The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 146 Turbine Ventilation, Run Fast!

The deep well in front of Little Sister Dai is continuously rising with air currents,

Looking at the bottom of the deep well, there is a bottom the size of a football field, with a huge light bulb in the middle,

It's glowing red.

"Why is it like a nuclear bomb silo?"

Little girl Dai remembered that in the movie she had seen, the kind of intercontinental ballistic missile silo that could destroy a large city seemed to look like this.

Just jump down, you won't collapse yourself into the sky, right?

【Tie Yu, this is the turbo cooling exhaust pipe, used for heat dissipation of the entire underground power facility】

【rest assured】

The little girl took another quick glance around,

"Dead end."

"It seems that we can only jump up from here."

After finishing speaking, the little girl closed her eyes and jumped towards the center of the deep well.


In the next second, the whole person floated lightly with the updraft,

The water friends in the live broadcast room saw this scene, and everyone was greedy!

"This ventilation shaft is too big! What kind of tricks is Su Chen going to do?"

"It smells like an interstellar ballistic missile silo!"

"Each level has a completely different style, the level of this game is too cowhide!"

"Fucking old woman walking in the air, this is it!"

"It's kind of elegant, old woman!"

"I feel like I can play with this ventilation shaft for a year hahaha"

"I think of a trampoline!"

"Damn it!! Sister A fell!"

The water friends and the audience exclaimed,

Little girl Dai didn't notice the top of her head at first, and hit the uppermost guardrail of the pipeline with a bang,

This collision directly knocked Dai Xiaomei into a mess, her body immediately lost her balance, and then fell straight down!

【Iron Pilot, immediately adjust the descending posture form】

The little girl who was still knocked into a fog was immediately awakened by the warning sound of BT,

The setting of Cooper in the game is an extremely agile and fast top soldier with Reaction Machine 317,

At the critical moment when the body is hit hard, it can also ensure a clear state of consciousness.

So the little girl who played Cooper was soon stimulated by the tiny current set in the VR helmet, and quickly reacted,

Quickly adjusted his body posture in the air,

At the moment when it was about to hit the edge of the ventilation shaft, it abruptly changed its posture,

Once again, following the gushing airflow, it rushed to the top of the ventilation shaft.

【Pilot, we need to close the updraft of the ventilation shaft】


Cooper's top-notch eyesight setting immediately let Dai Xiaomei discover the control room above the deep well.

a moment later,

bang sound,

A black shadow rushed into the high-altitude control room and landed steadily,

"Fortunately, it seems that Marvin is the only one who repairs robots."

The little girl put away her gun and walked to the console in the room,

Pull the joystick down with a click,

Then a system announcement sounded:

[Foreign objects found, classified as organisms, start yellow level warning]

Dai Xiaomei immediately held guns in both hands, posing a standard indoor CQB action pose,


a moment later,

The oncoming updraft suddenly disappeared,

The dull little girl looked down the ventilation shaft,

"That bulb seems to have turned green BT."

[The control circuit at the bottom of the ventilation shaft has been turned off, and the updraft has disappeared]

BT voice just fell,

The system broadcast alarm sounded again:

【Detected unexpected shut down of turbine device, cause scanning...】

[Find intruders, deploy security forces to check

Immediately, Little Sister Dai heard a series of mechanical footsteps coming from the depths through the wall with good sound transmission.

listen carefully,

There are many more,

Just like the big ants that come out in groups and nests!

"Stalker?" Dai Xiaomei blurted out as soon as she heard the movement.

Shuiyou viewers in the live broadcast also felt their scalps go numb!

"I rely on IMC to put a lot of guards everywhere?"

"Nimma feels like being chased by zombies!"

"Sister A, run! IMC has a lot of people!"

"There are no BTs this time, so it's hard to deal with most Royal Stalkers!"

"It seems that Sister A didn't find any useful guns. There are quite a lot of stuff like parallel rifles!"

Little girl Dai heard the barrage, looked down at the parallel rifle in her hand,

Whether it's rate of fire or lethality, this thing...

So mediocre.

There's a reason to be risky when trying to deal with hordes of rogues or other misfit security forces.

"Looks like we'll have to leave soon."

While speaking, little girl Dai got out of the control room and was about to lift her feet to jump down.

As a result, as soon as he took a step, he immediately took it back like lightning!

Only then did I discover that

The location of my control room is a bit high!

It is a full 100 meters away from the bottom of the ventilation shaft!

Originally, the little girl was a little afraid of heights, but looking at it now, she almost fell straight down.

【Iron Pilot, your exoskeleton jumping equipment can hold up, and the wear coefficient is still within the controllable range】

The little girl was taken aback,

The water friends and the audience even exclaimed again and again,

BT really understands Cooper more and more!

"Jump A sister!"

"If you can't believe the audience, you can't believe BT!"

BT's heavy voice buzzed again:

【Trust me, iron


Dai Xiaomei gritted her teeth, stomped her feet, and felt heartbroken,

Just jump from the control room at a height of 100 meters to the bottom of the ventilation shaft!

