Dusk, ruin.

In the IMC facility behind BT, the ground burst into flames. It was originally a simulated sky, and pieces creaked and shattered.

[Power facilities damaged, all personnel evacuated urgently]

[Power facilities damaged, all personnel evacuated urgently]

IMC's ruthless broadcast sound repeatedly reminded the fact that the power facilities were about to be completely destroyed.

woo... woo...

Sirens filled the entire underground.

A loud bang!

last second,

The huge IMC underground power facility can no longer hold up,

Blow them all down!

The BT in the picture is running wildly along the tunnel that Ash originally came in!

Behind the tunnel, crashing and collapsing,

Chasing BT's feet, gravel kept falling.

The end of this emergency escape tunnel seems to be out of sight!

Although Xiaomei also knows that this wave should be just a formality,

However, with the sound of sirens all over the sky, and the collapsing facilities chasing after him,

It still made the little girl break out in cold sweat and her heart rate soared.

Hurry up, hurry up!


The tunnel ahead suddenly turned sharply upwards, with a slope of at least 45 degrees.

Bunches of dazzling light shone down,

"We're coming out BT!"

【Yes, Iron Pilot, please hold on tight. 】


With the violent push back, the little girl felt that her whole body was firmly pressed on the seat,

The BT started at full speed, carried Cooper at the last moment, and finally rushed out of the tunnel safely.

The harsh sun shines down,

The little girl was so dazed that she could barely open her eyes.

It feels like this journey in the underground facility is as long as a century.

Little girl Dai opened her mouth, breathing in the fresh air from the ground greedily.

"BT, where is this place?"

There is another jungle in front of me, and there is nothing special at first glance.

[There is an IMC research facility here. According to data speculation, 1 should be related to the previous assembly plant and power facility]

Upon hearing about the facility,

The little girl's head is getting bigger!

"A facility again? 々!"

"BT, this is not another shortcut you discovered!"

BT's voice suddenly sounds humming:

【Tie Pilot, I will never take shortcuts again】

The viewers of the water friends in the live broadcast room were overjoyed when they heard it:

"BT finally learned how to behave hahaha"

"Last time I took a shortcut and got caught by the IMC!"

"Do you think BT will have such things as psychological shadows?"

"BT is so cute!"

[Facility ahead detects the rendezvous point of Colonel Anderson]

【Tie Pilot, I can't enter the facility, I need your help to investigate】


Dai Xiaomei nodded, and the cockpit door in front of her opened with a click.

"Is it here BT?"

In the picture, in front of Cooper's eyes is a "wellhead".

Obviously, this entrance must lead to another underground facility.

What the little girl saw was that her scalp was numb!

【Relax, Iron Pilot】

It seems that it detected the rapid increase of the heart rate of the iron pilot,

BT's simple and honest voice quickly explained:

[This is an abandoned facility of IMC, assessment risk factor: low]

"I'm not afraid of anything, BT, you underestimate me."

The little girl murmured,

Jump straight into the well!

The game and live broadcast screens immediately went black.

Numerous fragments of ruins scattered,

Then they gathered into two silver subtitles:

【cause and effect】

"Looks like it's time for the next chapter?"

"You can take a good breath!"

"Now show me that I didn't even eat my nervous breakfast!"

"Sister A, do you want to continue broadcasting?"

"I'm wondering whether to continue to take a half-day leave! I can't stop watching it all at once!"

"And then you get fired tomorrow for stepping into the office with your left foot first"

The audience in the live broadcast room, taking advantage of the black screen, when you start chatting with each other,

There was a sudden fluctuation in the live game screen!

Like the old Snowflake TV,

Waves of water-like ripples flashed back and forth across the screen.

"What game effect is this?"

"It doesn't look like it? Sister A's computer is going to burn out?"

"No! I see that this problem also occurs in other live studios!"

"They haven't progressed that fast yet! Is there something wrong with the oasis platform? Or some game bug?"

at the same moment,

Logistics Warehouse No. 10 in the suburbs of Modu,

Su Chen also observed this unusual fluctuation.

"Well, it's good, it's finally changed."

Tens of minutes ago, the DDoS traffic attack created by the Goose Factory server stopped inexplicably.

At that time Su Chen knew,

The top management of the goose factory must be preparing new tricks.

In the face of the terrifying data throughput of the Oasis server,

Goose Factory's attack on all server resources is as powerless as a stone thrown into the sea.

But this new attack,

It was a bit unexpected for Su Chen!


With a swipe of his finger, Su Chen immediately entered the background of the oasis server.

The above records show that,

just a few seconds ago,

There are continuous abnormal data packets sent to the oasis server from various IP addresses.

Because Su Chen deliberately removed the security measures such as the firewall,

Therefore, these abnormal data packets immediately entered the server computing area,

"々`So that's how it is."

Su Chen glanced casually,

I roughly understand the principle of the game screen fluctuation caused by the goose factory attack.

"By interfering with the communication between the server and the player's computer, the connection delay is increased, causing the time asynchronous between the server and the client, and finally causing the screen to tear and fluctuate.

The principle is not too complicated.

But to realize it, the technical difficulty is not small.

"Looks like a hacker was hired?"

Faced with a full blow from the goose factory,

Su Chen only had a slight smile on his face,

"It's not bad. Fortunately, I removed the anti-(Qian Lihao) firewall to see the goose factory."

"such a pity."

ding sound,

Su Chen directly opened the system exchange reward mall,

Now the system gives Su Chen the collected flowers and blades,

It is long enough to redeem any refreshed rewards in it.

As for Su Chen, he directly clicked on the target reward:

[Oasis server array defense]

Another ding sounded,

The gentle female voice of the system sounds:

"The reward you redeemed has arrived"

Almost at the same instant, the beeps on the oasis server started beeping.

A line of characters quickly scroll down to refresh

It is very consistent with the artificial intelligence scene imagined by Su Chen

[Array defense loaded]

【Whether to enable】

The corners of Su Chen's mouth raised slightly:

"Come to Goose Factory, let's see how much you can do.",


[Array defense, successfully activated Jie].

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