On the stage.

Su Cheng continued to sing with a metallic voice.

"In the crowd, I saw you again"

"Just as charming and beautiful"

"Slowly relax, slowly abandon"

"Still don't care."

These lyrics are still concise and vivid.

But they accurately capture the subtle emotional changes and psychological states between people.

Many audience members were moved.

Maybe they remembered meeting her at a certain moment.

Was it the white moonlight of the year, or the memories of youth.

Or was it the dream they once pursued.

Yes, it's not just about feelings, the beautiful things they once pursued are the same.

""Relax slowly" and"abandon slowly" perfectly show the inner struggle and hesitation.

I want to let go but it's hard to let go. The phrase"I don't care" expresses this reluctance to let go vividly.

Only when you let go of something you care about, will you cover it up or pretend to be free and easy!

Su Cheng continued to sing. This song is all high notes, without any intention of lowering the tone.

"You don't need to say too much, you know it yourself"

"What do you and I want to do?"

"Don't care too much, don't be sad"

"One day you will leave me!"

The last"I" was almost a shout.

A feeling of unwillingness and stubbornness quickly spread.


At this time, this word flashed through the minds of all the audience.

From the initial"wild", to"cool", and now"unruly".

In just a few lyrics, the emotions changed several times.

The atmosphere on the scene became more and more heated.

The light sticks were waved along with Su Cheng's rhythm. The shouts on the scene were thunderous, but everyone heard Su Cheng sing this song for the first time.

The audience couldn't sing along.

But they felt that they couldn't vent the excitement in their chests.

They could only scream and shout loudly to the rhythm to vent their unspeakable feelings now.......

Hunan University.

Girls' dormitory.

Jiang Yue came back from the library with a depressed look on her face.

Today, for the first time in her life, she mustered up the courage to ask a boy for his WeChat.

But, she was too excited at the time.

Although she successfully added him as a friend, she forgot to ask his name.

When she returned to the bookstore, he had already left.

Thinking back, her performance was really bad.

Her best friend always told her to date more boys and be a bad girl.

That way, she wouldn't be cheated on by others.

But she just couldn't learn it.

You know, I spent a whole day preparing myself mentally before taking this step.

I also forgot to ask the other person's name.

I wanted to ask on WeChat.

But I didn't know how to start.

Looking at his circle of friends, there was only one message in the past three days.

#Friends, see you tonight on"New Singer". #Did he go to the show?

I seem to have heard about this show from my roommate, something like"a 50-year-old woman guarding the country's borders".

But I never watch variety shows, and I don't even listen to songs.

So I don't know what's going on.

But he seemed to have gone to the show......

Jiang Yue sat in the library all night but didn't study. Finally

, she came back when the library closed.

Before she even entered the dormitory, she heard her roommate yelling.

When she opened the door, she heard heavy metal music coming from her roommate's computer.

It was the interlude at the end of the first part of"Shame".

The interlude was not long, and soon, Su Cheng began to sing the first chorus.

"In the crowd, I saw you again"

"Just as charming and beautiful"

"Slowly relax, slowly abandon"

"Still not caring."

Jiang Yue listened to the voice, which sounded familiar, but also very strange.

In this song"Shame", Su Cheng added a little metallic sound.

This was very easy for him who possessed the [God-level Vocal Skill].

Although it was a rock song, the sound was clean and the timbre was extremely penetrating.

Jiang Yue felt it was very nice and infectious.

She herself felt a little incredible.

A person who liked quietness since childhood actually liked a rock song the first time she heard it.

Several roommates gathered in front of the computer, and the singing came from it.

The atmosphere in the dormitory was very"high".

Even one of the roommates stood on a stool with one foot, waving the half-eaten fried chicken in his hand to the rhythm of the music on the screen.

The scene in the dormitory tonight was a little out of control.

Hearing the door closing, several roommates turned their heads at the same time

""Jiang Yue, come on, Su Cheng's new song is really exciting!"

The head of the dormitory ran over and pulled her inside, almost pulling her down.

Jiang Yue was not interested in this kind of variety show, let alone a music variety show.

However, she had been pulled to the computer.

This song sounded pretty good.

She looked at the screen.

A slightly thin figure was singing while playing the guitar.

Wild and chic.

The camera was too far away to see the face clearly.

However, Jiang Yue suddenly felt that this figure was very familiar.

But she was not a fan at all, unlike her roommates, who all had their own idols.

Maybe she had seen it on a poster by accident!

Jiang Yue guessed silently in her heart.

But this singer named Su Cheng sings really well.

Even I, who don't like noise, want to wave the things in my hand to the rhythm.

Thinking of this, I looked at my hand, an English postgraduate entrance examination reference book.

I couldn't help but be stunned.

Waving a reference book seems a bit silly.

But the roommate next to him was stepping on a stool, holding a fried chicken and shaking.

It seemed a little more exaggerated.

Su Cheng continued to sing with a metallic voice

"No need to say too much, you know it yourself"

"What do you and I want to do?"

"Don't care too much, don't be sad"

"One day you will understand me."

At this time, the long shot ended and a close-up of Su Cheng's face came.

Jiang Yue just started to wave the reference book for the postgraduate entrance examination, and then froze in the air.

Isn't this the little brother who just added WeChat in the afternoon?!

At that time, he was wearing a T-shirt and jeans. He looked like a student.

That's why Jiang Yue asked him if he was preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination.

I didn't expect him to be a singer!

""Is he Su Cheng?" Jiang Yue whispered.

Although they turned up the volume of their computers and the dormitory was very noisy, the roommate next door still heard it.

She looked at Jiang Yue and said loudly,"Yes! It's the Su Su I talk about every day!"

Then she said with an intoxicated look on her face,"He's really handsome!"

"I like your wild look today!"

Jiang Yue is no longer surprised by the dormitory head's appearance. She often yells at her husband on the phone, even though she has been single for four years.

"It turns out that he said in his circle of friends that he would see you on"New Singer" and he was going to sing on stage. I thought he was an audience member......."

Jiang Yue muttered to herself, her voice even softer than before.

But the dormitory head still heard it.

"Who? Whose circle of friends?"

Jiang Yue thought that it was impossible for her roommate to know Su Cheng's WeChat.

After all, as a singer, he would definitely not add anyone as a friend casually, right?

Su Cheng's WeChat name was not his own name, and his profile picture was just an anime character.

So she opened her phone, found Su Cheng's WeChat, and showed it to the roommate.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened it, she heard a scream next to her.

"You actually have SuSu’s WeChat!!!"

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