Yu Nan suddenly jumped high in the air, and then his right hand turned into a fist, and suddenly a violent chakra attached to his hand.

The next moment, Yu Nan suddenly fell from the sky, and instantly descended above the bear, and then the palm of his right hand directly slapped on the bear's head, directly pressing his huge body to the ground!

"Boom !!"

Suddenly, a dull sound sounded, and then a thick smoke burst out.

"Your mission is over Bear, you better quit this war as well."

Hanan desperately pressed the bear who wanted to struggle to get up, and said indifferently.

In the next instant, suddenly a high-density chakra energy slowly condensed in Yu Nan's right hand, and a huge spiral pill was formed!

Without the slightest hesitation, Hanan directly blasted the spiral pill towards the bear's body!


A violent explosion sounded, and the bear suddenly vomited blood, struggled violently for a few seconds, and then directly lost consciousness and passed out.

The huge force suddenly exploded a huge pit ten meters away in diameter under him!

"Tyrant Bear failed?!"

"What was that trick that this guy Han Nan did just now! A strange energy definitely appeared in his hand just now!

"Is this guy invincible..." Seeing this

, all the soldiers of the navy immediately subconsciously retreated one after another, and with just one move, the powerful tyrant bear lost his ability to fight! That's an exaggeration!

Looking at the unconscious tyrant bear, Hanan groaned for a moment and then directly picked it up in one hand, and then threw it sharply towards the Moby Dick, and the bear's huge body smashed directly onto the deck behind Whitebeard.

"Old man with a white beard, let this guy stay on your ship for a while, I'll take him after the war."

Hanan said casually.

"Are you related to Bassolomi Bear?"

Whitebeard raised an eyebrow, obviously not expecting Hannan's approach.

"Let's explain the matter to you slowly later, and finish the serious things first."

Hanan smiled, and then looked at the naval officers around him, and a world-shattering momentum suddenly burst out from his body!


"Can't believe it, can't believe it!!"

"The old powerhouse, the tyrant in the Seven Martial Seas, Basolomi Xiong was actually killed by Yunan's move in seconds!!"

"Isn't the strength of the Seven Wuhai very strong, how come you don't even have the ability to resist at all! Is it really because this guy Hanan is too powerful!

"Super newcomer, what a veritable super newcomer, how has there ever been such a terrifying young man since the beginning of the era of sea thieves!"

"Hurry, hurry! Immediately send out this report, the title is written like this, shock! The Seven Martial Sea Tyrant Bear was actually subjected to..."

At this time, the reporters of the major media and the pirate crowds watching in the Chambord Islands were all shocked and inexplicable, and Hanan's strength surprised them again and again!

"This guy's performance can no longer be predicted by proportion, this guy is simply not like a human."

The magician Hawkins squeezed the cards in his hand desperately, and he had no intention of divination at all.

"Hahahaha, they are also newcomers, what face do our guys have in front of Hanan to call themselves supernovas, it's just rubbish!"

The strange monk Ulki's face was bitter, and he said with a wry smile.

"Captain, this Yu Nan is really too strong, we must find an opportunity to have a good relationship with him, if we can ally with him, it will definitely be of great help to our pirate group, Captain!"

Beside Telfalgar Ro, the big white bear Beibo had eyes shining with adoring little Venus, cheering.

"Be quiet Bebo! Forming an alliance is as easy as you say! What reason is there for people to ally with us when they are so strong?

Luo drank a little helplessly.

"That's what I said... I'm sorry Captain..." The

excited Beibo seemed to have been poured with cold water, and suddenly lowered his head with a face full of frustration.

On the other side, Boni's face was not good.

"Hanami, this bastard!! Unexpectedly... Dare to strike at my father and beat him like this!

"The old lady will definitely not let you go, I will slaughter you!"

Bonnie angrily slammed the chicken leg in her mouth off, and the broken bone spurs emitted a cold light, just like Boni's eyes now.

"You must be calm on the Boni ship, and you have to wait for the end of this war..."

Boni's crew quickly persuaded, afraid that Boni would go to the Marin Fando site to find Hanan for an explanation...

"Okay, stop arguing, another round of fighting is about to begin!"

At this moment, the godfather of the gang, Cappenbeki, suddenly burst into a roar.

I saw that on the electronic light screen of the live broadcast at this time, several figures slowly appeared in front of Yu Nan.



Marin Fando, on the battlefield of chaos, suddenly an extremely cold aura spread in all directions.

In the tsunami-like cheers of the admirals, Admiral Qingji and the general candidate Chagu stopped in front of Yu Nan.

Like red dogs, green pheasants, and yellow apes, also named after color + animals, the tea dolphin is one of the candidates for the next round of generals, and its strength is obvious.

Although the current strength may be slightly weaker than the three major generals, it will definitely not be much worse, and it is definitely qualified to successfully make up for the position under the three of them!

The same is true of Peach Rabbit Gion, but this time she did not show up.

"The Green Pheasant General and the Tea Dolphin Alternate General are about to strike! That's great!

"It's also time to teach this arrogant brat a lesson!" Otherwise, he will be lawless!

"These two will definitely be able to subdue Hanan as soon as they make a move!" Let's just take a good look! "


The appearance of green pheasants and tea dolphins immediately caused a burst of cheers from the naval soldiers, as if a burst of strength aroused everyone's fighting spirit.


"Arala, Hanan, I didn't expect the two of us to meet again so soon, last time you ran really fast."

The green pheasant put his hands in his pockets and said in a lazy tone.

"Goo Lala Lala, Hanan boy, since the generals have made a move, I can't sit idly by."

"The green pheasant will be left to me to solve, I can't let you face it alone."

At this moment, the hearty laughter of the white-bearded man sounded from behind Hanan.

"No need for the white-bearded old man, this is my home turf now, I don't need any helpers, even if the opponent is a general."

"You still drink tea and read the newspaper in the back, and honestly be an audience, white-bearded old man."

Hanan did not hesitate in the slightest and directly rejected Whitebeard's proposal.

When did he need help when he was fighting?

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