【The circuit network is restarting】

Following Captain Cole's snapping operation,

A few blu-rays flow quickly through the console,


The originally pitch-black console, a bunch of complex circuit instrument panels,

All kinds of colorful fluorescent lights immediately lit up.

"Begin Reboot Antenna Lock"

The shutters of the control room are slowly opened upwards,

The cone-shaped signal transmission tower standing on the opposite side of the control room emits faint blue lightning.

The whistling electric current can be heard even hundreds of meters away.

"After the antenna is locked, we can spread our information to the Rebel headquarters and the Dawn flagship.

Captain Cole stared at the progress bar on the console screen,

There was uncontrollable excitement and anticipation in his eyes.

For some unknown reason, the rebels on Typhon have not been able to contact the flagship Dawn so far.

Not to mention Rebel HQ.

So it has been surrounded by the IMC, and the number of soldiers is getting less and less.

If it weren't for the arrival of Cooper and BT, Captain Cole's grenadier troops would have almost all been wiped out at the signal station.

"Almost there! Cooper!"

Captain Cole followed the numbers jumping on the screen,

Mouth followed to read:

Fifty percent....sixty percent....seventy percent..."

The little girl who stays looking through the glass window from a distance,

On the tall spire of the signal station in the distance, there seemed to be a strange fluctuation suddenly!

"Seventy percent......... why didn't it move?!"

at this time,

The huge disc antenna between the two transmission towers of the signal station suddenly emitted bursts of black smoke!

Captain Cole froze on the spot,

The system announcement sounds:

"Warning, errors were found. Warnings, errors were found."

"Turn off the transmitting signal module."

Everyone in the control room looked towards the signal station in the distance,

More and more thick black smoke sprang out from one end of the antenna, and there seemed to be a lot of scattered debris splashed out from the tower,

A picture about to break down!

"Captain, what happened?"

The little girl turned her head to look at Captain Cole,

【Scanning to find that the connection module has been turned off, the console has been unable to connect to the signal tower

BT buzzed to help answer,

Captain Cole gritted his teeth and nodded with a gloomy face:

"There must be IMC troops approaching! They have taken over the tower with higher authority!"

"Forcibly shut down our locked antenna operation!"

The little girl looked helpless,

This must be counting on himself to clean up this mess again.

"Then can the module of the signal tower be connected through a bypass`?"

Another rebel officer pointed to the cables on both sides of the signal station,

Captain Cole shook his head: "No, unless you broadcast to the entire IMC Starfleet."

"Looks like we still have to trouble our pilot [and this BT-7274."

"Please help fix the locking mod so we can regain control of the tower's signal.

When Little Sister Dai heard this sentence, she had such an expression on her face.

The water friends in the live broadcast room also began to complain:

"Sure enough, he has become a tool man!"

"Don't call me Pilot, call me Tool Man Cooper!"

"I feel a little uncomfortable! After all, I'm also the protagonist of Big Kill, so it's kind of numb to me!"

"It's okay, as long as you have BT to accompany you!"

[The scan shows the iron pilot who died in battle. I remember that this iron pilot performed very well in Operation Destroyed Land]

At this moment, the other little girl has already steered all the way to the launch tower.

A poisonous mist filled the bottom of the tower,

On the uphill road into the launch tower, there are piles of corpses of soldiers entangled with the rebels and IMC.

"Operation Devastation? What's that?"

[It is the combat code name of the last large-scale energy battle of the Rebels on the Victory Star. We lost a lot, but we survived in the end. 】

The audience of Shuiyou in the live broadcast room was immediately aroused:

"BT you aroused my curiosity!"

"The battle of the devastated land? It seems to be a very tragic interstellar war!"

"So it was the last battle of the Rebels, and that was in the timeline of Titan One?"

"One person begged Su Chen to release the blood book!"

"Sacrifice my roommate! My roommate is seriously ill, and before he dies, I want to see Titan One and the previous story!"


Dai Xiaomei jumped out of the cockpit, and forcibly opened the closed front door of the signal transmission tower with the arc special device in her hand.

