At this moment, outside the Holy Grail, Kiritsugu Emiya and his party were observing the situation. It had been more than ten minutes since Yu entered the Holy Grail. Since then, the outside world had been calm. Even the evil aura left by the evil of this world had dissipated completely. The purple mist that depressed people disappeared, and was replaced by the white light that shone from the entire space of the underground large hole. Everyone illuminated by the white light felt a sense of calm and relaxation from the bottom of their hearts.

Thanks to this, Kiritsugu Emiya, the magician killer, suppressed the urge to blow up the scene.

However, with the purification of the evil of this world, Artoria at the scene had the hope that the Holy Grail would return to normal, and rekindled the hope of regaining the Holy Grail.

Even Toshiomi Tōsaka's mind became active, but because the wise king left on his own, he looked at Artoria, the only servant at the scene, and suppressed his thoughts.

However, in addition to paying attention to the situation at the scene, the master of Altria, Emiya Kiritsugu, showed more of a kind of vigilance towards the Holy Grail.

The previous situation of the Holy Grail made him waver in the function of this so-called omnipotent wish-granting machine, and now it is difficult to pin all his hopes on the Holy Grail as he did at the beginning.

Now his expectations for the Holy Grail have dropped to the lowest, and he is the one who least desires the Holy Grail among the three people present. Even more than fighting for the Holy Grail, he now wants to destroy it, even though the Holy Grail now seems to have returned to normal.

If Yu is not still inside the Greater Holy Grail and does not want to anger an unknown main god-level god, what he wants to do most now is to bury high explosives in this underground cavity.

At the same time, Emiya Kiritsugu was also confused.

After all, the Holy Grail was transformed by his wife Irisviel.

He had given up the Holy Grail in his heart and chose Irisviel before, so he asked Hisayu Maiya to go to Guanfuzi City to find the top puppet master to save people based on the information provided by Yu.

He had given up the Holy Grail once in his heart.

Unfortunately, fate played tricks on her, and Irisviel ultimately could not escape her fate.

He also witnessed the Black Holy Grail after it was contaminated, and began to question the function of the Holy Grail.

It was difficult for him to go down this path to the end.

In addition, he did not know how to explain everything to his daughter Illya after returning, so he was inevitably confused when he thought about it.

However, just when Kiritsugu Emiya was sad and confused, and the other two had different thoughts, a glowing figure fell from the hole opened by the Greater Holy Grail. When Kiritsugu Emiya saw this, he first looked at it in confusion, and then his pupils suddenly shook.

The figure who fell was his wife Irisviel. After confirming that the other party was indeed his wife, Kiritsugu Emiya ignored the load on his body in a hurry, activated the three-times-speed inherent time control, and caught the falling Irisviel before Artoria.

Artoria stretched out her hand and stood halfway, feeling extremely embarrassed for a moment.

"Kiritsugu, this is……"Irisviel woke up immediately. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw her husband looking at her with an expression that looked like he was crying but not crying. She raised her hand with great effort and tried to touch his cheek, but her hand was unable to continue when it was halfway extended, and it fell down weakly.

Emiya Kiritsugu grabbed Irisviel's right hand and placed it on his cheek, carefully feeling the warmth coming from Irisviel's hand.

"It's okay, Elly, everything is over. Can I go back with you? Bring Illya back, and live a good life somewhere where no one will disturb you. The Holy Grail doesn't matter anymore, and I will never let go of your hand again." After saying that, Emiya Kiritsugu hugged Irisviel in his arms, as if she was a phantom that would collapse at the slightest touch, and he was unwilling to let go.

At this moment, Emiya Kiritsugu was smiling, but his words were choking like crying.

What kind of tone and expression was that? Artoria found it a little difficult to understand, but she knew one thing, that is, the couple needed a quiet atmosphere where no one would disturb them at this moment.

So Artoria retreated silently to the edge, resting silently with her eyes closed and her swords in both hands.

Tōsaka Tokiomi was also tactful and didn't make a sound to disturb the two people hugging each other.

""Okay, when things are over here, let's go back and get Illya back." Although there are still many things that she didn't understand, Irisviel seemed to understand everything again when she felt her husband's hands tightly hugging her. She gently hugged Emiya Kiritsugu's neck and responded to her husband's words tenderly.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel hugged each other tightly, feeling the warmth of each other's bodies, as if they wanted to keep this moment forever.

Until Yu, who had been watching for a long time and half of his body stuck out of the hole above the Holy Grail, could no longer bear it.

