The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 149 Deadly Radiation, Almost Cooked!

"How do we restart the beacon, Captain?"

The little girl turned her head to look at Captain Cole,

Suddenly, I found that the way this guy looked at me was quite different from before.

It turns out that the expression of the NPC will also have such a vivid change?

While thinking, Captain Cole strode over:

"Well-deserved name, Cooper!"

Captain Cole looked over, full of excitement and anticipation!

"Only you can really get back this key arc device!"

The little girl didn't react yet,

BT buzzed and began to add:

[I have already reported your achievements in Iron Pilot to the captain in detail

Captain Cole nodded excitedly:

"Cooper! I didn't expect your real record to be even more exaggerated than the rumors among our rebel troops!"

"The senior generals of the IMC mercenary group, Ken and Ash, were really killed by you alone!"

"The rebel brothers and iron pilots who died under the hands of these two people before, there are hundreds if not thousands!"

"I heard that you, Cooper, destroyed IMC's assembly plant by yourself..."

Seeing that Captain Cole was about to babble 30,

Although little girl Dai is secretly happy,

But he still said something and quickly stopped Captain Cole:

"Captain, let's quickly repair the signal station first, what's there to mention about these old things?"

Captain Cole stopped talking immediately when he heard it,

And scratched his head a little embarrassedly:

"Haha, blame me for being too excited. After all, after the IMC has hired Blisk and his gang in the past few years, our rebel army has been suppressed too badly."

"During your absence just now, this BT-7274 and I have reconfigured the circuit system together.

The little girl who stays turned to look at BT,

Didn't expect BT to have such a skill?

And BT actually gave himself a thumbs up?!

Now not only the little girl, but even the water friends in the live broadcast room are beginning to feel,

BT, more and more like a real person!

"No, it's too cute BT! It's even better than your thumb!"

"Versatile, BT! Why do I feel that sister A is a bit redundant?"

"Is this BT's wife or husband?"

"Wife and husband, call him Big Brother BT!"

"I treat you like a brother, but you want to fuck me?"

【Iron Pilot Cooper, the only thing missing now is the power supply in your hand

BT pointed to the next to the control room, a downward passage,

[Reactivate the relay, and all the power channels of the transmitter can be activated again]

"It sounds simple."

Dai Xiaomei raised the arc device in her hand, that is, the arc gun, and walked straight to the passage.

just entered the channel,

I haven't walked a few steps,

The Geiger counter in the helmet suddenly rang!

The little girl was taken aback,

"What variable is there now?"

The voice of BT also sounded in the communication channel:

[Note: High radiation levels are found ahead, Iron Pilot's protective clothing can only protect you for a while in the room, it is recommended to complete the action as soon as possible]

Captain Cole's communication also came immediately:

[Complete the relay restart as soon as possible, otherwise it will really be cooked]

The dumb girl immediately turned black when she heard it!

The viewers of the water friends in the live broadcast room are also a little bit overwhelmed:

"You don't have a share in good things, bad things catch up!"

"Where there is danger, let Cooper go!"

"Just now I was shivering from being blown by the big fan, and now I'm going to put it in the microwave again, it's a fire and ice world!"

And on the live screen here,

Little girl Dai has come to the door of the relay room,

The radiation protection door was tightly closed, and the already hot little girl's scalp was numb!

Captain Cole's voice also came at this time:

"Tie Pilot, my countdown is three two one, you go in immediately and use the arc gun to reactivate the relay!"

"Remember, act fast!



The little girl was taken aback, so fast?


creak a few times,

The triple anti-radiation door opens quickly!

As soon as the gate was opened, the Geiger counter in the pilot's helmet was beeping frantically:

"Radiation level detected: very high"

"Assessment of the level of hazard to living organisms: fatal"

Little Sister Dai could only bite the bullet and rush in, complaining wildly in her heart again.

When did you become a dangerous environment repairman?!

Wearing protective clothing, as soon as she entered this scorching room, Dai Xiaomei's eyes immediately turned dark red.

The nose can faintly smell a burning smell unique to high-temperature radiation!

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of dizziness.

Simply put, it is the top.

The VR helmet worn by the little girl is rapidly stimulating the cerebral cortex with various small currents,

With a strong sense of dizziness and vomiting,

Dai Xiaomei raised the arc gun in her hand and pointed at the rows of relay devices on the wall,

The muzzle of the gun burst out with electromagnetic arc light, and it slammed violently.

"The stability of vital signs has declined, warning.

"Warning, stability dropped to 50%."

The built-in monitoring system in Cooper's protective clothing began to issue harsh warnings.

Little girl Dai was suffering from increasingly intense dizziness, and when her vision became more and more blurred,

Crackling with an arc gun finally activated the last relay.


BT's noisy voice immediately came from the communication channel:

[The power has been restored to 100%, leave the relay room immediately! 】

Dai Xiaomei nodded speechlessly, she didn't have the strength to speak at the moment.

The high concentration of radiation is about to break through the final protection of the protective clothing!

"Stability dropped to 30%."

"Protective Clothing Radiation Resistance 10%"

The alarms of the built-in monitoring system sounded one after another.

in a whimper,

The little girl stumbled towards the open door of the relay room.

The viewers in the live broadcast room also watched with their palms tightened:

"This task is really a hell!"

"Sister A, run!"

"It's going to be a boiled duck!"

"Protective clothing will not be able to withstand it!"

"Hurry up, hurry up! Otherwise, you'll be turned into a mutated old woman by radiation!"

a moment later,

bang bang,

The anti-radiation door of the relay room is firmly closed,

Little girl Dai was holding on to the wall of the passageway, panting heavily.

It's hot all over!


"Is the reboot complete BT? I'm almost roasted!"

[Iron Pilot, you are doing well, my monitoring system shows that you have not suffered substantial radiation damage

[Next, let us restart the interstellar signal station and send the holy cabinet message to the headquarters of the rebel army].

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