Then go through the main entrance with BT and come to the signal tower platform.

[The scanner has found a working connection lock module, which is our target factory

[Coordinates: 428 meters northeast]

BT took the lead, walked to the platform with a bang, raised its mechanical arm and pointed it in the northeast direction.

The little girl looked in the direction of BT's arm,

Froze on the spot!

In the air hundreds of meters ahead, the sound of machinery running rumbled.

Thick robotic arms reciprocate,

Countless slab stairs are being built automatically,

Pieces of clouds and mist surround it.

Like a fully automated construction site,

The most outrageous thing is that this unfinished construction site,

It was floating on the clouds!

You must know that the signal tower is already on the peak of 6500 meters above sea level,

And the locked module that needs to be repaired has to go to a higher place!

And below, there is a vast abyss covered by clouds and mist.


The little girl who stayed quickly glanced around,

"There's no way here? BT How can we fix the mod?"

Don't talk about the ordinary way of walking,

There is not even a foothold that allows the pilot to slide on the wall

There is nothingness all around.

[Don't worry, Pilot. 】

[My analysis shows that throwing is the only way. 】


Little Sister Dai subconsciously looked to her side again,

Because I immediately thought of it, when I was in the holy cabinet research facility, BT just threw a telegraph pole on the roof of a tall building,

Then I forcibly opened the "pass permission".

"There are no telegraph poles here...Damn it!"

On the small head of BT, the core green light flashes:

【I can throw you in. 】

"You are crazy BT! I just said that casually..."

Miss Dai remembered that at the holy cabinet research facility, she just casually said to BT, next time you throw me away!

So this kid actually remembered?!

The audience in the live broadcast room even rolled on the ground laughing:

"々`Let you set the flag casually at that time hahaha"

"The old woman is going to pee in fear this time!"

"Isn't this more exciting than the wind tunnel?!"

"Flying at an altitude of 7,000 meters! It's so sour to think about it!"

"BT is too cruel hahaha"

"Sister A, go up, let BT have a shameful addiction!"

"Shame, what a shame in the literal sense! The real deal!


The little girl stared blankly at BT,

Watching BT's small head keep turning back and forth to scan,

Then stretch out the right mechanical arm to gesture and draw,

Finally, Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang walked to the side of the little girl,

squatting down with a creak,

The buzzing sound rang in the ears of the little girl:

【Tie Pilot, my artificial intelligence system will not go crazy】

Little girl Dai can't, there is no other way to go except to be humiliated!

I had no choice but to walk to the right side of BT in fear,

With a squeak, he was held tightly by BT and lifted off the ground.

In an instant, little girl Dai felt that her heart was left on the ground!

"I said BT..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, the green light at the core of BT's head began to flash continuously:

[Wind three knots, wind direction 274, distance from Zhao to land: 95 meters

【Throwing mass: 89 kg】

When I heard this in the live broadcast room, I laughed like crazy!

"Damn it, Sister A didn't expect her figure to be so good at the airport in front of her!"

"I can't stop laughing at me hahaha!"

"Well done by BT! The female anchor's biggest secret has been revealed!"

"Press F quickly to enter the tank!"

"It's time for the old woman to lose weight! She's not as slim as BT!"

"Hey, it's not really as heavy as the anchor, is it? This should be the weight of Cooper plus a suit of equipment?"

"Here is an honest man, bully him quickly!"

As a result, these barrages of ridicule,

Dai Xiaomei didn't listen to a word in a daze.

The whistling wind is already ringing in my ears!

Looking down a little from the corner of the eye, you can see the abyss exposed by the clouds and mist!

Little girl Dai only felt that her calf was getting weak!

[Trust me, Cooper. fertile】

The sound of BT sounded, the left hand clenched a fist, took a few steps back quickly,

Then again in a standard javelin-throwing stance,

With a roar, he threw Cooper out of his hand!

7000 meters altitude, 100 meters straight flight distance,

A black shadow, flying in the air!.

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