefore, a lot of enthusiasm was quickly gained!

Su Mo naturally also saw this Weibo,

Immediately afterwards, a text message from Zhang Wei popped up on his mobile phone,

"See it? Satisfied?" 1.3

Like a deflated ball, Zhang Wei typed the string of words weakly,

In order to save his life, he had to do this.

Zhang Wei has already figured out the price to be paid for posting this Weibo.

I definitely want to run away, the dragonfly people will never let me go!!

There is also the fishing boat attack from the audience, which is indifferent to Zhang Wei,

Anyway, in the eyes of capital, they have never looked down on ordinary people, so naturally they don't care.

All of this is also for Su Mo to see, he doesn't care about netizens' comments at all.

"Satisfied, I will promise you that I will not publish this video on the Internet.

Su Mo smiled lightly, he naturally kept his word,

At the very least, it is illegal to spread this kind of video on the Internet by yourself!

Seeing Su Mo's response, Zhang Wei smiled angrily,

He doesn't care anymore, he doesn't have any reason to trust each other.

Zhang Wei did not reply to Su Mo, but immediately turned up the ticketing software and checked the latest flight to the beautiful country.

There is definitely no way to stay in the country!

Although Dragonfly is a company run by two girls, their methods are definitely not vegetarian!

At that moment, Zhang Wei bought the ticket, and immediately rushed to the parking lot, ready to run!

And this microblog he posted is really a big reversal!

Countless netizens originally pointed the finger at Su Mo, but now they are collectively confused!!

The comment area exploded again!.

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