The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 292: Seven kings and six people, a ghost and an immortal


Right above the savage,

The sky was torn open a huge hole,

The falling rocks smashed into the sea of ​​blood surrounded by the three Hades Palaces from above and below, and hit the barrier of the fairy island.

Then another extremely magnificent palace fell slowly from above,

The palace is engraved with three big blood-red characters with dragons and phoenixes dancing,

"Hyun Ming Palace"

Accompanied by Xuanming Palace,

A person wearing a python robe was standing there, and beside him were some yin secrets who were surrounded by a thick gloom.

finally come,

Jun Ce looked at the sky,

Like the king is coming,

I am afraid that only one person can do this feeling of oppression.

That's the cloudy sky,

Several figures appeared next to Tianquan Wenqu,

These are the five of the remaining seven kings,

The final battle is coming,

The Seven Kings worked together even more,

Without defeating the Yin Cao Netherworld, how can this human right be held in their hands,

"King Qin Guang, have the six people set off early? Why haven't they arrived yet."

Looking down on Fairy Island,

Shen Lian didn't notice that the aura of Fang Xiaoxian and the six others was quite surprised.

Is it because I came too soon?

King Qin Guang's face was a bit ugly,

I obviously sent them back to the sun, so why did you delay arriving before your Majesty’s arrival?

What are the six wastes thinking about,

Cut off the ground vein,

The barrier of Fairy Island still hasn't weakened in the slightest,

Looking at the barrier that could stop Lu Pan, Shen Lian's figure slowly moved.


The sky became gloomy,

The surrounding air is deadly quiet,

The body of Yin Tianzi appeared in the mortal world, and that unmatched sense of oppression seemed to make the entire world collapse at any time.

The strange lines engraved on the python robe exude the same brilliance,

When the cloudy sky comes outside the fairy island barrier,

The barrier also became savage because of the distortion of power,

"Finally met, Seven Kings of Xiandao."

The calm voice came into the fairy island,

The barrier shattered in an instant,

The complexion of the Seven Kings of Fairy Island also became severe.

This power,

Has exceeded their cognition,

Tianquan Wenqu sneered,

It turned out that in the face of absolute power, he could not be called absolute intelligence.

Just in one sentence,

Shattered the barrier where the ground veins gathered,

This kind of existence really surpasses their seven kings,

"Originally I thought that your merits can bring peace to the world, but I didn't expect it to be the source of all disasters."

"Your obsession is too threatening to the world, so you will be suppressed forever in Jiuyouquan, and you will never stand up."

Shen Lian said calmly,

"King Qin Guang, block this sky, no one from the fairy island can let it go."

"Chen, obey."

On Xuanming Palace, the five-fold Rashomon once again descended into the world,

Countless iron ropes broke free from Rashomon, forming a huge iron net in the sky,

Subsequently, the Xuanming Palace in the sky continued to rise,

When I was about to reach Jiuxiao, the curtain suddenly came down,

It fits with the three temples below to form the enchantment of the giant pyramid,

The Four Hades personally shot,

Even if the real gods come, they can’t escape this impending death.

In the enchantment,

Wan Lai is silent,

The Seven Kings of Fairy Island came into the sky, standing on the opposite side of Shen Lian,

Since it is a dead end,

Don't need too much nonsense,

Killing Yin Tianzi is the ultimate victory.

"Who allows you to keep abreast with me."

Shen Lian's faint opening,

"Kneel down, Seven Kings, facing me, you are still too small."

The voice fell,

The seven kings in midair seemed to be driven by a powerful and boundless force, and they actually knelt down one after another.




Those seven faces showed the same expression at the same time,

Is this the power of the cloudy sky,

Hasn't shot yet,

Has proved the gap between the two sides in advance,

"Very well, this looks is the respect for the cloudy sky."

"Your opponent today is not me, but them."

"If you want to dominate the world, you have to ask the strong man in the world first, and then ask me the master of the yin and yang realms."

"Be sure not to make a mistake in the order. Leaping the ranks will make you lose even more embarrassing."

Outside the giant enchantment,

The six people from the sermon came quickly,

If it wasn't for the rescue of Xiaoyaozong, they would not be late.

"See Your Majesty Yin Tianzi."

Enter the enchantment,

The six people knelt in front of Shen Lian,

It is too rude to let the cloudy sky wait for them to appear.

"If you are polite, let me see your growth in Rashomon. If I leave the world to you, I must let me see your abilities."


Six people got up,

Seven opposing kings,

Shen Lian withdrew to the top of Xuanming Palace,

Sitting there quietly watching,

The four judges also returned at this time and saw the barrier of Fairy Island disappeared.

