When our protagonist was in a low state of wailing and holding his head because of his situation, the mother who was watching her child tenderly, perhaps felt that it was difficult for her huge body to communicate with her child, so she quickly sank her body into the black mud tide under her feet. The mud tide, which seemed to be just a thin layer, swallowed up her huge body like a mountain, giving people an extremely strange and shocking feeling.

When the mud tide completely swallowed up the goddess's entire body, ripples appeared on the surface of the tide, and a figure exactly the same as before emerged again, but this time it was much smaller, becoming the size of a normal human.

She slowly came forward to hug the protagonist and buried her head deeply in her huge ravine. The strong feeling of suffocation overwhelmed her in an instant, and our protagonist had to struggle desperately to escape from this suffocating hell.

After struggling to escape from the arms of the goddess in front of him, the protagonist couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then looked at her appearance. Previously, because of her huge size and the distance, the protagonist could not see her full appearance. For a moment, he only felt that she looked familiar. It was not until this time that the protagonist had the opportunity to see her appearance clearly.

Then she was surprised, and the other party's information automatically emerged in her mind. In her memory, she should be a virtual character in the game Fate: Grand Order. According to the setting, she is one of the first generation of star-making gods who laid the foundation for the earth's ecosystem. She is a pair with Abzu, who represents fresh water, and the mother goddess of creation, Tiamat, who symbolizes the concept of salt water on the original earth.

The protagonist pulled his cheek and asked in confusion;"I can feel it but it doesn't hurt! Am I still dreaming?"

"ah——"Tiamat called out, and seemed to find her child's behavior interesting. She also reached out with interest and pulled her other cheek, but she didn't seem to have the right strength (Tiamat's strength is A+, and her strange strength is A).+++)

"It hurts, it hurts...Okay! Stop it, stop it, stop! I know, I'm sure I'm not dreaming, stop it——"

"Ah! Ah——"

The protagonist's cry of pain made Tiamat a little overwhelmed. She just wanted to interact and communicate with her child, but accidentally hurt her. She frantically surrounded the protagonist, wanting to comfort her but afraid of accidentally hurting her again. She looked at a loss as to what to do, and finally her face became visibly depressed.

Oh no, Tiamat is so cute, it's heart-warming!

Now the protagonist can finally be sure that he has indeed traveled through time. He quickly looked around the environment. There was fog all around, like a chaos of various colors interwoven.

"You don't need to think too much to know that this is not a normal world. I always feel that I have some impression of this place, but I can't remember it clearly?" Rubbing her cheeks that were a little red and swollen, she tried to calm herself down and carefully analyzed her situation.


A warm big hand covered her head, and Tiamat gently stroked her head. For some reason, her anxious mood quickly calmed down.

【This is the imaginary space, where I, your mother, was exiled.

A gentle voice sounded from the bottom of my heart, like a spring breeze, calming the protagonist's heart that had been agitated since just now.


【Uh-huh~ That's right, it's mom! You are the child I created based on myself, the one closest to me among all the children I created - although the main material has some unknown sources (whispering) - I participated in the entire process of your birth, so you are my child, no objection】

"Uh... I'm not going to refute it." The protagonist looked at his own appearance, smiled at Tiamat who was looking forward to it, and said:"You gave me form and life. In this case, you are indeed my mother."


】 Upon hearing this, Tiamat's eyes sparkled and she couldn't help but sing out loud in joy.

Perhaps because the nature was too similar, the joyful mood was directly transmitted to the protagonist's heart through the sound, and her emotions were continuously infected.

It's no wonder that she has such emotions.

She had been abandoned by her own children before.

Although it was helpless, if they didn't exile her, the world ecology would be overturned by herself, and she herself could not control this instinct.

As a mother, she accepted the children's behavior, but it was impossible to say that she didn't care about it in her heart.

She was also afraid that this new child would abandon her after birth like the previous children.

After all, it would be wrong to say that this child was completely created by her.

Even if she did nothing, it would probably be born in the end.

The protagonist's answer was an affirmation of her identity as a mother, which made her feel excited and happy from the bottom of her heart.

"ah——"Tiamat crossed the protagonist's arm and raised it up to cheer, looking at her child carefully like a first-time mother, while in her heart she kept murmuring,"Child, a child just like me, hehe... Let me think, Jingu, Lahmu, Ugar... What should I name this child?"】

"No, these names are so ugly, and I have my own name."Seeing that Tiamat was going to give herself a name, she counted the names of her former children one by one, but the protagonist felt that each one sounded uglier than the last, and could not help but interrupt her thoughts immediately, and then tried to say her own name, and then found the problem.

