The Opening Let The Bullets Fly, I Became A Satirical Director

Chapter 66: Su Mo's Attack Is Ruthless Enough!

Chapter 66: Su Mo's attack is cruel enough!

"What...Su Mo was actually framed??? Then he is miserable!!"

"No way, I clicked into this account and looked. This guy named Zhang Wei seems to be an executive of Dragonfly Entertainment..."

"It's outrageous...Dragonfly Entertainment is playing us like monkeys??? Are you sick!"

"The entertainment industry is really a dirty and smelly stinking ditch. It turns out that this is all a means of capital, and it's too hateful!!!"

"In other words, Su Mi was wronged!!"

"This inversion scares the hell out of me!!"

Most netizens are starting to be confused.

This incident immediately rushed to the hot search list, and the popularity continued to rise, and began to soar to the top five in the hot search list!

#龙蝞娱乐张威 publicly admits that all of Su Mo’s black material is done by the dragonfly!#

The ones who were shocked were the netizens first, followed by the big shots of Dragonfly Entertainment!

Qi Qiang was dumbfounded when he saw this scene!

"Su Mo is terrible! How dare Zhang Wei get into this situation!"

Qi Qiang looked at this big reversal happening on Weibo, he couldn't believe it!

Qi Qiang knew very well that Zhang Wei's methods and brains were several grades better than his own,

However, I just called Zhang Wei just now,

What the hell is Zhang Wei already disarmed and surrendered?

"What kind of killer weapon does Su Mo have in his hands! Can subdue Zhang Wei!"

Although Qi Qiang has not dealt with Su Mo too much, but now he is very scared and panicked!

In his opinion, after posting this Weibo post, Zhang Wei must be desperate.

People from Dragonfly Entertainment will never let him go 01!

But now, Weibo has become a mess,

After Zhang Wei posted this apology Weibo, there was no response.

It's like handing over all the mess to Dragonfly, and I have already escaped!

"Riding horses, Zhang Wei, you are such a dog!"

Qi Qiang was shocked at first, then angry,

It is a good idea to fly separately in the face of adversity.

But Zhang Wei actually pushed the whole dragonfly into dire straits for his own sake.

Especially Qi Qiang himself is still in the PR department of Dragonfly Entertainment,

The pressure and responsibility I have to resist is unimaginable!

At this time, all the staff in the public relations department did not dare to say anything, waiting for Qi Qiang,

Qi Qiang took a deep breath, knit his brows together,

In the current situation, it is obvious that I cannot act casually.

Qi Qiang first called Zhang Wei, but no one answered!

Call again, still no one picks up!

At this time, Zhang Wei has arrived at the airport, ready to get on the plane!

"You horse-riding dog!"

Qi Qiang cursed loudly, and after hesitating for a long time, he decided to call Director Qing!

And just when this idea landed, Qi Qiang's cell phone rang!

The caller ID is the deputy director of Dragonfly Entertainment, sun!

Qi Qiang answered the phone tremblingly, he had already imagined the anger on the other end...

Line connected.

"What's the situation with Zhang Wei's horse riding?? Dead??? Was caught by Su?? Can you contact him?"

Qi Qiang was almost overwhelmed by Du Li's series of questions.

He swallowed, and told the truth helplessly,

"I'm sorry, Director Du, I can't get in touch with that shitty Zhang Wei, he's probably threatened by Su Mo!"

Immediately afterwards, Du Li cursed for ten minutes,

Du Li's anger not only comes from the instigator of this incident, Zhang Wei,

But he was even held accountable by Director Qing just now!

"Immediately, immediately, suppress this hot search for me, I don't want to see him on the hot search list, otherwise you will die like Zhang Wei!"

Du Li said categorically.

"Okay, I will go bankrupt and suppress this matter!"

Qi Qiang didn't dare to catch his breath, so he immediately agreed.

"Deng Bo, send this video to the police."

On the phone, Su Mo said lightly,

Deng Bo on the other end of the phone stared at the two-hour video sent by Su Mo, in a daze,

"okay, I get it!"

Deng Bo nodded and bowed immediately, even on the other end of the phone, he always felt nervous!

After hanging up the phone, Deng Bo looked at this video, which was the piece of evidence that drove Zhang Wei to death.

From this video, Deng Bo can also analyze the reasons for Zhang Wei's compromise and apology on Weibo,

"Su Mo. It's really scary!"

As Deng Bo was preparing to go out, he sighed in his heart,

His back is soaked!

No matter how Deng Bo thought about it, he couldn't imagine where Su Fu got this video from!

I have worked with Zhang Wei for so long, Deng Bo knows how rigorous Zhang Wei is!

But Su Mo was able to get hold of Zhang Wei without anyone noticing, or this kind of seriously illegal video,

Such an extremely lethal method really scared Deng Bo!

"That's awesome, Su Mo is such a scary young man!"

Deng Bo couldn't help sighing,

In addition to being shocked, he felt refreshed in his heart at this time!

I have been Zhang Wei's dog for so many years,

Zhang Wei also has his own handle in his hands,

Therefore, Zhang Wei's current fate is exactly what Deng Bo wants to see.

And, it was even more exciting than he imagined!!

Deng Bo couldn't help laughing, very excited, very excited,

He immediately drove to the police station and sent the video to the police!

Deng Bo also took the initiative and consciously told Zhang Wei about his position in Dragonfly Entertainment.

So, the police immediately drove to the head office of Dragonfly Entertainment,

Although Zhang Wei's people are no longer in the company,

But the police still found Zhang Wei's whereabouts through the dense cameras in the building!

