The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 117 Ghosts, Artifacts: Time-Space Conversion Wristband!

【Found the intruder!】

【The identity of the intruder is unknown! They are rapidly approaching the core area!】

【The first security team dispatched!】

The sound of intensive firefights sounded,

【Report! The intruder disappeared!】

Da da da ~ gunshots echoed in the building.

A shuttle of bullets through the air,

Bang bang hit the wall.

The first security team is like fighting the air - wits.

[Report! The intruder disappeared again - gone!]

[Start the laser network! There is invisible technology on the opposite side!]


A series of red laser nets shoot out from fixed organs everywhere,

Dangerous red laser light, in an instant, the repair robot in the room who had no time to dodge,

Burn it in two pieces!

The high-temperature rays cut through smoothly, and on the cross-section of the cut robot,

Still sizzling and steaming.

【Impossible! Impossible to have such a long-term invisible technology!】


In the communication channel of IMC Security Force,

Suddenly there was another scream!

the head of an IMC security officer,

He was directly hit by the iron fist that appeared out of thin air!


Hit another nervous security guard!

【Ah ah ah!!】

It screamed like a ghost!


bang bang!

one after another,

A black figure, flickering,

Take turns flashing behind everyone in the first security team!

With every iron fist struck,

A body part flew out!

Either the head or the hands,

Or directly burst the chest.

A figure that moves like a ghost,

almost flashing behind each opponent,


[The first security team requests support! The first security team requests...]


A black figure appears behind,

one kick,

Finally, the IMC security soldier holding the communicator,

Instantly turned into a headless corpse,

He collapsed limply along the corner of the wall.

The eruption of blood from the carotid artery directly smeared the entire corner of the wall red.

The hall was completely silent.


spooky black figure,

In an instant, it was invisible again.

And the communication recorder held by the headless corpse,

Still broadcasting the communication mechanically:

[This is the IMC Security Headquarters! This is the IMC Security Headquarters!]

【The third team has been dispatched to support!】

【The first security team reports the battle situation! The first security team reports the battle situation!】


A burst of white noise sounded on the communicator.

【The first security team lost contact!】

【Close the passage immediately! Close the passage immediately!】


On the communicator that fell to the ground, there was a louder noise,

You can faintly hear the terrified screams inside!


The sound of tearing flesh and blood!

【This is the third support team! Request immediate support!】

Bursts of ear-piercing explosions sounded in the communicator,

【We can't see this intruder!】

[The intruder is invisible again! Radar can’t detect it! 】

[The third support team lost more than half! Lost more than half!】

[There are fluctuations in the ten o'clock direction! Fire!]

【Damn it! This intruder is not even a ghost! It's completely unhitable!!】

Ka.....․ Boom!

This time it was the sound of fractures and bursting, coming from the other end of the communicator.

[Ask for support! Repeat!]



inside the communicator,

A blood-curdling cry of despair erupts,

【Run! Run quickly...】


Like a major artery being cut open in an instant,

Blood spurted out like a water pump.

The cries for help from the last IMC team member on the communicator also fade away.


rustling sounded,

The communicator in the hands of the headless corpse on the ground fell silent again.

at the same moment,

On the homepage of Seafood Terrace, stick it to the most conspicuous position,

It is also the most popular live broadcast room of Dai Xiaomei on the whole network,


Can't see a barrage!


just now,

At the moment when the second team of the IMC Security Headquarters was wiped out,

The barrage system of the seafood station has completely collapsed!

not because of a program glitch,

It's not because no one posts barrage,


3 million viewers,

almost every second,

All screaming fiercely on one side,

Fingers on one side are crackling and sending barrage!

...0 for flowers: 0

at last,

In the words of the IMC security forces,

Mysterious intruders, permanently invisible enemies, rebel super fighters, black ghostly figures, Iron Cooper's final blow to eliminate two teams,

The barrage server in the live broadcast room completely crashed.

Only on the public screen, there are still the remaining bullet screens from the last few seconds:

"Fucking instant time and space shuttle is really tm cowhide!"

"Shuttle back and forth! One second passes, the next second the future!"

"I already feel sorry for the IMC gang hahaha"

"One person kills two full squads without any injuries! The opponent doesn't know what Cooper looks like at the end!"

"A super soldier from the future!"

"Nima is just like a war ghost!"

"This is the real Ghost! Can't be shot! Can't be rayed!"

"From the eyes of the Mad IMC gang, this black shadow can move instantly!"

"I can't catch it, I can't see it, I can't hit it! If you want me, I'll just go straight to Zisha! I'm so desperate, hahaha"

In the live screen,

gloomy, dilapidated,

In a building sizzling with flames,

Cooper's figure was panting slightly.

Beside him is the stiff, long-dead corpse of an IMC scientist,

A recorder on the ground,

Playing in a loop:

[Doctor's log 14.6: The invaders have extremely advanced technology. 】

[Response teams suffered heavy casualties, says Dr Taylor of the Wildlife Institute,]

【The two groups of people were all wiped out in the elevator within seconds!...】

【And...there is only one person on the opposite side!】

Cooper straightened up and turned off the recording device.

lift up your feet and walk forward,

Start the connection communication on one side:

"BT, fortunately, the space-time cracks here are serious enough, and the space-time fluctuations are distorted enough."

【Yes, Iron Pilot, I detected your location, and within a few steps, there are a lot of space-time distortion cracks】

"...Well, the battle just now was really extreme, I'm already soaked..."

"Here, I found the other half of Major Anderson's body stuck in the ceiling."

Cooper in the picture, bent over,

With one hand, he inserted the wristband on the dead body's hand upside down and took it off.

"BT, I got it."

"Time-space conversion device ten.".

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