The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 293: No merit, no guilt and no evil

Monk Beihong stepped forward step by step, and the **** mark continuously appeared behind him, breaking the exquisite sound of Yaoguang’s broken army.

"Sword versus sword, monk, your opponent should be me."

Is also a sword,

It's the same killing and dying,

Among the Seven Kings of the Fairy Island, Tianshu, who has been reluctant to speak, entered the battle,

For the idea of ​​Fairy Island,

The existence of Tianshu's Greedy Wolf is to kill and stop killing, to cut away the obstacles to the advancement of the fairy island, even if the opponent is a monk,


Can't get through all beings,

But Fairy Island can change people’s lives,

In the new world, there will be no evil, and naturally there will be no need for compassionate monks.

Since he was born in the sea of ​​bitterness, it is better for him to personally send the monks to Xitian Bliss,

Sorrow sword, fairy sword,

Converging in midair, the boundless sword intent swayed horizontally and horizontally, which almost confused everyone's eyes.

The melee has begun,

Six people and seven kings were all involved in the battle without reservation,

In order to prove the truth,

In order to procrastinate, one party

Only the cloudy sky led the crowd to ignore,

"A bunch of trash."

Lu Pan saw in his eyes and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

To deal with the Seven Kings, one person alone is enough, and the six people have joined forces before they can tell the victory or defeat, so should the Yin Tianzi continue to wait?

"Your Majesty, let me go."

Shen Lian didn't even look at Lu Pan.

This battle of proving the Dao may be just a boring joke for the Yin Cao Netherworld, but in those people’s minds it is a different concept.


After all, it’s no match for the fairy gods,

But they are also proving their own existence in their own way,

This is the root of Tao,

The Heavenly Sin Sword cut through the battle and flew to the top of the barrier, and Wen Tianlan's figure appeared immediately.


With a roar,

The sword blade illusioned tens of thousands of phantoms to form a sword formation that encircled all the seven kings.

The palms of the giant gate of the Sky Jade converge, and the immortal power is condensed into a mountain, surrounding the seven kings to block the falling sword rain, crackling sound is endless,

In the huge enchantment, there is nowhere to hide.

"Seven to six, you guys are so shameless."

"Hahaha, hahaha."

A burst of arrogant laughter echoed in the battle,

Li Hanlin blasted back the heavenly secrets that had struck, and the power hidden from his body could not be suppressed.

‘Killing ghost words, cut! ’

Tianji Lu Cunfang stopped, and what turned out to be a sharp blade made by ghosts came oncoming him.

Only that little difference, the blade divided him into two,

"If Lao Tzu kills you, it will be considered a punishable immortal."

The face of Killing Ghost Yan appeared in front of Tianji Lucun, and underneath his hideous face was an expression of excitement.

Unexpectedly, there are still stupid guys who dare to oppose the Yin Cao Jifu,

Just right,

Annihilate you,

Lao Tzu’s merits will increase again,


Tian Ji Lucun gritted his teeth, looked at the murderous ghost's arrogant appearance, and wished to kill him immediately.

Strange lines gradually appeared on the silver armor,

Killing Guiyan doesn’t think he will be defeated by the Seven Kings of Immortal Island as a yin soldier.






The five words are united into one, turning into a powerful force to attack the heavenly secrets,


The mysterious armor of the heavenly secrets shattered, and the huge wound on the front of the chest could not stop the blood gushing out.

The perfect pillar of blood turns into an arc in mid-air,

"Hahaha, I'm still the best."

Killing Ghost Yan laughed, but at the next moment, his smile ceased.

"my power.……"

The power of the pubic body gathered in his body is gradually fading, his face is full of consternation but he does not know what happened.

"how so?!"

The incomprehensible killing ghost panicked,

He didn't even notice Yuheng Lianzhen who appeared behind him.


Yuheng Lianzhen’s sword cut off the head of the killing ghost, but fortunately, Li Hanlin arrived in time and saved his dog’s life.

"Since you want to come out to help, don't hold me back."

Li Hanlin complained,

"Why is my strength gone!?"

I don’t know **** the ghost words, where can I deal with the issue of death, but I just became a Yin soldier, how can I be beaten back to his original form...

"This fool."

Shen Lian looked at the killing ghost in the battle and shook his head helplessly.

The reason why the people in the underworld are not allowed to do it is because whether it is to kill the seven kings or severely injure the seven kings, the merits will be deducted.

Instead of letting six people testify,

This is his original intention,

If six people win, then the merits of the seven kings will be directly deducted from themselves,

But if the person in the underworld makes a move, not only will he be deducted from his merits, but the person who made the move will also directly erase the merits. That would be uneconomical.

But killing Guiyan is eager to make contributions, and he doesn’t even know the origin of the Seven Kings of Xiandao.

Hitting the secrets of heaven,

The negative impact that it brought was enough to make him, a ghost who had just become a yin soldier, directly returned to its original form.

Killing Ghost Yan just tasted the benefits of being a Yin soldier, but he became a ghost because of deduction of merit.

I am afraid that only he himself can understand the grievance in his heart.

