bang bang bang!

gunshots rang out,

Crackling, green, red, and white splashed out together,

Returning to the real time and space is not safe!

The dumb little girl rolled over on the spot,

Flopping close to the beast dodged it.

"I am Nima!"

Even if I played Cooper more immersively,

Now the little girl can't help but instinctively, blurting out a rant!

Su Chen, Producer of Dog Thieves! Doing things purely!

If it wasn't for his quick reaction, he would have become a piece of meat in Yi Zeng's mouth by now!

Little girl Dai quickly stood up, facing the belly of the alien beast that failed in the pounce and surprise attack,

Another shuttle of electric energy bullets was shot out.

The stench of burnt flesh instantly wafted through the air,

There is also the mournful wail of the alien beast.

bang bang bang!

Take advantage of its illness and kill it!

a second later,

In the picture, there is only the mutilated body of the beast lying on its belly with its limbs up.

Inside the building, there was a moment of silence.


Suddenly, there was a familiar slight mechanical sound.

Little Sister Dai subconsciously looked at the ground,

It's okay not to look,


Robot wreckage scattered all over the floor!

"Could it be..."

Little girl Dumb already had a very bad premonition in her heart!

It seems that because of the gunshots just now,

Like an intrusion signal alarm,

Emergency 910 again activated the last guard program of the wreckage robot on the ground.

on the dark ground,

Start to flash a little bit of red light,

It's getting denser!


The little girl took a step back subconsciously,


Just stepped on something round and rumbling!

The dull little girl moved her eyes down,

a red dot,

No, to be precise, it's a bunch of red dots,

The shattered head of a robot, and the core,

Blinking like crazy!

The little girl was stunned for a moment,

How is this so like...

Fried spider?!

next moment,


A blast of blast blasted the little girl flying away!


fell heavily to the ceiling,


the moment of the explosion,

Little girl Dai felt like a leaf being flattened to the ground by the strong wind,

The vision is blurry!

But this time, it's not the blur before time travel,

It was the confusion of being bombed.

Fortunately, because most of it has been destroyed,

The power of the robot's self-detonation did not take Cooper away.


【Intrusion Warning...】

A horrible creaking sound,

A large pile of guard robots lying dead on the ground,

All climbed up one after another,

On the incomplete head, there is also a damaged core of the body,

All are flashing a strange dense red light!

He staggered and leaned towards Cooper in a flash.

"Run, sister A, run!"

"Why does this fucking robot walk like a zombie!"

"It's so dark, the red-eyed monsters rushed over and scared people to death!!"

"IMC self-explosive horror robot is online!"

Although the little girl's vision is blood red and her vision is blurred,

But keep in mind one thing,

That is,


This kind of self-explosive soldier is a serial explosion!

In the barrage of fast running,

Little Sister Dai struggled to stand up with her gun stuck to her body,

He staggered and ran forward.

Behind him came the sound of footsteps followed by broken robots.

This picture is really funny!

The audience in the live broadcast room also lived in Bengbu:

"A bunch of blind and lame chasing another lame!"

"At this moment, sister A remembered the fear of being overwhelmed by the bombing spider!"

Little Sister Dai is also complaining in her heart!

The terrain of the room is too narrow, and there are a bunch of desperate self-destruct robots,

It's just Tinker Cooper!

The sound of clinking footsteps behind him also came closer and closer.

Death's scythe was almost on Cooper's neck.


Little girl Dai suddenly saw the corner ahead, and there was a ladder going up!


Suppressing the pain in her body, Dai Xiaomei gritted her teeth and rushed forward with a few (daaa) strides.

The field of vision suddenly slowly blurred again!

for a moment,

A bold idea flashed across the mind of Dai Xiaomei like lightning,

no time to think,

The little girl put her arms around her waist,

The buzzing in my ears is getting louder and louder,

The line of sight became more and more distorted.

tear up,

The safety latch on the fragmentation mine was pulled out,

The little girl trembled and took a deep breath,

Put the billowing smoke of fragment mines directly under your feet,

and myself,

Unexpectedly motionless!

Just standing on top of a sizzling, smoking grenade!

Bang... bang!

Behind a lot of self-destruct robots,

Hang Chi Hang Chi has rushed to a place a few steps away from Dai Xiaomei.

"Quick, quick, quick!!"

The little girl was thinking wildly in her heart,

The tinnitus is getting heavier, the vision is getting more and more distorted,

The broken self-explosive robot caught towards him,


The grenade that is counting down to the final explosion is under your feet!




Dilapidated building, BOOOM!

A string of red lights suddenly exploded instantly,

The figure of Little Sister Dai also disappeared in the ruined room.


Little girl stays kneeling on the ground with her hands on the ground,

Desperately opened his mouth wide, breathing hard,

The moment the grenade was about to explode,

I was so nervous that I almost suffocated,

My heart seems to have stopped beating for several beats!

This time, the clean and bright facility building of the past time and space,

Instead, it has become a warm harbor for the little girl!

The viewers in the live broadcast room, seeing the show-to-the-sky operation of Little Girl Dai,

The public screen has already been maxed out:

"Fuck, shit, shit! Cowhide!"

"You're so handsome! You can still operate like this!"

"Leave the explosion to the future! Go back to the past yourself!"

"Sister A has brains, woo woo woo"

"This wave is really showing off!!!"

"Crimson King, little girl!"

While the barrage was still crazily praising Dai Xiaomei's operation,

In the live broadcast screen, the facility warning broadcast sounded again:

[Unauthorized personnel break through the security mechanism]

[The intruder has the most advanced long-term stealth ability]

【Unable to be accurately tracked】


[Received, this is the IMC security team, the laser network has been activated, and the investigation team is dispatched]

Beep. ..………

When the little girl heard it, her eyes lit up!

That said the intruder,

can remain invisible for a long time,

that means

Dai Xiao looked into the distance on the second floor, the IMC security team that had already begun to rush over,

A sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth!.

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