A long, long time has passed since then - just kidding, there is no concept of time in the imaginary space. If you really want to count the time, it has only been a few weeks. The so-called long, long time is just the protagonist's personal feeling - this place literally has nothing. If Tiamat is not with her, the loneliness alone will drive her crazy

""Go! Xiaolan, pick it up." With a flick of her wrist, a bone with the same shape as in the animation flew out of the hands of the protagonist, You. A majestic lion jumped up and caught the bone the moment she let it go, then flipped in the air and shrunk its body. The majestic lion turned back into a cute lion cub the moment it landed, and then took the bone back.

You took the bone and repeated the process over and over again. This mythical beast born from the hands of Tiamat, Wugal the Lanshi, was almost trained by her to be like a dog. There was no way, life in the imaginary space was more boring than she expected, and this was already her rare entertainment.

Looking at the bone she received from Lanshi again, You frowned slightly. This was a bone she created with her power - no mysterious power, just a bone.

You has the same body configuration as Tiamat. In theory, she can do what Tiamat can do, but the actual application is very different. You can only create some dead objects, such as swords, ores, etc., but she has no way to deal with living things. The tide of chaos can't even turn a blade of grass into something in her hands. This bone is a rare progress in her learning the power of creation - at least it has something to do with living things.

Compared with her current mother Tiamat, she is far inferior. She can easily create a god. A spirit-level beast - although this beast is standing up and sticking out its tongue, expectantly waiting for her to throw out the bone. In this respect, it has become a qualified dog.

In order to make herself less bored, she once proposed to let Tiamat create more lives, but she refused because she didn't know what effect it would have on the protagonist - Tiamat explained that power must rely on excellence to take effect in the imaginary space, and she herself cannot exercise power in this imaginary space.

Once the power takes effect, there will be consumption, but she doesn't know what it will consume in this imaginary space, but the price must be paid by excellence.

To be paid for, as a mother, how can you let your child pay for your behavior?

This made You finally give up this idea.

Thinking of this, she sighed, put away the bone that was only of commemorative significance, and stroked the lion fiercely, as a resistance to her own fate - Tiamat would stroke her soon.

Unlike herself, Tiamat seemed to have no concept of loneliness.

She could be happy for the whole day as long as she was held in her arms.

For this reason, she often hugged her, and the application of power was consulted at that time.

But people's joys and sorrows are not the same.

Tiamat can hold her and be happy for the whole day, but she can't be happy for the whole day.

"When will this day end?"You sighed as she stroked the Lanshi she named Xiao Lan, until a ray of light passed through the realm created by Tiamat with the tide of chaos and hit her head.

"Bang——"There was a loud sound like morning bells and evening drums, and the protagonist's head was buzzing. Even with such an impact, she was only a little dazed, and her body did not shake at all. She could not help but sigh at the power of the divine body.

Xiao Lan quickly took the ball of light back. You took it and took a closer look. It turned out to be a golden cup. Then he was puzzled for a long time before he remembered what it was.

"Is this the Holy Grail? Why is it here?"

The Holy Grail in her hand is actually a little different from the one in the game. Compared to the plain golden cup in the game, this one is surrounded by a circle of pearls and jade. No wonder she was confused for a while before she recognized that this thing was the Holy Grail.

"ah——"Tiamat was attracted by the noise and came over. You subconsciously handed the Holy Grail to your mother, and then the accident happened.

When Tiamat's fingers touched the Holy Grail, the Holy Grail turned into a stream of light and disappeared from You's hand, wrapped around Tiamat, and then turned into a ball of light and flew away quickly.

"Huh?...Hey hey hey——!!!"

Yu looked at Tiamat being carried away by the Holy Grail and flew to an unknown distance. It took her a while to come to her senses and scream like a groundhog.

She had never thought that the God of Creation could be kidnapped in front of her eyes.

Tiamat, the Holy Grail, and leaving the imaginary space revolved in Yu's mind for a while, and she recalled what was going on.

"The Holy Grail must have been made by Goetia, right? So the Human Fever has begun, and my mother should have gone to the seventh singularity.……"Yuu muttered to himself while holding the lion cub.

"That's not right! Why am I left here? I don't want to stay in this damn place alone!" She came to her senses and wailed when she realized she was left behind, but before she could finish her wailing, a buzzing sound reached her ears and her feet began to feel light.

You immediately shut up and looked around.

The Chaos Tide, which was usually calm under your feet, began to ripple and was becoming more and more intense.

In order to create a comfortable environment for her children, Tiamat arranged this field, but because the power depends on You to work, Tiamat has been simulating the ecological environment of the earth to a limited extent, such as atmospheric flow and gravity.

But it seems that this place is about to collapse due to the departure of Tiamat.