Lu Zhidao stepped forward two steps, wanting the strength of the Seven Kings for a while,

"This is the grievance between mortals and Xiandao, Lu Pan, don't make a move."

"Your Majesty, Fairy Island disturbs the order of Yin and Yang and ignores the majesty of the emperor. It is better to let the minister do it for you."

Lu Pan said unwillingly,

"There will be a chance for you to come forward, but now give me a good look."


Hearing the order of the cloudy sky,

Lu Pan didn't dare to make any trouble, he obediently retreated behind Yin Tianzi and looked at him.

The power attached to the Seven Kings of Fairy Island disappeared, and the seven of them regained their freedom at the same time.

But this feeling is also quite uncomfortable,

As if being teased, between playing and applauding,

The Seven Kings couldn’t hold back their anger,

Mortals' judgment on them?

What are mortals in their eyes, a group of barbarians who have not yet been civilized,

Why can they compete with the Seven Kings of Fairy Island,

Is it because they need to survive in the human world?

"It's really underestimated."

Tianquan Wenqu smiled,

Since Yin Tianzi wants to see how great the seven kings are, that’s fine,

Buy some time for the eighth,

Just get through it,

Everything will end... right,

Tianquan Wenqu, who has always been confident and determined, is also hesitating at this moment.

Can the eighth be like a son of a cloudy sky,

This kind of invincible existence, will there really be a second one?

never mind,

No longer before things come to an end,

All his guesses cannot be verified,

Seven kings and six people,

Define life and death,

"Hahaha, six to seven, one short, I'm not welcome, Meng Gaofei."

The two sides confronted each other,

Meng Gaofei couldn't bear his impatient interest and threw out his three dice first.

"What's the matter of laughter? Betting on the universe."

"Seven Kings of Immortal Island, I, Meng Gaofei, came to learn first!"


The three dice turned into three golden lights and went straight to the seven kings,

As the most powerful of the seven kings, Kaiyang Wuqu took the lead, a silver armor rose with infinite white light, turning into a huge barrier to resist the impact of the three dice.


A loud crash came oncoming,

Afterwards, the two air currents battered both sides,

Meng Gaofei picked up his dice backhand, and stepped back a few feet.

The name of the Seven Kings,

Sure enough, it wasn't for nothing, and when I first got a glimpse of the cultivation base of the avenue, it was still slightly worse.

"You gambler, don't you know how to courteously and then pawn."

Li Hanlin scolded, and then folded the fan in his hand and turned it into aura before the Seven Kings.

"Li Hanlin, a Taoist scholar in the Tang Dynasty, I have asked for advice."

The voice fell,

The folding fan is opening,

A thick landscape map appeared immediately above the fan, and the scenery in it appeared continuously from the fan, covering all the seven kings in it.

Environment in the environment,


It's hard to tell the truth from the fake,

"Li is just a scholar. Please appreciate this picture."

‘Xia Ke Xing·The ups and downs of the country have brought disasters to war! ’

Between the landscape paintings, soldiers continue to come,

Just like a thousand horses rushing forward,

The neighing war horse stepped through the space,

Countless battle armor vertical and horizontal spears,


A melodious guqin rhyme echoes in the sound of fighting,

Yaoguang Pojun held the Nine Heavens Profound Qin in front of the Seven Kings, and along with the fluctuation of the strings, the endless murderous intent contained in the rhythm was gradually revealed.

"Since misfortune has caused war, let me rush to fight!"

In an instant,

The rhythm is transformed into the killing rhythm,

Sound waves turned into sharp blades to kill millions of soldiers,

In the dusty battlefield, the soldiers fell, the latter made up, and the shouts of fighting continued.

‘Nine Heavens Xuanqu·Xiaoxiang Night Rain. ’

The clear sky descends on the dark dusk,

In the midst of the faint night rain scattered in the battle, the millions of cavalry were washed by the rain and turned back to the ink color in the scroll one after another.

‘Nine Heavens Profound Song, Exquisite Exquisite Sound! ’

An accent,

Swing up to block, and approach Li Hanlin in the rear,


The sound of Buddha came,

Xianyin meets Buddhayin,

Two completely different forces converged in mid-air, and the huge impact drove Li Hanlin and Yaoguang back several steps.

"Killing in the string, let the poor monk for a while, since the seven kings think they have the ability to control the world, the disputes that day are also considered poor monks."

The Buddhism forbidden sword entered the battle,

Under the blood-red monk's clothes are the monks who break the precepts,

One man, one sword,

Leaving a mark of thousands of miles of blood,

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