Outside Mount Yuanzang, the wise king Gilgamesh came to the tall assassin, but the assassin seemed not to notice him and ignored his arrival without any reaction. He just stared ahead quietly. His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the heavy rocks and see everything that was happening underground.

"I didn't expect that even a top assassin like you would come to be a babysitter. How is it, how do you feel?"

The Hero King did not look at the assassin, but asked himself while watching everything that happened in the underground cave from a thousand miles away.

He did not expect the assassin to answer his question, but the assassin replied to him calmly in a low voice."I came to this world as a monitor, and I am not here to act as a babysitter. Although the child is not a beast, he is the son of a beast and possesses the same authority and power as his mother. Even if he cannot fully exert it, the threat is no small at all. I don't care what the restraining force plans to do. I am only here to fulfill my duties."

"Is that so? Then I will take it as such. You are clearly asking for something from the other party, but you are so defensive on the other hand. That is why I despise the restraining force. Forget it. I am also an accomplice in this matter. I have no right to say anything more. So what is your conclusion from the surveillance along the way?"

"A pure heart follows its heart and is still spotless, but no one can predict her future."

After listening to the assassin's words, the Hero King closed his eyes and stopped looking at the situation at the Great Hole. This was the time for Yuu to deal with Matou Zouken and block the evil actions of this world.

"The ending was as expected, and it was time to wrap up. There was nothing left for me to do next, so it was time to go back. The rare vacation time ended so quickly. But I had done what I should have done, and I had gained what I should have gained. What was next was……"At this point, the Hero King seemed to have thought of something, and his mouth twitched,"Those goddesses will leave me a mess during this period of time."

Then the Hero King's body began to dissipate, and he left the scene on his own. The tall assassin just stared at the situation underground without moving, just like at the beginning.

On the other side, in the large underground cavity

"The power of creation? Then you are……"Yu's words temporarily put the three of them at ease, but Emiya Kiritsugu noticed that she seemed to have lightly mentioned something serious, so he wanted to confirm his guess with her with a shocked look on his face.

"I know what you guessed, but I can tell you with certainty that, unfortunately, you guessed wrong." Yu blinked at Emiya Kiritsugu and said playfully,"You can just guess about this kind of thing, but don't spread it around. Anyway, you will be the only one in trouble."

"……"Emiya Kiritsugu thought about it and realized that it was true, so he kept silent. Artoria watched from the side, pretending to be deaf to the conversation between the two. As for Tohsaka Tokiomi, he was a little far away, and his thoughts were all on the Holy Grail and the fate of his little daughter, so he didn't pay attention to the conversation here. Emiya

Kiritsugu no longer paid attention to other things, and walked towards Irisviel, who had completely closed herself off and no longer responded to the outside world. He came to Irisviel floating in the air on the altar and reached out to touch her cheek.

But before Emiya Kiritsugu's hand touched Irisviel's face, the other party's body, which was originally just a bright and shining brilliance, suddenly shone brightly, and the dazzling light instantly drowned Emiya Kiritsugu's sight. Everyone present, except Yu, subconsciously raised their hands to block their eyes.

This burst of light came and went quickly. When the dazzling light disappeared, Irisviel's body had already disappeared, and only a golden cup remained in place.

""Is that the Little Holy Grail?" Toshiomi Tōsaka murmured. Although he knew that the Holy Grail had been contaminated, he took two steps forward involuntarily out of his obsession.

Not only him, but also Emiya Kiritsugu and Altria had the same reaction. The moment the real Holy Grail appeared, they all couldn't help but want to fight for the Holy Grail. Perhaps they still had some luck in their hearts, and they had a mentality of not giving up until they reached the Yellow River.

But soon they all retreated. Among them, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was closest, even opened the double speed of the inherent time control and instantly opened up a distance of seven or eight meters.

Because the holy appearance of the Little Holy Grail only lasted for a short one or two seconds, and then a crazy, evil, and twisted breath gushed out from the inside. This breath was full of malice towards primates, and no one could ignore it.

A pillar of mud spurted out from the inside of the Little Holy Grail and splashed in all directions. The reason why Emiya Kiritsugu did not hesitate to use the magic of the inherent time control that was extremely burdensome to himself was to prevent himself from being stuck by the black mud that was splashed everywhere.

"This is……"Altria felt the breath of the black mud that made her soul core tremble at the sight of it, and she opened her mouth to say something, but You took over her words,"Didn't I tell you that this is the evil of this world? I have been reminding you for so long, you should have known it a long time ago."

"……, I know, but it's still a little hard to accept. After paying with Irisviel's life, this is what I got in the end. Even if I'm prepared, I can't help feeling sad when I should be sad." Altria closed her eyes slightly, and said with a slightly sad tone. Emiya Kiritsugu said nothing at the side, just staring at the small Holy Grail that his wife incarnated for a long time. Many unspeakable emotions emerged in his eyes, like heartache, like remembrance.

After a while, Emiya Kiritsugu suppressed all his emotions and returned to his identity as a magician killer. He asked in a rational and almost cold tone,"What will be the impact if this thing leaks out?"

