The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 181 Are You Fishing When Others Are Bombed?

"Free fire, shoot!"

"Clear the roadblock ahead!"

Commander Sarah roared,

On the high ground occupied by the rebel Titans, flames shot up to the sky in an instant!

Various rockets, armor-piercing projectiles, large-caliber cannons, electromagnetic energy projectiles,

Yellow light, white light and blue light are instantly mixed together,

With deafening explosions,

Immediately covered the dense IMC fixed defensive position in front of the Titan position!

"Demolish! Demolish tm's!"

Eggplant roared,

Manipulate Titan to raise his hand and aim at a bunker in front, that is to launch the ground penetrating bullet!

In order to deal with these permanent fortifications, this time some of the Vanguard Titans were specially equipped with Titan exclusive weapons for attacking fortifications.

A ground-penetrating armor-piercing projectile was stuffed straight into the bunker underground,

At first, only wisps of black smoke were left at the hole where it drilled.

a second later,

A dull sound came from below the bunker!

Accompanied by the flames soaring into the sky, the originally solid bunker,

At this moment, like a toy broken by a child,

Under the impact force of the explosion of the underground ammunition depot,

The whole thing was randomly thrown into the air!

Half a second later, the bunker that lost its foundation instantly exploded into countless fragments in the air!

"Niubao, eggplant! Take this thing out of the ground!!"

Sister Zhou sees a batch of eggplants that are readily beaten,

I couldn't help myself, and immediately opened the flame shield, facing the intensive firepower of several fortifications,

Rush to the front of another fortress of the IMC,

bang bang bang!

Three thermite grenades covered the entire bunker without any dead ends!

Immediately there were wailing and screams in the bunker! 487

The only exit of the already airtight fortification was completely sealed off by the high-temperature flame of thermite.

There is no way out!

Thousands of degrees of high-temperature thermite destroys another fixed blockhouse in a few seconds!

"True punishment, Sister Zhou! Became a Pyro!"

"Make you a lyb!"

However, sister Zhou, who was burning hot, forgot that the duration of her flame shield had expired.

And exposed at the forefront of the front again,

bang bang bang!

I can only bear it and eat several armor-piercing grenades, and the shield is instantly emptied, and the core blood is in a hurry!

【BT-7274, come to provide support and cover the damaged Titan body. 】

A shield immediately opened up next to Sister Zhou's Titan,

Sister Zhou immediately manipulated the Titan to retreat to the rear, waiting for the shield to be repaired.

"Thank you BT!"

BT nodded hummingly, and kept firing high-explosive grenades in his hand,

The poor IMC tanks are stuffed directly into the wall like being kicked football!

"Kill beautiful Cooper!"

"Give me a hard kick in their ass!"

"As soon as you shoot the goal, you hit the red heart!"

As the titans' attack lines spread apart,

The attack firepower launched towards the first protective wall is getting stronger and stronger, and the attack front is also constantly moving forward.

The rebels also dispatched more air forces.

A large number of Hornet fighters controlled by players and NPCs,

Whistling and accelerating at low altitude, it passed over the top of the Titan, rushing towards the artillery position of the IMC,

Start swooping and licking bombs at the IMC's anti-aircraft turret!

Because of supersonic flying (daaf) at ultra-low altitude,

There was also an ear-piercing sonic boom!

With nearly twenty Titans firing simultaneously,

The sound of firing and explosions on the battlefield almost overturned the earth!

The intense neighing battlefield symphony detonated the adrenaline of all players!

My heart beats like boiling!

This is the real Titan Airborne!

When all the Titanfall players experienced the first time that they landed directly on the ground from a height of a thousand meters, and then wantonly poured firepower at the enemy and launched a charge,

This scene will become an unforgettable memory for them forever.

The audience in front of the live broadcast room watched with even more enthusiasm!

One by one, I can't wait to stuff my head into the monitor!

Eyeballs stuck to the screen tightly, hands clenched tightly:

"Damn it! Boom tm!"

"This level is just to make players happy, right? It's so fucking fun to watch!"

"The stereo is about to explode! My ears are almost deaf! I can't stop at all!"

"Company of Titans! Charge! Charge! Charge!!!"

at this time,

In the headquarters buildings of manufacturers such as Goose Factory, Pig Factory and Microsoft Megahard,

The high-level people who have been paying attention to the fall of the Titans,

Also dumbfounded!

In this multiplayer mission, the number of players is actually not many, only a few dozen.

For these large factories, it is not a big deal for Guojin to connect dozens of people together.