Then, they followed the cameras along the way and found Zhang Wei who was about to board the plane at the airport!

At the same time, the police came to Dragonfly Entertainment, and Director Qing naturally found out about it.

She was wearing slim trousers, standing in the office, her face was already blue and purple from anger!

"What a shame!"

She overturned all the documents and vases on the table to the ground,

Almost out of control!

Su Mo's tactic not only made Zhang Wei shake off what Dragonfly did, but also sent Zhang Wei in!

At this time, Du Li and Qi Qiang were sitting in the office,

They didn't say a word, and they all knew that women were not easy to mess with.

"How did the fire go?"

Dong Qing looked at these middle-aged men with beer bellies coldly,

I just thought in my heart, men are really unreliable!

"The trending search has been suppressed, but..... Netizens are spreading this matter like crazy..."

As a member of the public relations department, Qi Qiang also blamed himself very much.

But who would have thought that he would be stabbed by his own people?

"Go away, don't let me see you at Dragonfly Entertainment, you're fired!"

In Qing Dong's eyes, Qi Qiang has become useless waste,

The secondary responsibility for this matter is that Qi Qiang's reaction is too slow and his ability is too poor!

Qi Qiang's expression was ugly, as if he was crying, he looked at Du Li beside him,

But in Du Li's eyes there was only indifference, not even sympathy,

"Delete all black Su Mo's remarks and posts, suppress all hot searches for me, and bring up the amount of trolls, I don't want to see any more words about black dragonfly entertainment!

After Qing Dong said this coldly, he told them to leave.

When the police car arrived at Dragonfly Entertainment,

Director Qing knew that Zhang Wei's fate would not be easy,

But she was more afraid of Su Mo,

Regardless of whether Su Mo did it himself or not, it must have something to do with Su Mo!

This is what Su Mo said on Weibo, his counterattack has arrived!

Meanwhile, the city's only airport,

Although it was late at night, it was still very lively.

The police from the police station and the special police from the airport have gathered together,

In their minds, they had a deep impression of Zhang Wei's appearance and image,

Zhang Wei is standing in line at the ticket gate at this moment, and the ticket checking will stop in five minutes!

In other words, as long as five minutes, the moment you get on the plane,

Zhang Wei can completely say goodbye to this city,

"I'm on a horse, Su Mo, I really didn't expect that I lost to you, huh, I'm still angry after thinking about it!"

Zhang Wei wore a thick black mask and sunglasses, and muttered,

Obviously, he was very unconvinced,

At least, Su Mo has made his reputation in the domestic entertainment industry stink!

However, when Zhang Wei stood at the airport, he already felt a little indifferent!

Anyway, I will leave this country soon,

After decades of hard work, there are eight or nine zeros in Zhang Wei's bank card deposits.

Therefore, I still have a lot of time to go abroad to be chic!

Money is the only king!

When Zhang Wei was still doing psychological counseling for himself,

He turned his head and saw a dozen policemen walking towards him.

The steps are very vigorous, and it seems that the purpose is very clear!


Zhang Wei was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, he immediately shrunk his neck, trying to make himself look less conspicuous,

The fear in my heart has spread to the extreme,

However, the police's sights have already locked on this Zhang Wei whose figure is so familiar,

When the police came, the crowd dispersed,

Zhang Wei 130 also felt that something was wrong, so he left the team immediately, preparing to slip into the bathroom,

And the police have locked Zhang Wei,

Of course he didn't run away,

When the police took off Zhang Wei's mask and sunglasses and confirmed his identity,

Zhang Wei's legs were already weak, and he was dragged by the police to a police car in a powerless and sluggish state.

He is a smart man, and he is more concerned with compromise,

Because in front of the police, no matter how you explain your behavior, it is useless.

The more than one-hour-long video is the clearest evidence,

"You're on a horse, Su Mo, you're lying to me, you idiot!"

Zhang Wei's teeth are almost broken, his hatred for Su Mo has soared to the extreme,

At the gate of the airport, the police vehicles have already left,

In a black car at the rear, Deng Bo watched the blue and red flashing lights disappear at the end,

He lit a cigarette, and the smile on his face gradually became brighter,

"Fighting with Su Mo, that's the end!"

In the case of a large number of military control comments on Weibo,

There are still some marketing accounts and radical netizens discussing this matter,

And this has led to the growth rate of Su Mo's Goose City video registrations to triple!

Zhuge Xing had just returned to his villa at this time,

He was sitting on the sofa, watching this wonderful counterattack, showing a faint smile,

"Su Mo, well done."

He knew that all of this was written by Su Mo,

Although he didn't know, Su Mo got something about Zhang Wei, so that a hero from Dragonfly Entertainment was directly brought to justice,

However, Zhuge Xing didn't think about it anymore, he decided to ask Su Mo face to face the next time they meet,

Without Zhang Wei, it means that the entertainment industry has lost another big bug,

Moreover, Zhang Wei's actions have greatly affected the strength of Dragonfly Entertainment,

Not only has it changed netizens’ comments on Su Mo,

It also greatly increased the popularity of Goose City Video and [Let the Bullets Fly]!

"This young man is smarter than anyone I've picked before.

Zhuge Xing is very satisfied with Su Mo,

Perhaps, this time the god-making plan can really succeed!

In fact, what attracts Zhuge Xing from Su Mo is not only his attitude and IQ,

It's Su Mo's attack that is ruthless enough!.

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