Adam finished singing"I'm Not Lucky for My Husband".

The audience applauded and cheered continuously.

The live broadcast room was also filled with the word"Adam".

"It seems that Adam's song has pushed the atmosphere tonight to a climax."He Ling appeared on the live screen,"So, can he succeed in taking the top spot?"

Then he changed the subject,"Sister Na, what do you think?"

The camera turned to Naying's live broadcast room.

It can be seen that Yingzi, who has finished singing, is very relaxed now.

She did not drink water this time.

The audience still remembers the sentence"I'm off work!" after the second performance.

Naying did not expect He Ling to suddenly ask her if she has not learned the ways of the world at the age of fifty.

She stammered,"Well, I think......Su Cheng......Anyway, I've finished singing, so you don't have to PK with me!"

Although Yingzi didn't say it, the audience understood it.

Yingzi is not optimistic about Su Cheng!

No wonder, when Su Cheng debuted with a song"Hero Song",

Naying witnessed it with her own eyes.

On the National Musician, she also dissed Su Cheng for his poor singing skills and low high notes.

At this time, he suddenly became a contestant PK with a Grammy contestant.

That was Adam Lambert, who she didn't have the courage to challenge!

He Ling didn't make it difficult for Naying, and continued,"Adam's song really increased the difficulty of today's competition."

"Can Su Cheng take on this pressure? Can Adam succeed in taking the top spot?"

"Let’s wait and see!"

"Next, please welcome Su Cheng!"

"The song he brought for the competition was another new song"

"《Shame on oneself》!"

Su Cheng wore a black dress with sequins tonight, which was completely different from his usual style.

In previous performances, he either wore a Zhongshan suit or a suit.

This was the first time he wore such an avant-garde outfit. As soon as he appeared on stage, he caused screams from fans.

Especially the female fans, the atmosphere on the scene was ignited immediately.

Su Cheng was a little stunned.

Damn it, he hasn't even started singing yet!

【[God-level atmosphere brings up] Is it so awesome?

He is actually not very satisfied with his outfit today.

He lacks a leather jacket.

If he wears a leather jacket, it will be even more impressive!

Su Cheng went on stage with a guitar in his arms.

Of course, it is not the"Fender" electric guitar he used when he sang"Hero Song".

This is a traditional guitar, which he exchanged from the popularity mall.

It cost 20 million popularity points!

However, you get what you pay for.

Su Cheng tried it during the rehearsal, and the tone and pitch were perfect.

After Su Cheng stood still, he turned around and signaled to the band that they could start.

Then he plucked the strings, and the sound of exploding heavy metal suddenly rang out.

The band immediately followed Su Cheng's rhythm.

With the addition of the drum set, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became heated.

Until the emotions were pulled to a critical point.

Su Cheng leaned closer to the microphone

"Eaaaaaaah! Ohhhhhh!"

"" Aa...

"Holy shit, my hair is standing on end!"

"Su Cheng's two voices are very different from his previous styles"

"The penetrating power of this sound is unmatched!"

"Is this the voice of Su Cheng? It feels different from before, a bit metallic"

"When did Su Shen start playing rock music?"

"It's actually rock music! Su Cheng is really brave! There are not many people who can stand out when playing rock music."

"The above person is wrong. With Su Cheng, there are only two people who play rock music tonight."

Yes, Adam is also a rock music player.

However, rock music is much more accepted abroad than in China.

This also leads to the fact that Chinese rock music has always been a relatively unpopular existence.

I guess people only like to listen to it when driving.

It is also played more often when dancing.

However, in a disco, people can get excited even if they wait for a thousand years.

There is a version of"Waiting for a Thousand Years" played by"Xuanming Erlao" on TikTok.

When people are quietly enjoying music alone, Chinese people are not very accepting of this noisy metal music.

As Su Cheng shouted twice, the atmosphere on the scene gradually became excited.

Su Cheng played a short section of notes and then sang:

"In the crowd, there are you and me!"

"Meet, get to know, and learn from each other"

"In the sea of people, it’s you and me!"

"Pretend to be decent and put on a smile."

It starts with a high note with a slight roar.

Compared with the high notes of other rock songs, the tone is not high.

But how can there be a rock song that starts with high notes!

Su Cheng remembered that Sun Nan had also covered this song in his previous life. Surprisingly, Sun Nan could hardly sing this song.

From the chorus of the second paragraph, his breath was already scattered, and the rhythm was even scattered at the end.

You know, Sun Nan is the top high-pitched singer in the country. The C3 high note he sang is said to have the luster of gold.

Su Cheng didn't know the reason before.

During the rehearsal, he sang it once and then he understood why.

This song has been high notes since the beginning, although the highest is not that high.

But in five minutes, it has been kept Maintaining the high note without any drop in pitch.

In other words, the voice does not get a chance to rest throughout the whole song.

This requires strong breath control to accomplish.

And Su Cheng has God-level breath control.

The first few lines of lyrics express people"pondering" each other, wearing the"mask" of a smile, pretending to communicate decently.

It is a reflection and emotion on the relationship between people.

I meet many people every day, and greet many things with a smile.

However, there are not many real friends, and I have nowhere to tell my inner thoughts.

Even the person next to me finds it difficult to truly understand me.

Just a few sentences express this kind of confusion that people can hardly truly understand each other.

On the stage, Su Cheng continued to sing, with no interval between the first four sentences.

"No need to say too much, you know it yourself"

"What do you and I want to do?"

"Don't care too much, don't be sad"

"One day you will understand me!"

Every word was sonorous, and the tone was slightly raised.

The fourth sentence dragged the word"I" for a long time, which completely lifted the atmosphere.

This paragraph expresses an open-minded emotion.

"No need to say too much or care too much, as long as you know it yourself, one day you will understand me!

What kind of open-mindedness is this?


All the audiences looked at the figure who was waving freely on the stage, and the strongest feeling was this.

The guitar seemed to be integrated with Su Cheng, indescribably harmonious.

The live broadcast room barrage never stopped

"Cool! Cool! Especially cool!"

"Wild voice, handsome and elegant appearance"

"This is the first time I heard this song, but I heard every word clearly!"

"The sound is so clean, without any vibrato, so nice!"

"Another song that can be deified, Su Shen, awesome!"

"Speaking of this song, Su Cheng comes first, and I who is taking a shower comes second!"

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