The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1556: Let's open the house tonight.

This kind of her, let Luo Yibei be blocked up.

However, looking at her face that looked down on everything, his temper could not be sent.

He stared at her coldly for a moment, and picked up the tableware with a black face and started eating.

After a breakfast ended, he led Fang Chi Xia to meet several customers.

Fang Chixia's mission this time is still translation, but unlike the last time I went to the woods, this time is a translation of the Zhengjing Jingjing.

Luo Yibei let her translate, all related to Rongxi business.

She is also living in the Luo family for so long, Rong Xi's business, she is relatively easy to get started, translated, and familiar.

After a full day of translation, Luo Yibei probably had a fire in his heart, and he did not even stay in Nanfa. The plane flew back to the country of Y.

When they arrived, it was 10 o'clock in the evening.

Fang Chi Xia was almost at the moment of getting out of the airport, and suddenly he was paralyzed.

Luo Yibei and her together!

It’s time for this, and he certainly can’t let her leave alone.

If he followed her, then she had spent so much time thinking about moving things, wasn’t it in vain?

Fang Chixia thought about this and his mood was complicated.

In front of Luo Yi’s north, the person who was calling and talking to him seemed to be contacting the driver who came here to pick up the plane.

He did not look behind him, contacted the driver by phone, let people drive the car over, open the door and sit in it, his eyes turned to her still in the same place, indifferent command, "come up!"

Fang Chi Xia looked up at him and glanced at him.

She seems to be struggling with something that seems to be somewhat difficult to decide.

Silence for a while, suddenly raised his face, his eyes turned to him, his red lips twitched slightly, and then he said something that made Luo Yibei almost squatted.

She said, "Luo Yibei, we are going to the hotel to open the house tonight! I don't want to go back!"

Luo Yibei squatted and held his hand on the edge of the window. He looked at her with a gaze, and picked his eyebrows.

"Opening the house?" The two words of playfulness escaped from the side of the lips, and the sound was dragged a bit longer.

Fang Chixia knew that he was joking about himself, but he calmly reiterated, "Well, open the house!"

"Are you sure?" Luo Yibei eyebrows lightly lifted, looking at her leisurely, a look of interest.

"I'm sure." Fang Chixia walked toward him in a few steps, pulling the door and sitting on his side.

Go to the hotel, stay with him for one night and go to the company the next day.

When he arrived at the company, he couldn't look at her at any time. When she got off work, she couldn't make it. She walked a few minutes in advance and staggered with him.

Fang Chixia’s idea is to fight like this. What she wants is that her residence is not known to him.

As for what happened with him staying at the hotel for one night, she didn't really worry.

Both of them have lived in South France for two or three nights, and there is not much difference in one night.

Luo Yibei seems to be very interested in her proposal. Her lips are not traced, and her eyes turn to the driver in front. "Drive! Go to the nearest hotel!"

The driver slowly drove the car out of his words and carried the two away from the airport to go nearby.

Around the overnight road, the last stop is a very stylish resort in the suburbs.

After getting off the bus, Luo Yi went north, Fang Chixia followed, and the two went to the front desk one after the other, Luo Yibei was responsible for the housing procedures.

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