BT left shoulder right shoulder missile launcher,

lift up with a creak,

Facing Ash who rushed over like lightning,

There was a bang!

【Sword seal】


A string of missiles with trailing flames were almost all blocked by Ash Ronin Titan's [Sword Seal].

Originally, I thought that the little girl was driving a BT random show,

It turned out to be Ash Xiu's face?

The audience in the live broadcast room of Dai Xiaomei saw their blood pressure soaring!

"I rely on Ash's Ronin Titan, it feels smoother than an eggplant!

"Damn Ash! Avenge the Rebels!"

"Straight up! BT!"

"Damn it, Ash's knife is so fast!"

"The BT shield is gone! Sister A, run!"

"This Ash is a bit fierce in melee combat! Half of the shield will be cut off with one blow?"

"Dog thief Su Chen made it more difficult?!"

"I can't see it, my blood pressure has risen"

These audience water friends, each and every one of them squeezed their fists until their knuckles turned white!

Watching is more nervous than playing by yourself!

Especially when Ash 30 cuts over [directly cut off half of BT's shield!

【warning, warning】

[Shield drops to 0]

【Iron Pilot, I recommend using flame weapons】

The little girl suddenly woke up,

"Yes! Thermite grenade launcher from the Flaming Titan!"

Manipulate BT to dodge and hide in the bunker,

Ash's laughter resounded across the battlefield:

【What's the matter, Tieyu, your ability...】

Ash's synthesized mechanical voice hasn't finished yet,


A thermite grenade exploded directly next to the Ashe Ronin Titan!

The fire is burning!

At such a close distance, BT dared to throw a thermite grenade at his feet,

Totally beyond Ash's expectations!


Another thermite grenade exploded!


in a blink of an eye,

The third and fourth thermite grenades exploded next to Ash!


[Detected that the opponent's IMC Ronin Titan's shield value has dropped]

"Come to the firewall, BT!"

In the picture, BT suddenly took a big step back,

Aiming at the Ronin Titan trapped in the flames, unable to escape for a while,

Hit it hard on the ground!

A fiery wall of fire rushed towards Ash along the foot of BT!

The ignited flames are almost as tall as a Titan.

Ash's Ronin Titan, because it was too aggressive, was trapped in the rugged ruins again.

For a moment, there was no way to escape in the flames!

I can only let the thousands of degrees high-temperature ion flame ablate the Titan's alloy in all directions!

Clouds of black smoke continued to emerge from the Titan,

Smoke billows, flames rise!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Ash in the Ronin Titan screamed shrill and non-stop!

Across the cockpit, the little girl could smell the pungent smell of melting metal on the opposite side.

"Looks like it's enough to add another knife at the end, BT"

[Detected 80% damage to the opponent's Titan body]

"Then let's execute it!"

Ash Ronin Titan, covered in flames,

At this moment, he stumbled and barely ran out of the range of the flames,

His figure was swaying, almost unable to stand!

"No! No! No!"

Ash's always indifferent electronic voice finally resounded with endless despair!

"Impossible! Impossible! I am the latest technology of IMC mercenaries!"

"Cooper, you can't

BT threw off the thermite launcher in his hand, started it at full speed and hung it directly on Ash Titan!

The left hand pinched the Ronin Titan's neck, and the right hand directly pulled the Ronin Titan's left arm!



Forcibly tore off the Ronin Titan's left arm!

Before Ash could scream,

Another forceful tear,

Ronin Titan's right arm was also torn off alive!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Ash's screams, even the audience in front of the screen heard,

All goosebumps!

But in Xiaomei's eyes at this moment,

There is only endless revenge!

Both eyes are red, and the whole level has been chased, hunted, and tortured,

Everything is released at this moment!

"This tear is for the rebels!"

"Again! B!T!"


[Right arm propulsion engine starts]

BT right arm elbow position,

With a burst of blazing blue fire,

pushing BT's right arm,

A punch that can smash mountains!



Standard straight right,

Strong and solid, right in the center of Ash Ronin Titan's head!

The green core was blasted into powder!

"Come again! BT!"

"This punch is still for the one who resists Lian!"

The little girl who has fallen into a state of extreme excitement,

Pull the joystick with both hands,

The right arm of BT who just swung a shocking punch,

This time it directly turned fists into claws,

Hard and thick finger armor,

Straight into the cockpit of the Ronin Titan!

"BT heart out!"

Accompanied by the roar of the dull girl,


Ka Ka

Ka Ka Ka!

BT's right hand was like a knife and an axe, stabbing the cockpit on the chest of the Ronin Titan.

Like a black tiger digging out his heart,

Take Ash together with the fixed driver's seat,

Pulled out abruptly!

The mechanical body Ash, with only the last trace of breath left,

Incompetent and desperate in the hands of BT,

Howling and screaming!

"No!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

ash at the moment,

Helplessness, despair, fear, and howling!

"Shut up."

Dai Xiaomei said coldly.

The murderous intent in the eyes shocked the audience of the water friends in the live broadcast room!

The palm of B343T suddenly retracted!

click bang!!

The humanoid mechanical Ash instantly turned into a pile of mechanical powder!

A pile of mechanical solution, directly explodes!

Black, white, red, splashing in the air!

The shrill mechanical scream disappeared instantly.

The only sound left in the air was hissing and crushing.

The palm of the BT robot then released.

Ash who has turned into a powder state,

Floating with the wind over a piece of ruins.

"rest in peace."

The little girl said in a low voice,

"Three Rebel fighters."

【Iron Pilot, 20 seconds countdown to explosion】

【We need to leave this facility as soon as possible】

Little girl nods:


Blue flames rose from behind BT and pushed forward, rushing towards the escape gap at top speed.

At this time, in the live broadcast room,

This wave of executions directly made the audience of Shuiyou so happy to see it!

"Comfortable and comfortable!"

Ash from GTMD!"

"Nima's hand-to-hand revenge is really cool!"

"The core burst of the big move is useless! BT will always drop God!"

"To be honest, Sister A's expression just now scared me!"

"Mad's game is really good!!!"

"Squeeze Ash with my own hands, my whole body will go to heaven!"

"There are still ten seconds, hurry up and hurry up!"

"Five seconds!"

"BT! Run!"

"One second!".

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