Although You has the same power as Tiamat, Tiamat has always been able to control the earth's environment.

The same ability, but unfortunately she was not proficient in the application of power, so she could not take over the area set up by Tiamat herself.

At this time, You calmed down instead. She looked at the direction where Tiamat left, gritted her teeth, and imagined the rocket launching. Now she could not care about so much. If she continued to stay here, she would be exiled forever in place of her mother.

As she imagined, her body began to change. Her eyes became brighter, and the horns on both sides of her head began to grow and stretch behind her. Then the scales on her feet stretched out, and blue flames spurted out from the gaps. This was the flame formed by the eruption of magic.

After flying crookedly for a distance, You slightly adjusted his direction and headed towards Tiamat. She rushed over in the general direction where Tiamat disappeared with a whoosh.

Yu learned to fly in the shortest possible time. Not long after she left, the field constructed by the tide of chaos collapsed instantly, leaving behind a pool of mud that no longer had any properties, floating forever in this imaginary field.

Yu was chasing after the traces of Tiamat. Although she said so, she was actually just moving forward in one direction based on her own feelings.

The current situation reminded her of imaginary submarine travel, the mode of transportation used by the protagonists in the second part of the game FGO. She felt that if she was given a flat moon now, she could complete the entire process of imaginary submarine travel by herself and travel between any singularity and alien. Smell belt - unfortunately she doesn't have one, and now she can only think about it in her mind.

Probably because her body is the same as Tiamat's, there is an unknown connection between Yu and Tiamat. Not only can they sense each other's thoughts, but as long as she wants, she will roughly know the location of Tiamat in her heart. However, she flew for a long time according to her inner intuition and did not see Tiamat. Yu could only assume that she had been taken away from the imaginary space.

Now the problem comes to her, how can she leave the imaginary space?

I carefully recalled the settings of Guda and others about imaginary diving. It was too detailed and trivial to remember. I only remembered that it seemed that there must be a"fate" with the real world.

"No wonder Goetia was able to take his mother away from the imaginary space. The Holy Grail was originally in his hands, so he could naturally use this cause and effect to take his mother away. But I am in a dilemma. I have no connection with the Moon World."

"What is this? Is this the mythical version of"a tadpole looking for its mother"? Normally, shouldn't I leave the imaginary space first, and then my mother comes to find me? Why is it the other way around now?"Although You complained, she didn't intend to just ignore it, because Tiamat was her mother now, and she couldn't just sit there and watch her mother being used by Goetia and do nothing.

"Holy Grail, the only thing that comes to mind when it comes to this thing is the Holy Grail War, and the one that leaves the deepest impression on me is the Fourth War."Thinking about it, Yu paused, then sighed,"Thinking about it carefully, this memory doesn't seem to be mine, and I don't know why I only remember the contents of games and animations."

As soon as she finished speaking, her body began to emit a bright light, and the trend became stronger and stronger.

"Hmm? This is……"The abnormality of her body attracted her attention. She stopped abruptly while holding the cub and began to look at her glowing body.

Before You could think about it, the light had already enveloped the entire space around her. Then, a brilliant light shone in front of her eyes. The dazzling light instantly invaded her eyeballs. Her mind went blank and she lost all consciousness.

After You lost consciousness, the ball of light that enveloped her did not stop moving, but instead emitted waves of unknown fluctuations, causing ripples around her body. When the fluctuations reached the maximum, the whole scene was like an animation that had lost a frame. The previous moment, there was a storm, but the next moment, all the influences disappeared abruptly, leaving only a calm atmosphere.

"Pure silver and iron. The Duke who made a covenant with the cornerstone……"

He was a sinner, seducing the princess, murdering his colleagues, and causing the king to go on an expedition to another country, causing wars to break out and his country to fall. In any way, he was unworthy of the title of knight.

"I swear here that I am a good person in the world and I am the one who eliminates all evil in the world.……"

I should have had the same ideals as the king, but I was too weak to carry them out. I was one step late at the critical moment when the king needed me the most, and I couldn't even witness the king's end. In the end, I was punished, carrying the self-blame for the rest of my life, and I was never redeemed until my death.

""I will make your eyes dark and your heart violent. A prisoner of madness."

But this is far from enough. I have not been able to atone for my sins, and the crime of betraying the king has not been punished by the king himself.

If there is a miracle, if the Holy Grail is really the omnipotent cup as the legend says, as long as I can complete my own redemption, even if I degenerate into a madman, what does it matter?

"Entangled in the seven days of the three great words, the Wheel of Self-restraint appears, Guardian of the Balance!"

"My king, I——Puah!!!"

At this moment, the Matou residence

"Did I just bump into something?"


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