The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 147 Pain, Too Much Pain! One Hundred Meters Per Second Directly Hit The Wall!

Rows of giant turbofans,

Arranged in a well-arranged manner throughout this underground compartment.

There are many glass partitions in the middle aisle.


The terrifying turbine suction pumped the underground air into a turbulent wind tunnel,

Even if the little girl is not facing the turbo fan,

I can also feel the terrifying-wind force on my side!

Even the audience water friends in front of the screen can feel the whistling hurricane!

'Damn it, I feel the wind is so strong!'

"It's spectacular! This fan is like a spaceship engine! An industrial wonder!"

"There are door after door, it feels like a puzzle game?"

"IMC built these things just to get in their way?"

"Wouldn't this roll become meat sauce?"

"Sister A has such a small body, I'll blow you away!"

For a while, the little girl didn't think of a way to pass,

If you are not careful, you will either be sucked into the turbofan,

or be blown into the underground abyss,

In the best case, it will be blown directly to the glass wall by the huge wind pressure.



The little girl who was still confused suddenly found that there was a bright green light in the center of each turbo fan.

It is inexplicably similar to the bottom of the ventilation shaft that goes deep into the ground vertically!

"Could it be..."

"BT, these turbofan hubs, can also be used with arc guns?"

[Yes, Iron Pilot, but passengers must be careful

Little Sister Dai nodded, raised the arc gun,

It was so easy to find a small path on the edge, just to avoid the strong wind of the turbofan,

Then it rushed towards the edge of the turbofan.

a moment later,


A faint blue arc flashed from the muzzle of the arc gun, directly hitting the center of the turbofan,

Concentrated energy beams of megabytes instantly penetrated the core circuit of the turbofan!

A crisp sound of ding,

The indicator light turns from green to red quickly,

There was even a hint of burnt smell in the air.

[Scanned turbo fan circuit breakdown, temporary stop operation]

"It's really useful BT!"

Little Sister Dai subconsciously pulled the trigger of the arc gun again,

In the same scene, the blue to whitish arc light from the gun muzzle pierced through the core of the turbofan again,

[Re-overload circuit completed, Iron Pilot, small

Immediately the fan blades accelerated sharply,

buzzing loud noise,

A huge gust of wind blew suddenly, and the little girl who was caught off guard was almost blown into the fan blades.

【Tieyu, if you repeatedly use the arc device to activate the turbofan, it will easily cause the circuit to be completely overloaded and damaged】

When the little girl heard it, she hurriedly stopped the turbo fan again.

Step on the fan blade quickly,

The arc gun in your hand hits the core of the next turbo fan precisely,

The wind stopped.

Immediately a jump sticks to the fan blade and goes straight.

a minute later,


Although the wind howled along the way, but the little girl still ran out of sweat!

It was not easy to pass through the dense underground ventilation and cooling devices.

"BT, what's in front of this?"

On the left side in front of Little Sister Dai, there is an impressively deep, completely invisible end-to-end passageway between the walls.

That is to say, the "passage" that the iron pilot can pass through by sliding on the wall.

On the right, there are two huge turbofans,

Each turbo fan can fit almost an entire BT!

[Pilot, the scan shows that your left front passage leads to the control at the end

"We drew a circle around the inside of the power network of this signal station?"

【Yes, Iron Pilot】

Dai Xiaomei stared at this winding and bottomless passage with bewilderment in her eyes.

How is this going to go?

I can't even jump over it!

It's too far away from the platform I'm standing on!


Dai Xiaomei turned her head to look at the two huge turbofans on the right wall,

The whistling wind blows violently from the fan,

The wind direction is exactly pointing to the entrance of the sandwich wall channel.

And as the little girl's gaze turned to the turbofan,

The footage in the live broadcast room also focused on the fans,

next second,

The fans in the audience immediately guessed the intention of this silly girl,

The shocking barrage immediately filled the public screen:

"Is this something that people can live with?! No wonder the iron pilot of the rebel army came before, and they never returned!"

"Sister A, don't you want to take advantage of this wind..."

"It's too courageous for me to rely on an old woman!"

"Designed by a ghost! This is it! If Nima is not careful, she will be slapped on the wall!"

"The key point is that there is no landing place under the channel! We can only slide through it!"

"If you're not careful, you won't even be able to make chicken!"

"Sister A's heartbeat is going straight to the sky! Nervous!"

Although little girl Dai didn't say anything,

ask for flowers...

The heart rate is about to hit 160, and the adrenaline is even more frenzied!

Amidst the exclamation in the live broadcast room,

Little Sister Dumb didn't make any extra moves,

Facing the direction blown by the turbofan,

Clean and neat is a jump!

In the first-person view of the live broadcast room, it immediately moved quickly until it was completely blurred!

Cooper's figure almost froze,

In one second, it was blown by the wind and flew hundreds of meters!

The little girl only felt that her internal organs were all tightly attached to her chest cavity!

I want to shout out loud, but the words are blocked in my throat and I can't speak out!

The things in front of me are passing by quickly, and the things are receding quickly behind,

In the ears, the wind howled wildly and non-stop.

In the live broadcast room, the public screen is full of "oh ah",

The two vertically opposite sandwich walls have already appeared in front of Dai Xiaomei.

And little girl Dai was not prepared to meet such a fast speed on the wall, either psychologically or physically.

In the live screen,

There was a loud bang,

The screen instantly turns black.

A line of tiny characters appears at the top of the screen:


The audience members in the live broadcast room were stunned at first, and then they all reacted after a second:

"Sister A hit the wall directly, and fell down without reacting?"

"Hahaha, let me just say that the old woman's reaction is too slow!"

"It's not ready at all, it is! It's a good thing that I made it so handsome when I danced haha"

"One thing to say is that the difficulty is quite high! If you let me operate the keyboard and mouse, I may not be able to pass it!"

"In VR, the pressure is probably greater, so the body is glued to it so quickly, and the feeling of being overweight after ejection and take-off is full!"

"Sister A, is she okay? I saw her heartbeat went to 200 just now!"

"When the time comes, Mr. Park and the others must go and have a look at this level! It is estimated that they will prepare a lot of antihypertensive drugs!"

a moment later,

The picture in the live broadcast room gradually returned to clarity.

Dai Xiaomei stood on the platform again,

In the distance on the left is a channel with a sandwich wall, and on the right is a huge whistling turbofan.


In addition to the severe wheezing of being out of breath,

Now little girl Dai has one more item,

The whole body is in pain like falling apart!

Acceleration of hundreds of meters per second,

straight to the wall,

The VR equipment on his body gave the pain response closest to the limit under the safety level.

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