"Well, I know you two have a lot to say and a lot of feelings to vent, but can you please go back and find a place where there is no one to slowly resolve it? By then, even if you two develop into something inappropriate for children, no one will say anything. Now, can you please move a little? It is not convenient for me to go down because you are blocking the way down there."

"ah——"Yu's sudden voice made Irisviel let out a rather cute scream. At this moment, she seemed to have recovered a lot of strength. She hurriedly pushed Emiya Kiritsugu away, making him roll on the ground twice before she got up in a slightly embarrassed manner.

Then Irisviel looked around and her face became even redder. She didn't pay much attention to her surroundings when she woke up before, and she only had eyes for Emiya Kiritsugu, so her behavior was so bold and intimate.

Now she found that Altria and Tohsaka Tokiomi were standing on the edge. Seeing that they closed their eyes and seemed to be resting, they didn't know that everything just now was seen by the two of them.

At this moment, Irisviel just wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Yu found the right time and jumped down with a snap, and then patted the non-existent dust on his body. In order to ease the embarrassment, Irisviel hurriedly stepped forward and asked, trying to change the subject,"Xiaoyou, what's going on? Even if I didn't feel it, I remember that I should have been refined into the Little Holy Grail. What's going on now? The one on the altar is...……"

Irisviel's attempt to change the subject worked, and Artoria and Tohsaka Tokiomi hurried over. They also wanted to know what the Holy Grail War was like.

Yuu glanced at Irisviel and ignored her attempt to change her focus. She herself couldn't tease Irisviel about this, so she simply explained,"That little Holy Grail is your original body. Your current body is the body I created using the third method."——"At this point, You had a conflicted expression on his face."——I will help you reshape a normal human body that is very ordinary in every sense."

No matter how you examine it from any angle, Alice's current physical state is that of an ordinary person, but this is not what You did deliberately. She did reshape Alice's body with the qualities of a transcendent in this world in the direction of soul materialization, but for some reason this action was rejected by her own power in the end. The

Chaos Tide directly swallowed up Alice's half-transformed spirit, and then gave her a normal body, even restoring her clothes exactly, and then threw her out of the Holy Grail space.

In this case, You couldn't ask for help. Irisviel explained that she had originally intended to reshape her into a body of a transcendent, but was prevented from doing so by her own power going out of control.

Strictly speaking, it can't be considered a runaway power, it's more like a rejection of one's own domain after being invaded by a lower-level power. The problem is that Yu is now completely unable to create life with the Chaos Tide, and Irisviel's condition is completely out of her control.

But Irisviel is very happy with this situation, she excitedly grabbed Yu's hands and asked,"Really, so I'm not a cyborg anymore, but a human like Kiritsugu?"

"Well, that's true." Yu thought about it and gave Irisviel a positive answer.

""That's great, thank you, Xiao You.

" Irisviel happily picked up You's petite body and spun around, which made Emiya Kiritsugu pale.

He didn't forget that You's real identity might be the main god in an unknown myth.

Irisviel's behavior could be considered blasphemy in the Age of Gods.

When thinking about the moody emotions of various gods in the mythological records, he was really afraid that You would suddenly fly into a rage and bring down the so-called divine punishment on everyone present.

But fortunately, You didn't get as furious as he expected, and just said to Irisviel helplessly,"Don't be like this, Irisviel,���I’m not a child - this seems a little wrong - anyway, don’t treat me like a child, you’re not a child anymore, don’t you feel ashamed?"

Upon hearing this, Irisviel really put Yu down, and then pinched her cheeks in front of Emiya Kiritsugu’s horrified eyes, pulling them apart with force,"Are you talking nonsense with your mouth? What do you mean by not a child anymore? If I really count my age, I’m only nine years old, nine years old! It’s a long time before I’m sixteen, I’m still a young and beautiful girl."

No, that’s not a girl, strictly speaking, she’s just a young girl. If it weren’t for the special case of being a cyborg, Emiya Kiritsugu could be sent to prison to pick up soap now. Yu complained in his heart

"Since you said you are not a child, how old are you now?"You stopped talking. He was born less than a month ago, but his age can be counted in days. If I tell this to Irisviel, I am afraid that her attitude towards me will become even more aggressive.

Fortunately, at this time, Tōsaka Tokiomi came to the rescue,"Sorry to interrupt your reminiscence. Forgive me for being abrupt, but there is something I want to know as the manager of the Fuyuki City Spiritual Vein and one of the three great families that constructed the Holy Grail War ritual. Can you tell me - is the Holy Grail still useful?"

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