My name is - oh, what was my name? A drop of cold sweat broke out on her forehead. How could anyone in this world not even remember their own name? She guessed that she had encountered some accidents during the journey, and although she was reborn, there might be something wrong with her spirit or soul.

""Ah?" Tiamat tilted her head. She was originally looking forward to the name of the child, but the protagonist was suddenly stuck, and doubts surged in her heart.

At this moment, the protagonist was immersed in her own panic, because she found that she had forgotten not only her name, but also her birth, family, and interpersonal relationships. She could only remember some recent daily life, some common sense in life, and some games or animations that she had some impression of.

These memories seemed to be left behind on purpose, and there was an indescribable sense of disobedience.

Just as Tiamat's emotions can be conveyed to the protagonist, the protagonist's chaotic thoughts at this moment are also conveyed to Tiamat through the unclear connection between the two. Tiamat, who understood the reason with a little perception, silently embraced the protagonist gently in her arms, soothing her heart that was restless again.

【Don't worry, don't care, those are not your memories and past】

"What does this mean?"If it's not my memory and past, then what am I now in this place?

【Mom, I can't create a complete god. All I can do is randomly create life and plan the direction of life development. That is Abzu's power.】

"……"Speechless silence. She remembered that Tiamat had said that she was the child closest to her, created based on her. In a sense, she was now a complete deity close to the God of Creation. This was completely different from what she had said.

【"Mom, I can't create gods directly, let alone copy myself. Your birth is a miracle." Tiamat conveyed the voice from the heart, explaining the origin of the protagonist."The core of you is a meteor wandering in the imaginary space. It has no entity, and it seems to have the ability to copy the nature of things it touches."

At this moment, the protagonist felt mixed emotions and murmured in a low voice:"In other words, these memories are just copied from someone I have touched, not that I originally have these memories."

【Mom doesn't know what the core has copied, and I don't care about it, because those are not things that really belong to you, but you were born through my hands, there is no doubt that you are my child. So, there is no need to doubt those memories and life that do not belong to you, your life has just started from my hands.】

"So that's how it is. The self I know is not the real me after all?"In the end, the past did not belong to me. No wonder I felt so uncomfortable. However, common sense is understandable, but why do I have memories of games and anime?

After thinking fruitlessly, the protagonist gave up thinking about this aspect and then took a deep breath.


"Well, forget it. Since the past does not belong to me, I can still create the future by myself."Thinking of this, she finally let go of this worry.

"Mother, can you tell me all this directly? Generally speaking, shouldn't you keep it secret for now and tell me when I grow up?"

【Why do you hide it? You are my child.���If you encounter any problems, mom will naturally help you solve them.】

"Well, how should I put it? I was a little overwhelmed when I suddenly knew my origins. I thought this kind of thing would not happen normally - no, it's nothing, I was affected by my past cognition. From the perspective of the gods, this should be a trivial matter. I worry too much."Rubbing his temple helplessly, he said:"Maybe I should really start to know myself again."

Bending down and scooping up a handful of chaos tide from the ground, the black mud tide in her hands changed various shapes as she wished, swords, spears, pens, ink, paper and inkstones, all kinds of things, but she couldn't fix them.

"It's hard to recognize myself as a human in this situation!"

Tiamat heard this and took her hands. The tide of chaos immediately gathered into a small egg. After a while, a lion cub, no bigger than the size of a palm, broke out of the shell in her hands.

【No matter how you think about yourself, I will always be your mother】


Then Tiamat clapped her hands and said,"It seems that your name should be chosen by your mother. What should it be?"……】

"Um... keep it short if you can, I'm not used to Mesopotamian names to be honest"

【Hehehe...how about calling me Iya? This is the name my mother thought about for a long time before deciding on.】

"It took less than ten seconds! And is it an illusion? Why is it that the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear it is a three-section stone pillar? I always feel like someone will swing it around. It would be better to just make a tone of"excellent""

【Yes! That's fine. Then You is your name. Come, let mom pat your head.】

"It's too casual. Can't you think about it carefully?"

【Protest is invalid……】

Under the loving touch of Tiamat, the protagonist finally has a new name—no, she finally begins the journey of her life.

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