You scratched his cheek and thought for a while, then replied:"It's a bit of an exaggeration to say that it can destroy all mankind. Humans are not so fragile that they can be easily destroyed by this thing, but once it leaks out, if it is not completely eliminated within the scope of Fuyuki, it will be no problem for a country to fall - a conservative estimate is that hundreds of millions of people will die."

"I see. I see."After Emiya Kiritsugu finished speaking, he raised his right hand engraved with the Command Seal.

Yu knew what he was going to do when he saw this action, and before Emiya Kiritsugu could speak, he said calmly:"If you want Saber to destroy it with a Noble Phantasm, then my advice is that it is best not to"


"Didn't I just tell you yesterday? The Lesser Holy Grail is only a key to open and secure the door.

Saber's sword strike did prevent the disaster from expanding, but it also lost the opportunity to completely resolve it.

It's also my fault that what I said just now was a little imprecise.

What came out of the Lesser Holy Grail was only a part of the evil of this world, and its true body is inside the Greater Holy Grail.

This mud column has been spraying for so long, didn't you notice that only a small part of it splashed on the periphery?" Having said that, You stretched out his finger and pointed to the top of the Lesser Holy Grail,"The main body is over there, and the door hasn't been fully opened yet.

It will probably take a while to resolve it.


Everyone looked in the direction where You's finger was pointing. At the top of the black mud spray, a black hole the size of a marble appeared there. Most of the black mud was absorbed into this hole, causing its size to constantly change, just like the beating of a human heart, but the overall trend is to change in the direction of getting bigger.

"What should I do?"Emiya Kiritsugu asked. In this situation, he didn't know what the result of his actions would be, so he had to put his hope on Yu.

"You just watch, I'll take care of this thing."

After saying that, You stretched out both hands into the void in front of her and made a tearing motion. Along with her motion, the surrounding tide of chaos sprayed out streams of water into the hole of the Holy Grail. While You was pulling outward with both hands, the hole above was also rapidly expanding. In the end, the people underground looked as if they were looking at a small black sun.

But the evil of this world seemed to know that the current situation was not in its favor. When the door was completely opened by You, a huge arm made of the black mud of the evil of this world grabbed towards You's body, trying to swallow her up while she opened the door.

Upon seeing this, Altria immediately protected her master behind her, and then she realized that she seemed to have ignored You, and was about to turn around to protect her in front of her. But at this time, a dazzling white light emanated from You's chest, as if opposing the black sun above his head, rendering You into a white sun.

When the black arm entered the range of the white light, it broke into pieces and dissipated as if it had encountered a natural enemy. At this moment, Yu's whole body was shining with white light, and all the colors on Zhen's body were covered by white. From a distance, her body seemed to be made of light, and her whole body exuded a sacred feeling.

Seeing this, Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't help but murmured,"Is this your ability?"

However, You was also curiously observing the changes in herself at this moment. The current situation was beyond her expectations. This was not the way she had originally planned to deal with it.

Then You felt that her body seemed to be flying uncontrollably towards the hole in the sky. She frowned slightly and thought for a while, and then she suddenly realized that the restraining force was a gift given to her by the Hero King Gilgamesh.

You remembered that the Hero King seemed to have said that it was a replica of all the information recorded on the realm record belt since the birth of civilization. The key to completely open it was the third law in the Holy Grail.

No wonder this change occurred. You thought so, and she guessed that it should be that the evil of this world leaked out at the same time as the breath of the third law. After You decided to accept this gift, it came into contact with the third law and it started to operate according to You's thoughts. After thinking clearly about the whole thing, You no longer rejected this force, and flew towards the direction of the Holy Grail along with this force.

Wherever the light went, the evil of this world collapsed. When You came in front of the Holy Grail, all the evil of this world and its breath disappeared. Clean - it was simply purified.

Then You came to the interior of the Holy Grail. It was a pure white space. The whole world was empty except for pure white. There was only a woman who looked exactly like Alice standing in the center of the world.

But she was not Alice, You was so sure, because just by looking at her from a distance, he could feel the ethereal temperament coming from the other person, which was something Alice did not have. From another perspective, the other person lacked the taste of a human, and her emotions were not as natural and rich as Alice's.

Justisa Lizleich von Einzbern, the android known as the Saint of Winter, was also the great magician who provided the Holy Grail. The magic circle of the Holy Grail War Ritual carved on the ground outside was the result of the combination of her magic circuit and the earth veins.

However, she only copied part of the personality program here. When she saw You coming, she just squatted slightly and performed a lady's etiquette to You, and then her entire existence turned into a ball of light and flew over, merging into You's chest.

"So straightforward? I haven't said anything yet."

You was stunned for a moment. Normally, shouldn't the other party communicate with her, ask her what her wishes are, and then disappear?

Scratching his head, You looked around the space, and after confirming that there was nothing else, he focused his energy on his sea of consciousness.

The third method has been engraved on his soul. If nothing unexpected happens, he will be able to activate this magic by himself as long as he provides magic power in the future. But then You discovered that this magic didn't seem to have any effect on his interference, which means that this magic can only be used on others, not on himself. Knowing the specificity of his own body, You was depressed for a few seconds and no longer kept it in mind.

You thought about it, isn't there a subject here that he could try it on?

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