Continue to stay in the battle,

I am afraid that I will be the first to be killed by the seven kings to sacrifice to the sky,

He hurriedly got back into Li Hanlin's body and was not talking.

The secret of heaven is still injured,

The other six kings came back to the rescue,

Fang Xiaoxian, asked Tianlan, Monk Beihong and others followed suit to stop him.

"Killing Ghost Yan, you are really my good brother, even if you discard your own Yin Soldiers and don't do it, you will help us eliminate an opponent first. Now it is six to six, and the pressure is much relieved."

Li Hanlin said,

But killing ghosts, not in the mood to quarrel with him,

If you want to re-accumulate the merits enough to be a yin soldier, I’m afraid it won’t be achieved within three or five years.

The rhythm of the Nine Sky Xuanqin spreads to every corner of the barrier,

In this situation, the Seven Kings will be defeated one by one,

Instead of that, it’s better to make a sacrifice first to remove the physical strength of the six, and then let the remaining five kings kill them all.

‘Fuxi’s sky is ringing! ’

A string is controlled between two fingers, Yao Guang broke the army exhausted all his energy and struggling to play the string.

The sound wave spreads out,

Monk Beihong and Wen Tianlan contended with swords, but they did not block this wave of ultimate moves, and they were forced to retreat to the edge of the barrier.

With the sound of Fuxi's sky,

The rhythm is changing,

Li Hanlin, Qi Yu, Meng Gaofei, and Fang Xiaoxian were also constrained by the sound wave, and the Seven Kings had enough opportunities to breathe.

"This final sound will send you on the road."

Yaoguang breaks the army and gathers the immortal power on the strings,

There are dots of halo around, condensed into a little bit and then quickly spread out,

‘Nine-melody reincarnation reverberates in Tianwei! ’

The nine tones come out at the same time, the string is broken into the void,

The magnificent celestial power came out vertically and horizontally, and the six people were shaken out of a hundred feet distance.


Blood splattered,

Six people testified, three were seriously injured,

Meng Gaofei hit the edge of the barrier before and after he was forced to vomit blood.

Li Hanlin and Wen Tianlan were shot down and disappeared in the sea of ​​blood below.

The remaining three also encouraged to maintain the status quo, but if you want to fight, I am afraid it is not the opponent of the other five kings.


Tianquan Wenqu turned into spiritual light and flew to Yaoguang Pojun’s side,

Nine Heavens Xuanqin is covered with her blood,

This blow exhausted all his skills and caused Yaoguang to break the army into a state of serious injury.

"How long will it be delayed before the eighth can come out."

In a weak state, Yao Guang broke the army and questioned Tianquan’s Wenqu,

Isn’t he the strategist of Fairy Island?

How can they still fall into desperation,

"Almost soon."

Tianquan Wenqu panicked, the secret of the heavens survived, Yaoguang broke the army and was seriously injured, and the people in the Yin Cao Jifu did not directly take action. They already did that.

Isn’t the Yin Cao Jifu so unshakable?

Fairy Island,

After all, is it impossible to complete the ideal of creating a new world?

‘Ding, it is detected that the host loses its merits, the system is punished, and the merit melting pot is triggered (from the time of punishment, the host needs to accumulate merit points of 100 million years to offset it.)’

The voice of the system came into Shen Lian’s mind,

These are just two of the seven kings,

There are five more,

It seems that this wave of attacking Xiandao is really going to kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

Shen Lian sighed,

It takes 100 million years of merit to restore the normal operation of the Yin Cao Netherworld.

100 million years,

How long does it take,

"Lu Pan."

"The minister is here."

"Prepare to capture all the Seven Kings of Xiandao and suppress Jiuyouquan."

It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse cannot be avoided,

This wave of Fairy Island is destined to be unlucky.

Shen Lian stood up slowly,

The strength of the six has reached its limit, and it is too reluctant for them to deal with the seven kings, and the rest is left to yourself.

The cloudy day comes,

The enchantment condensed by the Four Halls of Yama shook,

"Do you feel it? This is the power of a human being."

"Yin Tianzi!"

The Five Kings looked at Shen Lian, with fear and anger mixed with each other.


An unexpected change came from the fairy island,

Tianquan Wenqu looked at the gradually splitting fairy island, and his haze-filled face suddenly showed joy.


You finally came out,

Rainbow light shot out, and the figure of the Eight Desires gradually appeared in the fairy island.

From a distance,

Although that person exists, it's as if he doesn't exist,

There is nothing in the body, all over nothing,

He slowly came towards the battle, and at the same time countless people in the fairy island looked up to the most powerful eighth king in their hearts.

For the new world,

For ideals,

Following the appearance of the Eighth King, the people of Xiandao sacrificed their lives one after another, and followed closely behind.


This is the power to shake the immortal body,

The Eighth King kept absorbing the power of the people of Xiandao, standing blankly on the opposite side of Shen Lian.

If the six witnesses can punish immortals,

Then his eight desire king can kill the gods at this moment,

No merit, no guilt and no evil,

This is the eighth king now, a near-nothing existence,

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