The sound of air whizzing past my ears, the bottom of the ventilation shaft rapidly growing in size in front of my eyes,

And the walls of the ventilation shaft swept back at great speed,

The audience in the live broadcast room can feel the horror of this free fall through the screen!

"Buy a game and get a virtual jumping machine!"

"Cooper's jumping exoskeleton equipment, can it really withstand it?"

"It's really good!"

The little girl who fell freely into the lower half of the ventilation shaft,

Suddenly, I felt that the soul left in the air returned to me again.

The rate of descent, visible to the naked eye, is rapidly decreasing.

Immediately afterwards,

Just a loud bang!

A huge impact came from the soles of the feet,


Cooper's miniature exoskeleton at the joints of the whole body makes more than a dozen clicks and crisp (dafj) sounds,

It seems that there is a mysterious external force, which removes the impact of the 100-meter straight drop,

Finally landed safely.

The audience members in the live broadcast room also breathed a sigh of relief in front of the screen:

"So this level focuses on fan airflow?"

"I feel that all my dreams tonight must be the experience of jumping off a building."

"The tiny exoskeleton joints on Cooper are amazing!"

"Nonsense! Otherwise, why is it called Tieyu? Without this thing, if you jump from a height of 100 meters, you will be smashed into a piece of meat!"


Little Sister Dai breathed a long sigh of relief,

The air that has been pent up in my throat will finally come out.

【Tie Pilot, congratulations, it seems that your adaptability to jumping equipment has reached the highest level】

"Then, do you want to come again a few times?"

【This possibility is not ruled out, Iron Pilot】

Little girl Dai looked up at the control room of the 100-meter-high ventilation shaft,

Another broadcast warning sounded in the ventilation shaft:

[It is detected that there is a foreign object in the turbo cooling exhaust device, the magnetic interference is serious, and the fault cannot be analyzed]

[Marvin D-5-1-X-ray, the 16,000th cycle of the turbine energy cycle completed]

"What is this talking about?"

Dai Xiaomei frowned and asked BT, while walking towards the backup passage at the bottom of the ventilation shaft.

[If you guessed correctly, this code name should refer to the ray model of the arc device. It seems that we are not far from the usable arc device]

Little Sister Dai nodded, and quickly drilled out of the backup passage,

My eyes suddenly lit up!

"You're right BT! There!"

The little girl excitedly pointed to the Marvin robot across a guardrail,

This repair robot holds a strange device in its hand!

From time to time, faint blue arcs of light are sizzling from above.

[That's right, Iron Pilot, we will return immediately after getting the arc device and restart the control plant

The little girl nodded excitedly,

With a knee jump, he easily walked to the side of the Marvin robot.

The maintenance robot is harmless to humans and animals, and the little girl is too lazy to do it.

Directly snatch the device from the robot's hand.

"So it's a gun?"

Instead of a faint blue electromagnetic arc coming out of the muzzle, it should have been the place where the clip was originally, but it was replaced with a turbine device.

"It's a bit heavy!"

It took a little effort for Miss Dai to firmly grasp the arc device, or the weapon called an arc gun, with both hands.

Fingers on the trigger conditional pull, want to try the firepower,

A beam of small but extremely dazzling electromagnetic arc light shot out with a whistling sound.

In an instant, even the air beside him became hot.

"By the way, BT, do I want to go back the same way?"

[No, Iron Pilot, the scan found that the central turbine seems to have a reload switch]

[Using the arc device may allow the central turbine to restart, so that you can return to the control center of the signal station faster]


Dai Xiaomei nodded excitedly and interrupted BT:

"I see!"

"I'm going right now!"

Then it rushed to the bottom of the turbine well on the other side,

Didn't notice the words behind BT at all.

a moment later,

The blue and white electromagnetic light of the arc gun in the little girl's hand flashed,

sizzling sound,

The high-energy energy beam hits the center of the stalled turbine directly,

The prominent indicator light in the center quickly turns from green to red,

"It really became a BT!"

Then the whistling wind sounded in my ears, and the soles of my feet seemed to be lifted up by a huge force,

Downhole turbines, buzzing loudly, spinning up,

Stepping on the howling updraft, the little girl went straight to the sky!

This sour and refreshing heavenly experience made the audience in the live broadcast room itch!

"It turns out that the theme of this level is the wind tunnel!"

"Don't look at Sister A's success now, there must be something for her to suffer in the future!"

"Don't prank the players, it's not like Su Chen's style!"

"Here we come! Sure enough, there is a prank ahead!"

The little girl who climbed rapidly on the updraft landed steadily on the upper floors,

After turning a corner,

Rows of turbofans the size of transport planes are spinning crazily!

A gust of wind rushes straight ahead,

The wind was so strong that it was almost untenable.

The little girl was dumbfounded:

"Is this about me slipping through a bunch of supercooling turbofans?"

【By the way, Tieyu, I just said that this road may be life-threatening to some extent】

"BT you didn't say it earlier!"

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