The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 180 Let's Blast This Place To The Sky!

[Warning! Warning!]

[Detection of incoming Phalanx anti-aircraft missiles!]

A shrill warning sound buzzed in the cockpit,

The little girl subconsciously slapped the shield button!

buzzing sound,

A transparent shield instantly opened on BT's left hand.

Dozens of yellow anti-aircraft missiles trailing,

piercing the air with a sharp whistling sound,

In less than a second,

All of them have been intercepted by the vortex shield in the hands of BT!

But some players are not so lucky.

PDD, which has always been relatively slow in response,

Still immersed in the excitement and fear of high-altitude free fall,

There is no time to open the Titan's shield in the air!

bang bang bang!!!

In the Titan communication channel of the little girl,

In an instant, there was a huge explosion that almost shattered the eardrums!

【010 body damage 50! 010 body damage 50%!】

[Ask for help! Ask for help!]

The Titan body numbered 010 on the screen in front of Dai Xiaomei immediately turned into a red emergency state!

"Start the 010 body's emergency backup procedure! Join our combat sequence later!"

Little girl just wanted to speak,

The quiet voice of Commander Sarah came from the communication channel!

In the subsequent battle sequence marking, the 010 body driven by PDD immediately entered the standby state, and the red warning color quickly turned yellow.

"The rest of the Titan units, continue to implement the original combat plan!"

[The body is 1500 meters above the ground]

The dazzling rays of light on the distant horizon,

directly into the BT cockpit,

The little girl was so photographed that she almost couldn't open her eyes!

[1000 meters from the ground]

Little Sister Dai quickly adapted to the glare of light,

look down,

The heart rose to the throat almost instantly!

in front of the landing site,

It is a huge base with the size of a dozen football fields!

Above the base, the yellow light flashes non-stop!

Little Sister Dai knows that it must be the intensive anti-aircraft firepower of the IMC!

intensive anti-aircraft firepower,

Almost the entire IMC Air Force Base is lit up!

This time, neither the IMC nor the rebels have any reservations.

All the best powers have been used!

The body is still falling at high speed!

The field of vision in front of Little Sister Dai continued to drop rapidly!

[500 meters from the ground]

【Iron Pilot, detected the signal of the enemy Titan. 】

[Be sure to enter the combat state immediately after landing. 】

Before waiting for the little girl to answer,

【Pilot, meet the landing shock!】


The sky was full of smoke and dust, suddenly covering the front of the entire battle screen!

A strong impact that almost shattered the buttocks of the dull girl,

Suddenly passed from the foot of the BT to the cockpit!

The little girl who just wanted to speak,

Zip it up,

The upper and lower rows of teeth were knocked together directly!

【Iron Pilot, get ready for a defensive stance. 】

Before waiting for the little girl to cry out in pain,

A few rows of howling large armor-piercing bullets came over!

Forced to grit her teeth tightly, the little girl suddenly pulled the joystick aside,

The BT body moves sideways rapidly,


Several rows of large armor-piercing shells rubbed against the body of the BT, and directly hit the mud next to it!

The violent explosion of yellow light once again blasted the ground into a deep pit!

Countless mud splashed, and then fell down irregularly, blocking most of the other little girl's combat perspective!

"The combat terrain here is not conducive to us! Let's go to the Gobi area on the west side!"

And the three IMC Paladin tanks that fired rows of armor-piercing shells

The barrel rotates quickly and locks the BT firmly,

When you want to repeat the old trick,

Dozens of rockets suddenly shot out of the sky,

Roaring to cover all the terrain of the tank!

The three clusters are small but bright with a flash of light!

Three armored vehicles turned into three explosions of fireworks in an instant!

Like rockets for free!

The players who landed one after another in the air,

Controlled the Titan to quickly lock on to the active IMC units on the ground during its descent,

Unscrupulously tilt the Titan's superior firepower!

This battle is the battle of wealth!

The ammunition stockpiled by the rebels is enough!

for a while,

The cannon fire blared,

The bright tail flames of various shells almost illuminated the entire gray sky!

"Good job!"

"You're welcome!"

The voice of eggplant came from the channel,

"005 Titan, provide support!"

As soon as the voice of the eggplant fell,

More than a dozen dazzling white lights also descended from the sky one after another and landed steadily!

Mozi: "Titan No. 003, land safely!"

Tuan'er: "Titan 007 landed with 5% damage to its body!"

Yinzi: "Titan 002, there was a small problem with the foot shaft, and it landed successfully!"

"This is Sarah Briggs, landed successfully, join the fight!"

Commander Sarah's voice is still as quiet as ever!

"The commanding height of 002 has been successfully occupied, and the Taikun Shooting Formation is launched!"

Only then did Little Sister Dai realize that her side had occupied a very advantageous commanding height!

From here, you can overlook the entire IMC base.

visible to the naked eye,

The IMC Air Force Base in the distance is continuously dispatching various troops the size of ants!

And in front of the IMC Air Force Base,

is the first goal of this mission,

A continuous and tall anti-Titan wall!

It's as tall as three or four Titans!

"Pilot Cooper, cover our left side Pilot." (Li Dehao) "Let's tear down this wall!"

Commander Sarah's voice fell,

In the rebel titan communication channel,

Qi Qi let out an almost roaring oh ah!

And in the live broadcast room of all the anchors, tens of millions of viewers roared together in front of the screen!

This wave of one-shot high-speed airborne not only allows players, but also all audiences,

Go straight to heaven!

Fun, violent!

"That's what makes the Titans fall from the sky! Blast the sky!"

“So cool!!”

"Boom damn good!"

"Fried! It's just a fried! The firepower advantage washes the ground!"

"All the shells, just shoot them out!!! Bomb the labor!"

"All Titan Army, Assault!"

"Leave no one alive!"

"Blow this up to the doctor!

PS: Ask for some flowers and tickets QAQ.

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