But when these high-level officials saw groups of Titans, setting up their formations and charging towards the steel defense line,

just realized,

What a gap between myself and Su Chen!

Realistic sound effects, brutal flames, fried debris flying all over the sky,

If you were yourself, you would never be able to create such a grand battlefield with texture and realism!

Goose Factory Huateng even slumped on a chair!

Now I finally realize clearly,

The gap between Su Chen and Su Chen in terms of making games is like heaven and earth!

It is absolutely impossible to reproduce such a grand battlefield and Titan assault by gathering the strength of the whole goose factory!

[Report, this is BT-7274. 】

[The fixed fortifications in front of the protective wall have all been cleared, and the IMC armored forces have been completely wiped out. 】

Just after BT reported in the communication channel, I immediately thought of cheers!

"Good job, Iron Pilot, now officially launch a general attack on the IMC protective wall!"

"Target the protective wall!"

"Three! Two! One! Rapid Fire!"

Commander Sarah gave an order,

Immediately, there was an unstoppable roar in the ears of the little girl who stayed!

Thousands of large-caliber shells,

like a thousand meteors

Roaring across the air, they all hit the protective wall!

The bunker on the wall that was still wantonly firing at the Titans,

Instant misfire!

"Keep firing to suppress the defensive wall and bunker!"

"The rest of the Titans, charge!"

Upon hearing the word charge,

The little girl immediately became parched, her scalp was numb, and her little heart was pounding!

thump, thump, thump,

Even the ground under BT's feet became shaking!

A vanguard Titan of the Rebels, withstanding the firepower of the IMC base,

All rushed out from BT's side!

For a moment, the earth shook and the mountains shook!

The audience in Dai Xiaomei's live broadcast room are now in a hurry:

"Come on, old woman! What are you doing here?"

"Nimma teammate, you can fish for your work!"

Move, why not move, Tie'ao!"

"Look at Miss Zhou's shield, which is halfway repaired, and rushed up! What a cowhide!"

The little girl was taken aback,

This guy Zhou Shuyi, you can't usually see that he is so reckless?

But in the next second, the facts proved that

Even if you drive the most advanced Vanguard Titan, you can't really be a fool!

A dazzling charged electromagnetic beam suddenly shot out from the protective wall!

Hit the red heart, and accurately hit the Zhou sister Titan who is rushing to the front!

[Alarm, 006 Titan lost all protection, core damage 80%]

In the communication channel, Sister Zhou's Yuan Hao rang out immediately!

"Help! Help..."


Because when the Titans charged, they scattered widely, and it was an open area without cover,

Others can only watch a series of dense rockets fired from behind the protective wall,

Blast the Titan driven by sister Zhou into parts!

【006 Titan, lost contact】

【Iron control vital signs, disappear】

"Sister Zhou? Sister Zhou, are you still there?!"

"Hello, hello? Please answer 006!"

"Fucking sister Zhou, she seems to have really died!"

In the channel, there is only the rustling sound of no one answering.

Little girl, there are still players alive,

The nose is suddenly sore!

My heart was suddenly tightened!

Under the rendering of the immersive battlefield, at this time, players can no longer tell whether it is reality or virtuality.

This feeling of pain is exactly the same as losing a comrade in arms on the battlefield!

True and brutal!

"Continue to fight! All titans pay attention to cover each other and move forward! Try to use the cover!"

As soon as Commander Sarah finished speaking,

Like an eggplant, you can't control yourself at all,

With a roar, he opened his shield and rushed directly to the front of the line!

Facing the dense firepower fired from inside the protective wall, rush forward violently!

005! Withdraw! Withdraw! Your position is too advanced"

It's just that it was too late, and Eggplant had already rushed to a small distance in front of the protective wall while driving the Titan.

"Cooper, cover for the 005 Titan!"

"The Titans of the IMC are out!"

005 is the number of Eggplant driving the Titan,

When Little Sister Dai heard Commander Sarah's order, her heart tightened! Immediately rushed forward.

It's just that it seems to be too late!

Several side doors of the protective wall were opened, and a dozen IMC Titans came out one after another,


It was found that the Titan driven by Eggplant had advanced to a very close position alone,

The nearest IMC Titan immediately set up its bazooka,

Rumble is attacking towards eggplant saturation!

[Warning, 005 Titan, 30% of the core damage, lost the ability to move. 】

Little girl Dai gritted her teeth and pulled the joystick violently,

【Full automatic】

"005, hold on!"

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