"Little ones for me! Don't let Hanan rush to the front alone! "

Give me all this group of navies!"

Whitebeard waved his big hand and immediately ordered.

"Rush! Kill the Navy! Destroy the headquarters of the Navy!!

"Kill! Kill! Kill! "


After seeing Hanan's terrifying strength, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirate Group immediately became enthusiastic! The fighting spirit in his eyes is also getting stronger and stronger!

With such a powerful helper, what else are they afraid of.

As the admirals and the pirates fought together, Basolomy Bear under the execution table suddenly moved!

In an instant, he appeared in front of Hanan and looked at him fixedly.

"Bear? Why do you want to do something to me, you don't have your own consciousness now.

"I don't know if it's sad or ridiculous that the tyrant bear, which was once famous, has become a tool of the world."

Looking at the bear in front of him, Hanan couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

His current actions are probably all manipulated by others, and he no longer has a sense of autonomy.

Especially thinking that the bear might become the mount of the Draco in the future, Hanan felt even more embarrassed.

But since he is here today, he will not allow this to happen again, and he wants to let the bear out of the control of the world!


"Hanami be careful! This guy Xiong wants to do something to you, this person must not be underestimated!

Just then, Marko reminded loudly.

When the words fell, the bear immediately moved! In the same way as when he attacked Little Oz, the bear once again compressed the atmosphere around him into an air ball containing huge energy at an ultra-high density!


"Oops, that trick again! Flash away!

"Hanan be careful, this trick can't be hard connected, little Oz's huge body can't resist!"

"Bastard! What a troublesome ability! Seeing

this, the others immediately screamed and fled, the power of this move they had just seen, even if it was stained with the aftermath of some shock waves, it was not something that ordinary people could bear!

At the same time, the bear's move had also been formed, and a miniature air ball in the shape of a bear's paw slowly floated towards Yunan.

"Huh, escape? I've never had the word escape in my Hannan's battle dictionary.

"Since you are playing, let's play something big."

"Eight Doors Dun Jia, Seventh Gate, Shocking Door, Open!"

Hanan sneered, and then suddenly opened the seven doors in seconds!

In an instant, a violent Chakra burst out from his body, and his body suddenly turned blood blue!

At the same time, the bear's shock balloon burst into a terrifying white flash in an instant!!

"Get out of the way!! The explosion is coming!! "


The next moment, a terrifying energy that destroyed the world was released from the air balloon!

The furious shockwave roared towards Hanan! The ice along the way was completely shattered without exception!

"Hahaha is good, let me try how strong your trick is."

"Seven Gates, Day Tiger!"

With a terrifying tiger roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, a white giant tiger burst out from Yu Nan's fist and swooped in the direction of the bear!

This is the high-level physical technique after Hanan opened the shocking door------Day Tiger!!

First compress the air instantly, and then instantly shoot out at high speed in the form of an air cannon!

The shape of the air cannon resembles a tiger, hence the name Day Tiger!

"Boom boom!!"



The whole heaven and earth, Marin Fandor shook at this moment!!

The sound of the tiger roaring dragon groaning instantly exploded between heaven and earth!!

At this time, the people within 100 meters of the two people, whether it was pirates or the navy, all of them were lying on the ground, not too high at all, for no other reason, under such a terrifying impact, they couldn't stand up at all!!

Under this might, they had even breathed with all their strength.

At this moment, the super shockwave that destroyed the world released by the bear and the day tiger of Yuenan collided madly, and a wave of violent power erupted madly outward centered on the two!!

Under the impact of this terrifying energy, the heavens and the earth will not change color! The entire ice surface in Marin Fando Bay began to crack gradually!

The sky, which was originally still very clear, suddenly overcast and layered at this time! It even started flashing with bursts of electric light!! There is also a low thunderclap that begins to roar in the dark clouds!

"What two monsters! Do you two want to tear Marin Fando apart? In

the distance, Doflamingo laughed maniacally, pressing his sunglasses with one hand for fear of being blown off by the whistling shockwave!

After a while, the impact finally subsided, and the two violent energies finally canceled each other out.

"How... How could it be, Bartholomy Bear's shockwave was actually blocked by him! I'm not mistaken! At

this time, many admirals were stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Damn bastard, what kind of monster is this Yunan, is he still human!"

"This is the strongest blow of the Tyrant Bear of the Seven Martial Seas, and he stopped it so lightly, what is that white giant tiger just now!"

"I don't know how many hole cards he still hasn't used..." At

this time, both the admiral and the ordinary soldiers panicked.

"What kind of fruit ability is this guy, I have observed for a long time and have not found a law at all, it's really strange!"

"Xiaohe, have you found anything with your observation ability?"

Karp looked solemn and turned his head to the Navy General Staff Crane and asked.

"Super fast action speed, terrifying physical strength, the body can release a powerful hurricane, there is no law at all."

"Let's watch for a while."

Tsuru shook his head and sighed and said.

"What a terrifyingly strong little monster, where did it come from! It doesn't come out of the crack in the stone!

Karp clenched his fists and looked ugly.


Meanwhile, the battle between Hanan and Kumai continues.

The bear accelerated his attack speed at this time, constantly compressing the air around him at a high density and then shooting out towards Yunan!

An air cannon shot madly towards Yuenan almost non-stop! Every shock cannon contains the energy to destroy the world and the earth!

At this time, Yu Nan, who opened the shocking door, faced these attacks as if he was walking leisurely, and easily dodged by. The pace of action did not pause at all.

Facing the bear's dense air cannon, Yuenan did not retreat and retreated, and kept approaching the bear!

In the blink of an eye, he had come directly to the distance of five meters in front of the bear!

"It's too slow, bear, you can't beat me like this."

Hanan chuckled, suddenly jumped high, and directly above the air!

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